Chapter 3 Standardizing Data

df <- format_data(GCaMP)

3.1 Reasons to standardize data

There are a few reasons to standardize your data before exploring your data.

1. Signal differs between subjects

  • Regardless of the specific technologies used, there is almost always differences in signal strength for each subject

2. Signal differs between trials

  • The strength of recording signal tends to decay over time

3. Utilizing baseline values

  • Using transformations such as percent change allows you to center the data at an objective value
  • After centering your trial and post-trial data, the data is interpreted as relative to baseline values
  • The baseline period is typically assumed to be a “resting” period prior to exposure to the experimental manipulation. This means that using standardization methods (particularly z-scores) also takes baseline deviations into consideration.

3.2 Methods of standardization

A little alteration in how we compute z-scores can make a significant difference.

3.2.1 z-scores

Standard z-score transformations work the same way with time series data as with any other. The formula:

  1. centers every value (x) at the mean of the full time series (mu)
  2. divides it by the standard deviation of the full time series (sigma).

zi=xiμσ where...μ=mean of full trial period,σ=standard deviation of full trial period

This results in the same time series in terms of standard deviations from the mean, all in the context of the full time series. R Code

z.scores <- z_score(xvals = df$Trial8,
                    mu = mean(df$Trial8), # manual input of mu/sigma optional;
                    sigma = sd(df$Trial8)) # used for example purposes Visualization

3.2.2 baseline z-scores

Using the pre-event baseline period as the input values for computing z-scores can be useful in revealing changes in neural activity that you may not find by just comparing pre-trial and trial periods. This is in part because baseline periods tend to have relatively low variability.

As you can see from the formula, a lower standard deviation will increase positive values and decrease negative values - thus making changes in neural activity more apparent.

baseline zi=xiˉxbaselinesbaseline where...ˉxbaseline=mean of values from baseline period,sbaseline=standard deviation of values from baseline period

This results in a time series interpreted in terms of standard deviations and mean during the baseline period. Baseline z-scores are conceptually justifiable because the standard deviation is then the number of deviations from the mean when a subject is at rest. The values outside of the baseline period will be different using this version, but not within the baseline period. R Code

### Extract baseline values
baseline.vals <- df$Trial8[df$Time >= -4 & df$Time <= 0]

### Compute z-scores
z.scores.baseline <- z_score(xvals = df$Trial8,
                             mu = mean(baseline.vals),
                             sigma = sd(baseline.vals)) Visualization

3.2.3 modified z scores

Waveform data fluctuates naturally. But in the event of a change in activity due to external stimuli, signal variation tends to rapidly increase and/or decrease and becomes unruly.

modified zi=0.6745(xi˜x)MAD where...˜x=sample median,MAD=median absolute deviation R Code

z.scores.modified <- z_score(xvals = df$Trial8, 
                             z.type = 'modified') Visualization

3.3 z-score comparison

3.3.1 Visualization

3.3.2 Summary table

3.4 Examples

3.4.1 Example 1

Standardize trial 8 so that the units are in terms of standard deviations from the mean of the full time series.

z_score(xvals = df$Trial8,
        z.type = 'standard')

3.4.2 Example 2

Standardize trial 8 so that the units are in terms of standard deviations from the mean of the pre-event period.

We can do this manually for each trial.

### Manual
baseline.vals <- df$Trial8[df$Time >= -4 & df$Time <= 0] # extract baseline values
baseline.z <- z_score(xvals = df$Trial8,
                      mu = mean(baseline.vals), # mean of baseline
                      sigma = sd(baseline.vals), # sd of baseline
                      z.type = 'standard')

Or we can use the baseline_transform wrapper.

baseline.zdf <- baseline_transform(dataframe = df,
                                   trials = 8,
                                   baseline.times = c(-4, 0),
                                   type = 'z_standard')

Both methods will result in the same values.

all(baseline.zdf$Trial8 - baseline.z == 0)
## [1] TRUE

3.4.3 Example 3

Standardize trial 8 so that the units are in terms of deviations from the median of the full time series.

z_score(xvals = df$Trial8,
        z.type = 'modified')

3.4.4 Example 4

Convert trial 8 so that the units are in terms of percent change from the mean of the pre-event period.

We can do this manually for each trial.

### Manual
baseline.vals <- df$Trial8[df$Time >= -4 & df$Time <= 0] # extract baseline values
perc.change <- percent_change(xvals = df$Trial8,
                              base.val = mean(baseline.vals))

Or we can use the baseline_transform wrapper.

perc.changedf <- baseline_transform(dataframe = df,
                                    trials = 8,
                                    baseline.times = c(-4, 0),
                                    type = 'percent_change')

Both methods will result in the same values.

all(perc.changedf$Trial8 - perc.change == 0)
## [1] TRUE