2 Part 2. Run the detector/classifier

2.1 Part 2a. Feature extraction

# Specify the folder where the training data will be saved
TrainingDataFolderLocation <- "/Users/denaclink/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/gibbonRSampleFiles/TrainingDataFromRavenSelectionTables/"
TrainingDataMFCC <- MFCCFunction(input.dir= TrainingDataFolderLocation, min.freq = 400, max.freq = 1600,win.avg="standard")
#> [1] "processing sound event 1 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 2 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 3 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 4 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 5 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 6 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 7 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 8 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 9 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 10 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 11 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 12 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 13 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 14 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 15 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 16 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 17 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 18 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 19 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 20 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 21 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 22 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 23 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 24 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 25 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 26 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 27 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 28 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 29 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 30 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 31 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 32 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 33 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 34 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 35 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 36 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 37 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 38 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 39 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 40 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 41 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 42 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 43 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 44 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 45 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 46 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 47 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 48 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 49 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 50 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 51 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 52 out of 53"
#> [1] "processing sound event 53 out of 53"
TrainingDataMFCC$class <- as.factor(TrainingDataMFCC$class)

2.2 Part 2b. Run the detector/classifier using the ‘gibbonR’ function.

  TestFileDirectory <- '/Users/denaclink/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/gibbonRSampleFiles/GibbonTestFiles/'
  OutputDirectory <-  "/Users/denaclink/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/gibbonRSampleFiles/DetectAndClassifyOutput"
  dir.create(OutputDirectory,recursive = TRUE)
#> Warning in dir.create(OutputDirectory, recursive = TRUE):
#> '/Users/denaclink/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/gibbonRSampleFiles/DetectAndClassifyOutput' already
#> exists
          input.type = 'directory',
                    tune = TRUE,
                    target.signal = c("female.gibbon"),
                    min.freq = 400, max.freq = 1600,
                    minimum.separation =3,
                    n.windows = 9, num.cep = 12,
                    spectrogram.window =160,
                    pattern.split = ".wav",
                    min.signal.dur = 3,
                    max.sound.event.dur = 25,
                    maximum.separation =1,
                    probability.thresh.svm = 0.15,
                    probability.thresh.rf = 0.15,
                    wav.output = "FALSE",
                    output.dir =OutputDirectory,
#> [1] "Machine learning in progress..."
#> [1] "SVM in progress..."
#> [1] "SVM accuracy 98.1132075471698"
#> Time difference of 1.382857 secs
#> [1] "RF in progress..."
#> Call:
#>  randomForest(x = feature.df[, 2:ncol(feature.df)], y = feature.df$class) 
#>                Type of random forest: classification
#>                      Number of trees: 500
#> No. of variables tried at each split: 13
#>         OOB estimate of  error rate: 9.43%
#> Confusion matrix:
#>               female.gibbon noise class.error
#> female.gibbon            23     3  0.11538462
#> noise                     2    25  0.07407407
#> Time difference of 0.05543208 secs
#> [1] "Classifying for target signal female.gibbon"
#> [1] "Computing spectrogram for file S11_20180217_080003 1 out of 1"
#> [1] "Running detector over sound files"
#> [1] "Creating datasheet"
#> [1] "Saving Sound Files S11_20180217_080003 1 out of 1"
#> [1] "System processed 7201 seconds in 12 seconds this translates to 576.8 hours processed in 1 hour"
# Load necessary libraries
library(stringr)  # For string manipulation
library(caret)    # For machine learning and model evaluation
library(ggpubr)   # For data visualization
library(dplyr)    # For data manipulation
library(data.table) # For sorting the detections

# NOTE you need to change the file paths below to where your files are located on your computer

# KSWS Performance Binary --------------------------------------------------------

# Get a list of TopModel result files
TopModelresults <- list.files('/Users/denaclink/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/gibbonRSampleFiles/DetectAndClassifyOutput',
                              full.names = TRUE)

# Get a list of annotation selection table files
TestDataSet <- list.files('/Users/denaclink/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/gibbonRSampleFiles/SelectionTables/GibbonTestSelectionTables',
                          full.names = TRUE)

start.time.buffer <- 12
end.time.buffer <- 12

# Preallocate space for TopModelDetectionDF
TopModelDetectionDF <- data.frame()

# Loop through each TopModel result file
for (f in 1:length(TopModelresults)) {

  # Read the TopModel result table into a data frame
  TempTopModelTable <- read.delim2(TopModelresults[f])

  # Extract the short name of the TopModel result file
  ShortName <- basename(TopModelresults[f])
  ShortName <- str_split_fixed(ShortName, pattern = 'gibbonR', n = 2)[, 1]

  # Find the corresponding annotation selection table
  testDataIndex <- which(str_detect(TestDataSet, ShortName))

  if(length(testDataIndex) > 0 ){
  TestDataTable <- read.delim2(TestDataSet[testDataIndex])

  # Round Begin.Time..s. and End.Time..s. columns to numeric
  TestDataTable$Begin.Time..s. <- round(as.numeric(TestDataTable$Begin.Time..s.))
  TestDataTable$End.Time..s. <- round(as.numeric(TestDataTable$End.Time..s.))

  DetectionList <- list()
  # Loop through each row in TempTopModelTable
  for (c in 1:nrow(TempTopModelTable)) {
    TempRow <- TempTopModelTable[c,]

    # Check if Begin.Time..s. is not NA
    if (!is.na(TempRow$Begin.Time..s.)) {
      # Convert Begin.Time..s. and End.Time..s. to numeric
      TempRow$Begin.Time..s. <- as.numeric(TempRow$Begin.Time..s.)
      TempRow$End.Time..s. <- as.numeric(TempRow$End.Time..s.)

      # Determine if the time of the detection is within the time range of an annotation
      TimeBetween <- data.table::between(TempRow$Begin.Time..s.,
                                         TestDataTable$Begin.Time..s. - start.time.buffer,
                                         TestDataTable$End.Time..s. + end.time.buffer)

      # Extract the detections matching the time range
      matched_detections <- TestDataTable[TimeBetween, ]

      if (nrow(matched_detections) > 0) {
        # Set signal based on the Call.Type in matched_detections
        TempRow$signal <- 'Gibbon'
        DetectionList[[length( unlist(DetectionList))+1]] <-  which(TimeBetween == TRUE)
      } else {
        # Set signal to 'Noise' if no corresponding annotation is found
        TempRow$signal <- 'noise'

      # Append TempRow to TopModelDetectionDF
      TopModelDetectionDF <- rbind.data.frame(TopModelDetectionDF, TempRow)

  # Identify missed detections

  if (length( unlist(DetectionList)) > 0 &  length( unlist(DetectionList)) < nrow(TestDataTable) ) {

    missed_detections <- TestDataTable[-unlist(DetectionList), ]
    # Prepare missed detections data
    missed_detections <- missed_detections[, c("Selection", "View", "Channel", "Begin.Time..s.", "End.Time..s.", "Low.Freq..Hz.", "High.Freq..Hz.")]
    missed_detections <- missed_detections
    missed_detections$File.Name <- ShortName
    missed_detections$model.type <- 'SVM'
    missed_detections$probability <- 0
    missed_detections$signal <- 'Gibbon'

    # Append missed detections to TopModelDetectionDF
    TopModelDetectionDF <- rbind.data.frame(TopModelDetectionDF, missed_detections)

  if (length( unlist(DetectionList)) == 0) {

    missed_detections <- TestDataTable
    # Prepare missed detections data
    missed_detections <- missed_detections
    missed_detections$File.Name <- ShortName
    missed_detections$model.type <- 'SVM'
    missed_detections$probability <- 0
    missed_detections$signal <- 'Gibbon'

    # Append missed detections to TopModelDetectionDF
    TopModelDetectionDF <- rbind.data.frame(TopModelDetectionDF, missed_detections)



#>   Selection          View Channel Begin.Time..s. End.Time..s. Low.Freq..Hz. High.Freq..Hz.
#> 1         1 Spectrogram 1       1         15.231       20.911           400           1600
#> 2         2 Spectrogram 1       1         26.191       49.982           400           1600
#> 3         3 Spectrogram 1       1         51.342       56.542           400           1600
#> 4         4 Spectrogram 1       1         92.883      100.613           400           1600
#> 5         5 Spectrogram 1       1        102.303      144.125           400           1600
#> 6         6 Spectrogram 1       1        108.404      119.474           400           1600
#>             File.Name model.type probability signal
#> 1 S11_20180217_080003         RF       0.192  noise
#> 2 S11_20180217_080003         RF       0.472  noise
#> 3 S11_20180217_080003         RF        0.44  noise
#> 4 S11_20180217_080003         RF       0.414  noise
#> 5 S11_20180217_080003         RF         0.7  noise
#> 6 S11_20180217_080003        SVM       0.219  noise
#> [1] 86
#> Gibbon  noise 
#>     29     57

# Convert signal column to a factor variable
TopModelDetectionDF$signal <- as.factor(TopModelDetectionDF$signal)

# Display unique values in the signal column
#> [1] noise  Gibbon
#> Levels: Gibbon noise

# Define a vector of confidence Thresholds
Thresholds <-seq(0.1,1,0.1)

# Create an empty data frame to store results
BestF1data.frameGibbonBinary <- data.frame()

# Loop through each threshold value
for(a in 1:length(Thresholds)){

  # Filter the subset based on the confidence threshold
  TopModelDetectionDF_single <-TopModelDetectionDF

  TopModelDetectionDF_single$Predictedsignal <-
    ifelse(TopModelDetectionDF_single$probability  <=Thresholds[a], 'noise','Gibbon')

  # Calculate confusion matrix using caret package
  caretConf <- caret::confusionMatrix(
    as.factor(TopModelDetectionDF_single$signal),positive = 'Gibbon',
    mode = 'everything')

  # Extract F1 score, Precision, and Recall from the confusion matrix
  F1 <- caretConf$byClass[7]
  Precision <- caretConf$byClass[5]
  Recall <- caretConf$byClass[6]
  FP <- caretConf$table[1,2]
  TN <- sum(caretConf$table[2,])#+JahooAdj
  FPR <-  FP / (FP + TN)
  # Create a row for the result and add it to the BestF1data.frameGreyGibbon
  #TrainingData <- training_data_type
  TempF1Row <- cbind.data.frame(F1, Precision, Recall,FPR)
  TempF1Row$Thresholds <- Thresholds[a]
  BestF1data.frameGibbonBinary <- rbind.data.frame(BestF1data.frameGibbonBinary, TempF1Row)
#> Warning in confusionMatrix.default(as.factor(TopModelDetectionDF_single$Predictedsignal), : Levels are
#> not in the same order for reference and data. Refactoring data to match.
#> Warning in confusionMatrix.default(as.factor(TopModelDetectionDF_single$Predictedsignal), : Levels are
#> not in the same order for reference and data. Refactoring data to match.

#>            F1 Precision     Recall        FPR Thresholds
#> F1  0.5043478 0.3372093 1.00000000 1.00000000        0.1
#> F11 0.6000000 0.4426230 0.93103448 0.57627119        0.2
#> F12 0.6478873 0.5476190 0.79310345 0.30158730        0.3
#> F13 0.6071429 0.6296296 0.58620690 0.14492754        0.4
#> F14 0.6086957 0.8235294 0.48275862 0.04166667        0.5
#> F15 0.5714286 0.9230769 0.41379310 0.01351351        0.6
#> F16 0.5128205 1.0000000 0.34482759 0.00000000        0.7
#> F17 0.3428571 1.0000000 0.20689655 0.00000000        0.8
#> F18 0.1290323 1.0000000 0.06896552 0.00000000        0.9
#> F19        NA        NA 0.00000000 0.00000000        1.0

GibbonMax <- round(max(na.omit(BestF1data.frameGibbonBinary$F1)),2)

# Metric plot
GibbonBinaryPlot <- ggplot(data = BestF1data.frameGibbonBinary, aes(x = Thresholds)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = F1, color = "F1", linetype = "F1")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Precision, color = "Precision", linetype = "Precision")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Recall, color = "Recall", linetype = "Recall")) +
  labs(title = paste("Gibbon automated detection (binary) \n max F1:",GibbonMax),
       x = "Confidence",
       y = "Values") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("F1" = "blue", "Precision" = "red", "Recall" = "green"),
                     labels = c("F1", "Precision", "Recall")) +
  scale_linetype_manual(values = c("F1" = "dashed", "Precision" = "dotted", "Recall" = "solid")) +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank())+
  labs(color  = "Guide name", linetype = "Guide name", shape = "Guide name")

#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range (`geom_line()`).
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range (`geom_line()`).