Chapter 4 Metadata standardisation

The images produced by camera traps alone are useless. We need to keep accurate records of how the data were collected, labelled, and manipulated if we are to achieve the goal of synthesizing data from multiple projects. Thus, metadata is simply “data that provides information about other data”.

The benefits of ‘standardizing’ the metadata associated with camera traps, or other sensors of biodiversity, are hopefully clear - it should facilitate the rapid and robust exploration, analysis and sharing of information on wildlife populations. Ultimately resulting in more robust, repeatable, and timely research and management decisions.

4.1 The Wildlife Insights Minimum Metadata Standards

The convention we use in this course is the data standards used by Wildlife Insights.

Their standard format is composed of four different elements:

  • Project data proj.csv a dataframe containing key information about the project itself, e.g. how the cameras were deployed and what the target features were.
  • Image data img.csv a dataframe containing all of the information contained within each image. This information is typically added by humans, but increasing we are using artificial intelligence to speed up this process.
  • Deployment data dep.csv a dataframe listing the activity of the camera traps involved in your study, and any issues encountered during deployments which may influence their analysis
  • Camera data cam.csv a dataframe all the cameras deployed in the project

Below we give a quick summary and explanation of each.

First, read in the data files:

pro <- read.csv("data/raw_data/example_data/proj.csv", header=T)
img <- read.csv("data/raw_data/example_data/img.csv", header=T)
dep <- read.csv("data/raw_data/example_data/dep.csv", header=T)
cam <- read.csv("data/raw_data/example_data/cam.csv", header=T)

Let’s look at each one in turn.

4.1.1 Project data

The project files contains a general description of the project. It should give someone a helicopter overview of your project, and provide the data usage guidelines.

project_id AlgarRestorationProject
project_name AlgarRestorationProject
project_short_name Algar
project_objectives Investigate medium-large bodied mammal habitat use in response to human recreation spatially and temporally
project_species NA
project_species_individual NA
project_sensor_layout Stratified
project_sensor_layout_targeted_type Seismic lines
project_bait_use No
project_bait_type NA
project_stratification Seismic line restoration treatements and controls
project_stratification_type Offline, HumanUse
project_sensor_method Sensor.Detection
project_individual_animals NA
project_blank_images yes
project_sensor_cluster NA
project_admin Cole Burton
project_admin_organization University of British Columbia
country_code NA
embargo NA
initiative_id NA
metadata_license NA
image_license NA
data_citation Beirne, Christopher, Catherine Sun, Erin R. Tattersall, Joanna M. Burgar, Jason T. Fisher, and A. Cole Burton. Multispecies modelling reveals potential for habitat restoration to re‐establish boreal vertebrate community dynamics. Journal of Applied Ecology 58, no. 12 (2021): 2821-2832.
count_optional no
project_type image

4.1.2 Image data

This file contains the image labels - what is in each picture and its properties. Each image you have processed is linked to at least one row in the detection data. Multiple rows may exist if there are multiple species in a camera trap image, or if you are identifying multiple unique individuals.

project_id deployment_id image_id filename location is_blank identified_by wi_taxon_id class order family genus species common_name uncertainty timestamp number_of_objects age sex animal_recognizable individual_id individual_animal_notes behavior highlighted markings cv_confidence license placename group_size temperature
AlgarRestorationProject ALG027_2018-04-11 Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-01.JPG Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-01.JPG NA 0 ERT NA Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Lynx canadensis NA NA 2018-04-13 13:51:01 1 Adult NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ALG027 1 NA
AlgarRestorationProject ALG027_2018-04-11 Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-02.JPG Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-02.JPG NA 0 ERT NA Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Lynx canadensis NA NA 2018-04-13 13:51:02 1 Adult NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ALG027 1 NA
AlgarRestorationProject ALG027_2018-04-11 Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-03.JPG Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-03.JPG NA 0 ERT NA Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Lynx canadensis NA NA 2018-04-13 13:51:03 1 Adult NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ALG027 1 NA
AlgarRestorationProject ALG027_2018-04-11 Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-06.JPG Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-06.JPG NA 0 ERT NA Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Lynx canadensis NA NA 2018-04-13 13:51:06 1 Adult NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ALG027 1 NA
AlgarRestorationProject ALG027_2018-04-11 Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-07.JPG Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-07.JPG NA 0 ERT NA Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Lynx canadensis NA NA 2018-04-13 13:51:07 1 Adult NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ALG027 1 NA
AlgarRestorationProject ALG027_2018-04-11 Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-09.JPG Algar27__2018-04-13__13-51-09.JPG NA 0 ERT NA Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Lynx canadensis NA NA 2018-04-13 13:51:09 1 Adult NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ALG027 1 NA

4.1.3 Deployment data

This is the camera deployment data - where the deployment occurred, when it started, when it ended and other relevant information about each unique deployment.

project_id deployment_id placename longitude latitude start_date end_date bait_type bait_description feature_type feature_type_methodology camera_id camera_name quiet_period camera_functioning sensor_height height_other sensor_orientation orientation_other plot_treatment plot_treatment_description detection_distance subproject_name subproject_design event_name event_description event_type recorded_by
AlgarRestorationProject ALG027_2018-04-11 ALG027 -112.4735 56.33280 2018-04-11 2018-11-15 None NA HumanUse NA NA NA 1 Camera Functioning 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA Restoration NA NA NA NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject ALG027_2018-11-15 ALG027 -112.4735 56.33280 2018-11-15 2019-04-03 None NA HumanUse NA NA NA 1 Camera Functioning 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA Restoration NA NA NA NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject ALG027_2019-04-03 ALG027 -112.4735 56.33280 2019-04-03 NA None NA HumanUse NA NA NA 1 Camera Functioning 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA Restoration NA NA NA NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject ALG029_2018-04-07 ALG029 -112.5483 56.39474 2018-04-07 2018-11-15 None NA HumanUse NA NA NA 1 Camera Functioning 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA Restoration NA NA NA NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject ALG029_2018-11-15 ALG029 -112.5483 56.39474 2018-11-15 2019-04-02 None NA HumanUse NA NA NA 1 Camera Functioning 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA Restoration NA NA NA NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject ALG029_2019-04-02 ALG029 -112.5483 56.39474 2019-04-02 2019-11-20 None NA HumanUse NA NA NA 1 Camera Functioning 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA Restoration NA NA NA NA NA

4.1.4 Camera inventory

An inventory of all the cameras used in the project. Ideally, each camera would be represented in the deployment data. This technically isn’t 100% necessary to analyse your dataset, although there are some scenarios where it might help.

project_id camera_id camera_name make model serial_number year_purchased
AlgarRestorationProject 1 C0001 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 2 C0002 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 3 C0003 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 4 C0004 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 5 C0005 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 6 C0006 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 7 C0007 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 8 C0008 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 9 C0009 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 10 C0010 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 11 C0011 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 12 C0012 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 13 C0013 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 14 C0014 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 15 C0015 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 16 C0016 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 17 C0017 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 18 C0018 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 19 C0019 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA
AlgarRestorationProject 20 C0020 NA Reconyx Hyperfire 2 NA NA

4.1.5 Important note

These are simply the minimum sheets you require - we derive a lot of other useful data frames when moving from raw camera data to analyzable camera data. See the Creating analysis dataframes section for further examples.

Further Reading

Forrester, T. et al. An open standard for camera trap data. Biodivers. Data J. 4, (2016).

Meek, P. D., et al. “Recommended guiding principles for reporting on camera trapping research.” Biodiversity and conservation 23.9 (2014)

RISC Wildlife Camera Metadata Protocol