3 Sandwich Estimator
3.1 Sandwich Estimator - R Function
The code below gives an R function that returns the estimate of \(\beta\) using the GEE approach (denoted as \(\hat\beta_W\) in paper I) under the setup of a multivariate linear model as described by equation (1.1). The function also returns the sandwich estimator for the covariance matrix of the estimate of \(\beta\).
To use this function you need to copy the code (can click on clipboard symbol on top right corner of code chunk) and run it in R so that it is in your R environment. How to use this function is then illustrated by an example.
This sandwich_estimator()
function takes four inputs: model
, subjects
, data
and W
. The model
is used to describe the mean model and takes the same form as you would give a formula in lm()
. The subjects
variable is used to identify the variable in the data that labels the subjects. W
is then used to set the working covariance matrix. In paper II the working covariance matrix is denoted as (\(W^{-1}\)).
sandwich_estimator = function(model, subjects, data, W = NA){
model_formula = as.formula(model)
X = model.matrix(model_formula, data = data)
full_model_frame = model.frame(model_formula, data = data)
Y = model.response(full_model_frame)
W = diag(1, nrow = nrow(X))
beta_W = solve(t(X)%*%solve(W)%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%solve(W)%*%Y
sigma_i_comb = list()
for(i in levels(data[[paste(subjects)]])){
Y_i = Y[data[[subjects]] == i]
X_i = X[data[[subjects]] == i,]
sigma_i = (Y_i - (X_i %*% beta_W))
sigma_i = sigma_i[,1]
sigma_i = sigma_i %*% t(sigma_i)
sigma_i_comb[[paste(i)]] = sigma_i
sigma = bdiag(sigma_i_comb)
V_s = solve(t(X)%*%solve(W)%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%solve(W)%*%sigma%*%t(solve(t(X)%*%solve(W)%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%solve(W))
return(list("beta_W" = beta_W, "V_s" = V_s, "sigma_i_comb" = sigma_i_comb))
3.2 Wald Test using Sandwich Estimator - R Function
This sandwich_estimator_p_value()
function carries out a Wald test using the sandwich estimate outputted from the sandwich_estimator()
function, therefore both functions need to be in your R environment.
This function has an additional model_r
variable, and you should assign to it a formula with the variables removed that you want to test for significance for in the full model defined in the model
sandwich_estimator_p_value = function(model, model_r, subjects, data, W = NA){
sand_estimate = sandwich_estimator(model = model, subjects = subjects, data = data, W = W)
Beta_r_names =
colnames(model.matrix(model, data = data))[!(colnames(model.matrix(model, data = data)) %in%
colnames(model.matrix(model_r, data = data)))]
Beta_r = sand_estimate$beta_W[Beta_r_names,]
Wald_sand_stat = (Beta_r %*% solve(sand_estimate$V_s[Beta_r_names,Beta_r_names]) %*% t(t(Beta_r)))[1]
Wald_sand_stat_p_value = pchisq(q = Wald_sand_stat, df = length(Beta_r), lower.tail = FALSE)
return(list("Wald_sand_stat" = Wald_sand_stat, "Wald_sand_stat_p_value" = Wald_sand_stat_p_value, "Beta_r" = Beta_r))
3.2.1 Example - Cardiac Enzyme Dataset
In this example we look at the same dataset and mean model that was used in the example covered in Section 6.1 of paper II. We apply the sandwich_estimator()
function to output the sandwich estimator of the covariance matrix of the estimated fixed effects. Then use the sandwich_estimator_p_value()
to test for the inclusion of the interaction term between treatment and time in the model.
First of all we need to import the dataset. The code below imports the dataset from a GitHub repository, and converts a selection of the variables in the dataset to factors.
Cardiac_enzyme_data = read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DylanDijk/Simon-Skene-Mixed-Models-Tutorial/main/Data_Images_Figures/The%20Cardiac%20Enzyme%20Data%20-%20Reduced%20Data%20set.csv")
Cardiac_enzyme_data$dog = as.factor(Cardiac_enzyme_data$dog)
Cardiac_enzyme_data$trt = as.factor(Cardiac_enzyme_data$trt)
Cardiac_enzyme_data$time = as.factor(Cardiac_enzyme_data$time)
The code below runs the sandwich_estimator
Cardiac_enzyme_sandwich_estimate =
sandwich_estimator(model = atp ~ trt + time + trt:time,
subjects = "dog", data = Cardiac_enzyme_data)
After running this function we can then extract the estimate of \(\beta\) (beta_W
) and the sandwich estimate of \(\Sigma\) (V_s
The code below runs the sandwich_estimator_p_value()
Cardiac_enzyme_sandwich_wald_p_value =
sandwich_estimator_p_value(model = atp ~ trt + time + trt:time,
model_r = atp ~ trt + time,
data = Cardiac_enzyme_data, subjects = "dog")
And we get the following p-value:
Cardiac_enzyme_sandwich_wald_p_value1] 1.02213e-55 [
3.3 Adjusted Sandwich Estimator
The adj_sandwich_estimator()
function below computes the Wald \(F\)-statistic as described in Section 3 of paper I. The function uses the sandwich estimator computed by the sandwich_estimator()
function and therefore requires both of the previous functions to be in your R environment.
This function has the same input variables as the adj_sandwich_estimator_p_value()
adj_sandwich_estimator = function(model, model_r, subjects, data, W = NA){
sand_estimate = sandwich_estimator(model = model, subjects = subjects, data = data)
sand_stat = sandwich_estimator_p_value(model = model, model_r = model_r, subjects = subjects, data = data)
l = length(sand_stat$Beta_r)
K = list(length = l^2)
for(i in 1:l^2){
vec = rep(0, l^2)
if(((i - 1) %% (l + 1)) == 0){
for(j in 1:l^2){
if(((j - 1)) %% (l + 1) == 0){
vec[j] = 1
K[[i]] = vec
Beta_r_names = names(sand_stat$Beta_r)
K = do.call(rbind, K)
omega_hat = (diag(l^2) + K) %*%
(sand_estimate$V_s[Beta_r_names, Beta_r_names] %x%
sand_estimate$V_s[Beta_r_names, Beta_r_names]
X = model.matrix(model, data = data)
W = diag(1, nrow = nrow(X))
mod_based_est = solve(t(X) %*% solve(W) %*% X)
P_i = list()
for(i in levels(data[[subjects]])){
X_i = X[data[[subjects]] == i,]
P_i[[i]] =
t(X_i) %*% W[data[[subjects]] == i,data[[subjects]] == i] %*% sand_estimate$sigma_i_comb[[i]] %*%
W[data[[subjects]] == i,data[[subjects]] == i] %*% X_i
n = nrow(data)
P_hat = Reduce("+", P_i)/n
P_i_minus_P_hat = lapply(P_i, function(x){x - P_hat})
T_hat = Reduce("+",lapply(P_i_minus_P_hat, function(x){x %*% t(x)}))/(n*(n-1))
psi_hat = n^2 * (mod_based_est[Beta_r_names,] %x% mod_based_est[Beta_r_names,]) %*%
T_hat %*% t(mod_based_est[Beta_r_names,] %x% mod_based_est[Beta_r_names,])
v = sum(diag(psi_hat %*% omega_hat))/sum(diag(psi_hat %*% psi_hat))
F_Wald_adj_sand = (v - l + l)/(v * l) * sand_stat$Wald_sand_stat
F_Wald_adj_sand_p = pf(df1 = l, df2 = v - l +1, q = F_Wald_adj_sand, lower.tail = FALSE)
return(list("F_Wald_adj_sand" = F_Wald_adj_sand,
"F_Wald_adj_sand_p" = F_Wald_adj_sand_p))
3.3.1 Example
This example is analogue to the calculation of the p-value in subsection 3.2.1.
Cardiac_enzyme_adj_sandwich_wald_p_value =
adj_sandwich_estimator(model = atp ~ trt + time + trt:time,
model_r = atp ~ trt + time,
data = Cardiac_enzyme_data, subjects = "dog")
We get the following Wald \(F\)-statistic and p-value:
Cardiac_enzyme_adj_sandwich_wald_p_value1] 34.91697
Cardiac_enzyme_adj_sandwich_wald_p_value1] 0.1325053 [