
Create a Posit Connect User from LDAP or OAuth2

The following snippets search for a user in LDAP or OAuth2 and then create a Posit Connect account for that user.


There are three steps:

  1. Search for the user via the GET /v1/users/remote endpoint.
  2. Note the temp_ticket for the desired user account.
  3. Use the PUT /v1/users endpoint with the temp_ticket to create a corresponding account on Posit Connect.

Search for a User

First, search for the user via the GET /v1/users/remote endpoint:


# The CONNECT_SERVER URL must have a trailing slash.
connectServer <- Sys.getenv("CONNECT_SERVER")
connectAPIKey <- Sys.getenv("CONNECT_API_KEY")

# set the search parameter
prefix <- "julie"

# make the query request
response <- GET(
  paste0(connectServer, "__api__/v1/users/remote"),
  add_headers(Authorization = paste("Key", connectAPIKey)),
  query = list(prefix = prefix)

results <- content(response)$results

# print the results of the API call
formatGuid <- function(guid) {
  if (is.null(guid)) {
  } else {

for (user in results) {

The output looks like the following:

Julie   Goolly  julie1      15f5f51d-08ff-4e5b-beba-4ccf24e248dd
Julie   Jolly   julie2      NULL

Let’s break this down:

  • In this particular case, there are two users matching the search for the prefix julie:
    • julie1
    • julie2
  • The user julie1 has a GUID value, which means that this user already has an account in Posit Connect.
  • The user julie2 does not have a GUID value, which means that this user does not have an account in Posit Connect.

Additionally, included in the API response for each user is a temp_ticket value that can be used to give the user an account in Posit Connect.

In the example above, the second user, julie2, needs an account, so you will need that user’s temp_ticket:

tempTicket <- results[[2]]$temp_ticket

You can use this tempTicket value in the next section to create the account.

Create a Posit Connect User Account

Using the tempTicket value from the previous section, you can give the user a Posit Connect account with a PUT /v1/users request:


# The CONNECT_SERVER URL must have a trailing slash.
connectServer <- Sys.getenv("CONNECT_SERVER")
connectAPIKey <- Sys.getenv("CONNECT_API_KEY")

# The 'tempTicket' value comes from an earlier /users/remote search.

response <- PUT(
  paste0(connectServer, "__api__/v1/users"),
  add_headers(Authorization = paste("Key", connectAPIKey)),
  body = list(temp_ticket = tempTicket),
  encode = "json"


When the call succeeds, the response will contain a non-NULL GUID value, which is a unique identifier for the user account.

If the user already exists in Connect, the response will contain an error:

[1] "The requested username is already in use."