4.2 Population distribution unknown and n≥30
If the underlying distribution is unknown, but the sample size is large (i.e. n≥30), then, from the Central Limit Theorem, we can assume:
For example, suppose a random sample of n=40 is taken from from a population with unknown distribution that has with μ=5 and σ2=1, and a sample mean is calculated. From the Central Limit Theorem, the distribution of the sample mean would be approximately: N(μ,σ2n)=N(5,140)=N(5,0.025).
Although, from the CLT, it is known that ¯X approximately follows the above distribution, for ease of notation and without loss of generality, from this point onwards we will use ∼ in place of approx.∼.
Your turn:
Suppose a random sample of n=40 is taken from a population with an unknown distribution that has μ=7 and σ2=2.52. What is the distribution of ¯X? ¯X∼...N(7, 0.15625)