Chapter 8 Advanced options

8.1 Custom regional summaries

Yes, you can calculate the trend and trajectories for custom combinations of strata, such as a formal trend estimate for populations of Barn Swallow in the South East portion of their range (e.g., BCRs 21,24,25,26,27,35,36, and 37).

8.1.1 Define the custom regions as a collection of the existing strata.

First extract a dataframe that defines the original strata used in the analysis.

st_comp_regions <- get_composite_regions(strata_type = "bbs_cws")
prov_state region area_sq_km national bcr Province_State Country bcr_by_country
AB CA-AB-10 52565 CA 10 Alberta Canada Canada-BCR_10
AB CA-AB-6 445136 CA 6 Alberta Canada Canada-BCR_6
AB CA-AB-8 6987 CA 8 Alberta Canada Canada-BCR_8
AB CA-AB-11 149352 CA 11 Alberta Canada Canada-BCR_11
AK US-AK-1 9551 US 1 ALASKA United States of America United States of America-BCR_1
AK US-AK-2 283405 US 2 ALASKA United States of America United States of America-BCR_2

Then add a column to the dataframe that groups the original strata into the desired custom regions.

st_comp_regions$SouthEast <- ifelse(st_comp_regions$bcr %in% c(21,24:27,35:37),"SouthEast","Other")

8.2 Exporting the JAGS model

You can easily export any of the bbsBayes models to a text file.

model_to_file(model = "slope",
              filename = "my_slope_model.txt")

This is the best way to confirm all of the priors, and model structures.

8.3 Customizing the JAGS model and data

You can also modify the model text (e.g., try a different prior) and run the modified model

run_model <- function(... ,
                      model_file_path = "my_modified_slope_model.txt",
                      ... )

Or, you could add covariates. For example a GAM smooth to estimate the effect of the day of year on the observations, or an annual weather covariate, or… Then add the relevant covariate data to the jags_data object, and you’re off!

Here’s a GitHub repo with an example of a modified bbsBayes model. The modified model includes a series of GAM smooths to account for variation in counts over the course of the BBS observation season (mid-May through early July). In addition these seasonal smooths are allowed to vary by decade to account for possible shifts in phenology through time.

8.4 Comparing Models

Finally, bbsBayes can be used to run cross-validations. For example, the get_final_values() function is useful to provide an efficient starting point for a cross-validation runs, without having to wait for another full burn-in period.

Paper that includes an example of how to implement a cross-validation using bbsBayes.

Ornithological Applications: Supplement:

NOTE: although bbsBayes includes functions to calculate WAIC, recent work has shown that WAIC performs very poorly with the BBS data ( We recommend a k-fold cross-validation approach, as in the above zenodo archive.