Chapter 5 Multi-Layer NN Model

This chapter presents the final functional-programming model. Uses functions to define ‘neural networks’, perform forward propagation, and perform gradient descent. Section at the end details future components that could be added in.

5.1 Generate Data

For now, having 3 inputs and combining them to create y, with a random error term. Would like to tweak the setup eventually.

## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'purrr' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'stringr' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'forcats' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'lubridate' was built under R version 4.2.3
## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
## ✔ dplyr     1.1.3     ✔ readr     2.1.4
## ✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.0
## ✔ ggplot2   3.4.3     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
## ✔ lubridate 1.9.3     ✔ tidyr     1.3.0
## ✔ purrr     1.0.2     
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
## create data:
m <- 1000
n_1_manual <- 3
n_L_manual <- 1

# initialize Xs
X <- data.frame(X1 = runif(n = m, min = -10, max = 10),
                X2 = rnorm(n = m, mean = 0, sd = 10),
                X3 = rexp(n = m, rate = 1)) %>%
  as.matrix(nrow = m,
            ncol = n_1_manual)

# get response
Y <- X[, 1] + 10 * sin(X[, 2])^2 + 10 * X[, 3] + rnorm(n = 1000)

# fix dims according to NN specs
X <- t(X)
Y <- t(Y)

# Create line chart for each variable
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))  # Set up plotting layout
for (i in 1:3) {
  plot(X[i, ], type = "l", main = paste("Line Chart for", rownames(X)[i]),
       xlab = "Observation", ylab = "Value")

# Create histogram for each variable
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))  # Reset plotting layout
for (i in 1:3) {
  hist(X[i, ], main = paste("Histogram for", rownames(X)[i]),
       xlab = "Value", ylab = "Frequency", col = "skyblue", border = "black")

# Create histogram for Y variable
hist(Y, main = "Histogram for Y", xlab = "Value", ylab = "Frequency", col = "skyblue", border = "black")

# Select a subset of Y values to display on the dot chart
subset_Y <- Y[seq(1, length(Y), by = 10)]  # Adjust the 'by' value as needed to control the density

# Create dot chart for Y variable with subset of values
dotchart(subset_Y, main = "Dot Chart for Y", xlab = "Value", ylab = "Observation")

5.2 Functions

5.2.2 Loss Functions

## Specify Loss Functions & Derivatives
get_loss_function <- function(type = "squared_error") {
  if (type == "squared_error") {
    loss <- function(y_hat, y) {sum((y_hat - y)^2)}
  } else if (type == "absolute_error") {
    loss <- function(y_hat, y) {sum(abs(y_hat - y))}
  } else if (type == "binary_cross_entropy") {
    loss <- function(y_hat, y) {-(y * log(y_hat) + (1-y) * log(1 - y_hat))}
  } else if (type == "categorical_cross_entropy") {
    loss <- function(y_hat, y) {-sum(y * log(y_hat))}
  } else (return(NULL))


get_loss_prime <- function(type = "squared_error") {
  if (type == "squared_error") {
    loss_prime <- function(y_hat, y) {sum(2 * (y_hat - y))}
  } else if (type == "absolute_error") {
    loss_prime <- function(y_hat, y) {sum(sign(y_hat - y))}
  } else if (type == "binary_cross_entropy") {
    loss_prime <- function(y_hat, y) {-((y / y_hat) - ((1 - y) / (1 - y_hat)))}
  } else if (type == "categorical_cross_entropy") {
    loss_prime <- function(y_hat, y) {-sum(y / y_hat)}
  } else (return(NULL))


5.2.3 Misc Helpers

## creates a list of n empty lists
create_lists <- function(n) {
  out <- list()
  for (i in 1:n) {
    out[[i]] <- list()

## friendlier diag() function
diag_D <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 1) {
        out <- x
      } else {
        out <- diag(as.numeric(x))

generate_layer_sizes <- function(X,
                                 hidden_layer_sizes) {
  return(c(nrow(X), hidden_layer_sizes, nrow(Y)))
initialize_NN <- function(layer_sizes,
                          activation_function = "sigmoid",
                          last_activation_function = "identity",
                          lower_bound = 0,
                          upper_bound = 1) {
  n <- layer_sizes
  ## initialize parameter matrices
  W <- list()
  b <- list()
  ## could vectorize w/ mapply()
  for (l in 2:length(n)) {
    W[[l]] <- matrix(data = runif(n = n[l - 1] * n[l],
                                  min = lower_bound,
                                  max = upper_bound),
                     nrow = n[l],
                     ncol = n[l - 1])
    b[[l]] <- matrix(data = runif(n = n[l],
                                  min = lower_bound,
                                  max = upper_bound),
                     nrow = n[l],
                     ncol = 1)
  ## return
  return(list(W = W,
              b = b,
              activation_function = activation_function,
              last_activation_function = last_activation_function))

5.2.4 Forward Propagation

NN_output <- function(X,
                      NN_obj) {
  L <- length(NN_obj$W)
  ## if X is one obs, input will be a vector so dim will be null
  m <- ifelse(is.null(ncol(X)),
  g <- get_link(NN_obj$activation_function)
  g_last <- get_link(NN_obj$last_activation_function)
  a <- list()
  a[[1]] <- X
  for (l in 2:(L - 1)) {
    a[[l]] <- g(NN_obj$W[[l]] %*% a[[l - 1]] + matrix(data = rep(x = NN_obj$b[[l]],
                                                                 times = m),
                                                      ncol = m))
  a[[L]] <- g_last(NN_obj$W[[L]] %*% a[[L - 1]] + matrix(data = rep(x = NN_obj$b[[L]],
                                                                    times = m),
                                                         ncol = m))

5.2.5 Gradient Descent Iteration

GD_iter <- function(NN_obj,
                    rho = 1,
                    verbose = FALSE,
                    very_verbose = FALSE) {
  L <- length(NN_obj$W)
  ## if X is one obs, input will be a vector so dim will be null
  m <- ifelse(is.null(ncol(X)),
  ## get links
  g <- get_link(NN_obj$activation_function)
  g_prime <- get_link_prime(NN_obj$activation_function)
  g_last <- get_link(NN_obj$last_activation_function)
  g_last_prime <- get_link_prime(NN_obj$last_activation_function)
  z <- create_lists(L)
  a <- create_lists(L)
  D <- create_lists(L)
  delta <- create_lists(L)
  del_W <- create_lists(L)
  del_b <- create_lists(L)
  ## gradient descent
  for (i in 1:m) {
    ## forward
    a[[1]][[i]] <- X[, i]
    for (l in 2:(L - 1)) {
      z[[l]][[i]] <- NN_obj$W[[l]] %*% a[[l - 1]][[i]] + NN_obj$b[[l]]
      a[[l]][[i]] <- g(z[[l]][[i]])
      D[[l]][[i]] <- diag_D(g_prime(z[[l]][[i]]))
      if (very_verbose == TRUE) {print(paste0("Forward: obs ", i, " - layer ", l))}
    ## last layer
    z[[L]][[i]] <- NN_obj$W[[L]] %*% a[[L - 1]][[i]] + NN_obj$b[[L]]
    a[[L]][[i]] <- g_last(z[[L]][[i]])
    D[[L]][[i]] <- diag_D(g_last_prime(z[[L]][[i]]))
    ## backward
    # eventually fix to match with loss function
    delta[[L]][[i]] <- D[[L]][[i]] %*% (a[[L]][[i]] - Y[, i])
    for (l in (L - 1):2) {
      delta[[l]][[i]] <- D[[l]][[i]] %*% t(NN_obj$W[[l + 1]]) %*% delta[[l + 1]][[i]]
      if (very_verbose == TRUE) {print(paste0("Backward: obs ", i, " - layer ", l))}
    for (l in 2:L) {
      del_W[[l]][[i]] <- delta[[l]][[i]] %*% t(a[[l - 1]][[i]])
      del_b[[l]][[i]] <- delta[[l]][[i]]
      if (very_verbose == TRUE) {print(paste0("del: obs ", i, " - layer ", l))}
    if ((verbose == TRUE) & (i %% 100 == 0)) {print(paste("obs", i, "/", m))}
  ## update parameters
  # get averages
  ## del_W is a list where each element represents a layer
  ## in each layer, there's a list representing the layer's result for that obs
  ## here we collapse the results by taking the sum of our gradients
  del_W_all <- lapply(X = del_W,
                      FUN = Reduce,
                      f = "+") %>%
    lapply(X = .,
           FUN = function(x) x / m)
  del_b_all <- lapply(X = del_b,
                      FUN = Reduce,
                      f = "+") %>%
    lapply(X = .,
           FUN = function(x) x / m)
  # apply gradient
  W_out <- mapply(FUN = function(A, del_A) {A - rho * del_A},
                  A = NN_obj$W,
                  del_A = del_W_all)
  b_out <- mapply(FUN = function(A, del_A) {A - rho * del_A},
                  A = NN_obj$b,
                  del_A = del_b_all)
  ## return a new NN object
  return(list(W = W_out,
              b = b_out,
              activation_function = NN_obj$activation_function,
              last_activation_function = NN_obj$last_activation_function))

5.2.6 Perform Gradient Descent

GD_perform <- function(X,
                       rho = 0.01,
                       loss_function = "squared_error",
                       threshold = 1,
                       max_iter = 100,
                       print_descent = FALSE) {
  ## setup
  done_decreasing <- FALSE
  objective_function <- get_loss_function(type = loss_function)
  iteration_outputs <- list()
  output_objectives <- numeric()
  iteration_input <- init_NN_obj
  iter <- 1
  initial_objective <- objective_function(y = Y,
                                          y_hat = NN_output(X = X,
                                                            NN_obj = init_NN_obj))
  if (print_descent == TRUE) {
    print(paste0("iter: ", 0, "; obj: ", round(initial_objective, 1)))
  while ((!done_decreasing) & (iter < max_iter)) {
    ## get input loss
    in_objective <- objective_function(y = Y,
                                       y_hat = NN_output(X = X,
                                                         NN_obj = iteration_input))
    ## iterate
    iteration_output <- GD_iter(NN_obj = iteration_input,
                                X = X,
                                Y = Y,
                                rho = rho,
                                verbose = FALSE,
                                very_verbose = FALSE)

    ## outputs
    out_objective <- objective_function(y = Y,
                                        y_hat = NN_output(X = X,
                                                          NN_obj = iteration_output))
    iteration_input <- iteration_output
    iteration_outputs[[iter]] <- iteration_output
    output_objectives[[iter]] <- out_objective
    if (print_descent == TRUE) {
      print(paste0("iter: ", iter, "; obj: ", round(out_objective, 1)))
    iter <- iter + 1
    ## evaluate
    if (abs(in_objective - out_objective) < threshold) {
      done_decreasing <- TRUE
  return(list(final_NN = iteration_output,
              intermediate_NN = iteration_outputs,
              output_objectives = output_objectives,
              initial_objective = initial_objective,
              params = list(rho = rho,
                            loss_function = loss_function,
                            initial_NN = init_NN_obj)))

5.2.7 Summary Functions

GD_plot <- function(GD_obj) {
    data.frame(x = 1:length(GD_obj$output_objectives),
               y = GD_obj$output_objectives) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = x,
               y = y)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(x = "Iteration",
         y = "Loss")

GD_summary <- function(GD_obj,
                       print_summary = TRUE) {
  ## num iter
  num_iter <- length(GD_obj$output_objectives)
  ## loss improvement
  initial_objective <- GD_obj$initial_objective %>% round(1)
  final_objective <- last(GD_obj$output_objectives) %>% round(1)
  loss_improvement_ratio <- (final_objective / initial_objective)  %>% round(4)
  if (print_summary == TRUE) {
    ## prints
    cat(paste0("Gradient Descent Summary:", "\n",
               "  |", "\n",
               "  |  Number of Iterations: ", num_iter, "\n",
               "  |", "\n",
               "  |  Initial Objective: ", initial_objective, "\n",
               "  |  Final Objective: ", final_objective, "\n",
               "  |  Ratio: ", loss_improvement_ratio, "\n", "\n"))
    cat(paste0("----------------------------------------", "\n",
               "Initial W:", "\n", "\n"))
    cat(paste0("----------------------------------------", "\n",
               "Final W:", "\n", "\n"))
    cat(paste0("----------------------------------------", "\n",
               "Initial b:", "\n", "\n"))
    cat(paste0("----------------------------------------", "\n",
               "Final b:", "\n", "\n"))
  return(list(num_iter = num_iter,
              initial_objective = initial_objective,
              final_objective = final_objective,
              loss_improvement_ratio = loss_improvement_ratio))

5.3 Test

## initialize NN
init_NN <- initialize_NN(layer_sizes = generate_layer_sizes(X = X,
                                                            Y = Y,
                                                            hidden_layer_sizes = c(3)),
                         activation_function = "relu",
                         last_activation_function = "identity",
                         lower_bound = 0,
                         upper_bound = 1)

## train NN
GD_NN <- GD_perform(X = X,
                    Y = Y,
                    init_NN_obj = init_NN,
                    rho = 0.001,
                    loss_function = "squared_error",
                    threshold = 100,
                    max_iter = 1000,
                    print_descent = FALSE)

final_NN <- GD_NN$final_NN

## Summaries
NN_sum <- GD_summary(GD_obj = GD_NN)
## Gradient Descent Summary:
##   |
##   |  Number of Iterations: 191
##   |
##   |  Initial Objective: 263416.2
##   |  Final Objective: 17117.9
##   |  Ratio: 0.065
## ----------------------------------------
## Initial W:
## [[1]]
##           [,1]      [,2]       [,3]
## [1,] 0.4182675 0.8921468 0.49738693
## [2,] 0.7286515 0.6905177 0.02857887
## [3,] 0.4923099 0.2184576 0.54485904
## [[2]]
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
## [1,] 0.4103758 0.1371677 0.3502349
## ----------------------------------------
## Final W:
## [[1]]
##             X1          X2        X3
## [1,] 0.2587752  0.08983633 1.3329531
## [2,] 0.9177578  0.18485338 0.3675904
## [3,] 0.2064217 -0.04623663 2.5839747
## [[2]]
##          [,1]      [,2]     [,3]
## [1,] 1.061978 0.3738754 2.736289
## ----------------------------------------
## Initial b:
## [[1]]
##           [,1]
## [1,] 0.7412821
## [2,] 0.7319258
## [3,] 0.9590049
## [[2]]
##            [,1]
## [1,] 0.09492421
## ----------------------------------------
## Final b:
## [[1]]
##           [,1]
## [1,] 0.9374168
## [2,] 0.8067441
## [3,] 1.4714041
## [[2]]
##           [,1]
## [1,] 0.5693721

5.3.1 Other

## get_layer_size function
get_layer_sizes <- function(NN_obj) {
  n_1 <- ncol(NN_obj$W[[2]])
  n_H <- sapply(NN_obj$W[-1],
  return(c(n_1, n_H))
layer_sizes_test <- get_layer_sizes(final_NN)

5.4 Cross Validation


# Number of folds for cross-validation
k <- 5
max_iter <- 100  # Set the maximum number of iterations for gradient descent

# Initialize vectors to store training and validation losses
train_losses <- matrix(NA, nrow = max_iter, ncol = k)
valid_losses <- matrix(NA, nrow = max_iter, ncol = k)

# Perform 5-fold cross-validation
for (fold in 1:k) {
  ## Define fold indices for X and Y separately
  fold_indices_X <- ((fold - 1) * ncol(X) / k + 1):(fold * ncol(X) / k)
  fold_indices_Y <- ((fold - 1) * ncol(Y) / k + 1):(fold * ncol(Y) / k)

  ## Splitting the data into train and validation sets for X and Y
  X_valid_fold <- X[, fold_indices_X]
  Y_valid_fold <- Y[, fold_indices_Y, drop = FALSE]
  X_train_fold <- X[, -fold_indices_X]
  Y_train_fold <- Y[, -fold_indices_Y, drop = FALSE]
  # Perform gradient descent on the training set for this fold
  GD_NN <- GD_perform(X = X_train_fold,
                      Y = Y_train_fold,
                      init_NN_obj = init_NN,
                      rho = 0.001,
                      loss_function = "squared_error",
                      threshold = 100,
                      max_iter = 1000,
                      print_descent = FALSE)
  # Evaluate the model on the validation set for this fold
  objective_function <- function(y, y_hat) {
    return(get_loss_function(type = "squared_error")(y_hat, y))
  for (epoch in 1:max_iter) {
    train_loss <- objective_function(y = Y_train_fold,
                                     y_hat = NN_output(X = X_train_fold,
                                                       NN_obj = GD_NN$intermediate_NN[[epoch]]))
    valid_loss <- objective_function(y = Y_valid_fold,
                                     y_hat = NN_output(X = X_valid_fold,
                                                       NN_obj = GD_NN$intermediate_NN[[epoch]]))
    train_losses[epoch, fold] <- train_loss
    valid_losses[epoch, fold] <- valid_loss

# Plot training and validation losses
epoch <- 1:max_iter
train_loss_mean <- apply(train_losses, 1, mean)
valid_loss_mean <- apply(valid_losses, 1, mean)

df_loss <- data.frame(epoch = epoch,
                      train_loss = train_loss_mean,
                      valid_loss = valid_loss_mean)

ggplot(data = df_loss, aes(x = epoch)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = train_loss, color = "Train Loss")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = valid_loss, color = "Validation Loss")) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("Train Loss" = "blue", "Validation Loss" = "red")) +
  labs(x = "Epoch", y = "Loss", color = "Loss Type") +
  ggtitle("Training and Validation Losses") +

5.5 Next Steps

In the future:

  • need some sort of divergence check / pick ‘best so far’ output
  • vis for gradient descent — pick 2 vars and for every combo of those 2, plot the objective function
  • vis for gradient descent — show the evolution of the var through gradient descent over iterations
  • NN overall vis & perhaps animation
  • multi-dimensional output (cat / 1-hot)
  • different cost functions (softmax squared-error & cross-entropy)
  • ‘from scratch’ from scratch — mmult and maybe further lol
  • get ‘best-case’ / perfect objective function (if data creation process known)
  • stochastic gradient descent, minibatches (what gets passed down to GD_iter from GD_perform)
  • regularization methods & CV-validation