Kapittel 4 Formelle universitetspedagogiske kvalifikasjoner

kompetansebevis universitetspedagogikk eller annen pedagogisk utdanning

4.1 Universitetspedagogisk utdanning

I løpet av 2019 har jeg fullført «Basismodulen» (10 ECT) for nytilsatte i vitenskapelige stillinger, og to påbygningsmoduler, en i muntlig presentasjon (5 ECT) og en i forskningsveiledning (5 ECT; se kompetansebevis C.1 i Appendiks C.

Som en av oppgavene i Basismodulen har jeg gjennomført et utviklings- og forskningsarbeid knyttet til min undervisning i faget PROPSY315 Samfunnpsykologi hvor jeg er emneansvarlig. Arbeidet er dokumentert og beskrevet i en artikkel med tittel “In-class Student Activities in a Community Psychology Course”, publisert som et working paper i Bergen Open Research Archive (BORA), og tilgjengelig for nedlasting. Abstract er gjengitt under:

Introduction. Lecturing methods centered around teachers may be less effective teaching tools than approaches utilizing more student-active learning forms. The current study investigates implementation of more active learning forms in selected lectures in a community psychology class taugth at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen. Methods. Personal reflections and student evaluations from two sucessive semesters, one prior to the implementation (nT1 = 24) and one following the implementation (nT2 = 25) were used to evaluate how students perceived the changes in learning forms. Results. Students at T1 perceived the lectures to be quite relevant () with the traditional lecturing methods, but some identified a need for more student activities. At T2, students provided higher relevance ratings to the set of lectures that had been modified, and identified that xxx and yy in their feedback. Discussion. Student evaluations indicate that the change to more active learning forms were associated with increased student perceptions of relevance. Personal impressions were mixed; it was positive that students were more engaged and active during lectures, but existing norms for class preparation time poses a threath to continued development of lectures to increase student investment, motivation and potentially performance.