Chapter 7 Professional Exchange Bringing together professionals from different organizations and geographical locations facilitates knowledge diffusion, collaboration, and professional interaction (Chai & Freeman, 2019). Research has shown that “diverse collaborative networks” enhance innovation and complex problem-solving (Biancani et al., 2014). The ATE program has two funding tracks that support activities to catalyze professional exchange. One such track supports coordination networks, which facilitate collaboration and communication about research, training, and education across disciplines, organizations, and geographical boundaries. The other track provides funding for conferences, meetings, and events to improve understanding of advanced technological education issues (National Science Foundation (NSF), 2021, p. 9). ATE PIs whose projects hosted conferences or similar events were asked to identify the names and purposes of the events and the number of attendees. Those engaged in network coordination were asked to identify the purpose of their networks.

7.1 Coordination Networks Three percent of ATE projects indicated coordination networks as a primary purpose of their grant.

Ten ATE projects indicated that developing and facilitating coordination networks was the primary purpose of their grant.

  • National Center for Autonomous Technologies has partnered with the Federal Aviation Administration to help lead the Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Collegiate Training Initiative. UAS-CIT is a consortium of higher-education institutions that shared educational philosophy and content resources to create a uniform standard of education for uncrewed aircraft systems.
  • Advanced Technological Education Coordination Network for Knowledge Sharing in Robotics/Automation and Cybersecurity intends to facilitate the sharing of best practices about how to develop community college students’ knowledge and skills in robotics/automation and cybersecurity.
  • Advanced Technological Education Network for Utilities and Energy Technical Education facilitated relationships and resource sharing between educators, industry leaders, and workforce developers focused on closing the workforce gap in the energy industry.
  • The IT Innovation Network (ITIN) is comprised of community colleges who will participate in a community of practice (CoP) to benchmark best practices and emerging ideas to advance IT education nationally.
  • National Cybersecurity Training & Education (NCyTE)’s academic and industry partner membership is a large consortium network (ecosystem) contributing to advancing the quality and quantity of the cybersecurity workforce.
  • Collaborative Research: Revolutionizing Electric Vehicle Education is designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating battery electric vehicle (BEV) curricula. They will build networks and provide professional development addressing the new BEV sector and future PI development.
  • Mount San Antonio College is coordinating a network of four-year colleges to enhance access to research facilities and mentorship for their students.
  • NEVTEX NEXT is a network of 15 community colleges developing electric vehicle programs.
  • The Necessary Skills Now Network facilitates collaboration between educators and employers to improve the employability skills of entry-level technicians in STEM fields.
  • National Electric Vehicle Consortium (NEVC) promotes the interaction of a critical mass of academic, agency, and industry experts across all EV disciplines to help secure the nation’s EV workforce pipeline.

7.2 Conferences and Meetings Three percent of ATE projects engaged in organizing a conference or meeting for the purpose of professional exchange in 2023.

One ATE project was explicitly funded to coordinate conferences or meetings in 2023. Six additional projects hosted conferences in 2023. These 7 projects hosted a total of 15 conferences or meetings, with attendance that ranged from 3 to 810 people. ATE PIs identified the purposes of these events as networking and professional development, disseminating best practices, and bringing together stakeholders from industry and education.

Projects that organized conference or meeting events in 2023 included:

  • Preparing Cybersecurity Technicians with the Technical and Entrepreneurial Skills Required to Work as Independent Contractors hosted an event called “Sheros: Protecting Business Systems.”
  • Manufacturing Talent Development Innovation Laboratory hosted a Manufacturing Momentum Summit.
  • Enhancing Preparation of Students for Technical Careers in Cloud Computing Technologies organized an event called “IT READY!”
  • Map Your Success hosted a GIS Day.
  • Advancing STEM Technician Education & Innovation: The Community College Leadership Role hosted the 2023 ATE PI Conference.
  • NEVTEX Next hosted five events that facilitated professional exchange among 15 colleges.


Biancani, S., McFarland, D. A., & Dahlander, L. (2014). The semiformal organization. Organization Science, 25(5), 1306–1324.
Chai, S., & Freeman, R. B. (2019). Temporary colocation and collaborative discovery: Who confers at conferences. Strategic Management Journal, 1–27.
National Science Foundation (NSF). (2021). Advanced technological education program solicitation (NSF21-598). Washington, DC: Author.