
to programming with R!
I hope learning to code will change your life like it did mine :).

Since 2012, I teach R courses with great joy, see brry.github.io.
This website is here to help you start your coding journey.

My main slidedeck (in a single PDF) is avalaible through two openHPI courses. These have autograded exercises and are fairly suitable to learn R on your own. Feel free to book me as a trainer in addition.
- German, ca 20-50 hours
- English, ca 30-70 hours

There is also material for a course taking a few hours.
My old slides are still directly available.

A few notes on this website:
The source code is available at github.com/brry/course.
In case the table of content on the left is not shown, click the four bars at the top.
Pro tip: the arrow left/right keys jump between chapters.