Chapter 6 New Forms of Literacy

The integration of AI into our personal and spiritual lives calls for the development of new forms of literacy, skills for discernment, and practices to counteract personal bias. The goal is to become active participants in shaping the digital tools and talismans of this new age, rather than merely consuming content passively. By doing so, we can transform our engagement with technology into a meaningful and spiritually enriching endeavor.

Developing New Skills for Discernment and Dissipation of Glamour

6.1 The Need for New Literacy

  1. Digital Literacy:
    • Definition: The ability to effectively use digital tools and platforms to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information.
    • Skills Needed: Critical thinking, ethical understanding, and technical proficiency in navigating and utilizing AI and ML systems.
  2. Discernment:
    • Definition: The ability to judge well and differentiate between useful and misleading information.
    • Skills Needed: Analytical thinking, awareness of cognitive biases, and the ability to verify sources and validate data.
  3. Dissipation of Glamour (Personal Bias):
    • Definition: The ability to recognize and overcome personal biases that cloud judgment and perception.
    • Skills Needed: Self-awareness, reflective practices, and techniques for objective analysis.

6.2 Embedding Learning into Digital Talismans

6.2.1 Creating AI-Enhanced Talismans

  1. Personalized Knowledge Repositories:
    • Function: Store and organize personal spiritual insights, learnings, and experiences.
    • Example: An AI-driven journal that captures your reflections and provides insights based on past entries, helping you see patterns and growth over time.
  2. Interactive Learning Tools:
    • Function: Facilitate interactive and immersive learning experiences.
    • Example: A virtual mentor or guide that offers personalized spiritual teachings and practices based on your unique journey and needs.
  3. Community and Collaboration Platforms:
    • Function: Enable sharing and collaboration among like-minded individuals.
    • Example: Online forums or social platforms enhanced by AI that foster community discussions, shared learnings, and collective wisdom.

6.3 Application in Daily Life

6.3.1 Practical Steps to Become Doers of the Word

  1. Active Engagement:
    • Practice: Engage actively with digital tools by creating, sharing, and collaborating rather than merely consuming.
    • Example: Write regularly in a digital journal, participate in online discussions, and contribute your insights to collaborative projects.
  2. Continuous Learning:
    • Practice: Commit to lifelong learning by continuously updating your skills and knowledge.
    • Example: Take courses on digital literacy, critical thinking, and AI ethics. Regularly read and reflect on spiritual texts and technological advancements.
  3. Reflection and Action:
    • Practice: Combine reflection with action to ensure that your learning translates into meaningful deeds.
    • Example: After reflecting on a spiritual teaching, identify practical ways to apply it in your daily life and set actionable goals.

6.4 Becoming Doers of the Word

“But be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 23 For if any be a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he beholdeth himself, and then goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. 25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.” -JC, James I from KJV 21st Century

  • Scriptural Guidance: The passage from James emphasizes the importance of being not just hearers but doers of the Word, urging us to internalize and act upon what we learn.
  • Application to AI/ML:
    • Becoming Doers: Use AI tools to deepen your understanding and take actionable steps towards personal and spiritual growth.
    • Mirror Analogy: Just as one must not forget their reflection, one must continually engage with their digital and spiritual reflections to foster growth and transformation.

6.5 Conclusion

The integration of AI into our spiritual and personal lives calls for new forms of literacy and skills. By developing discernment and dissipating personal biases, we can actively shape the digital tools and talismans of this new age. This approach encourages us to be doers of the Word, applying our learnings to create positive outcomes. Through continuous learning, reflection, and action, we can ensure that our engagement with technology is both meaningful and transformative, aligning with the timeless wisdom of becoming active participants in our spiritual journeys.