5 Atomics

5.1 Strings

5.1.1 Basic string operations

  1. Paste/concatenate strings.

    stringr::str_c("a", "b", NA, NaN, NULL, factor("lalala"), character(0))
    #> [1] NA
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    paste("a", "b", NA, NaN, NULL, factor("lalala"), character(0), sep = "")
    #> [1] "abNANaNlalala"
  2. Treat NA’s as strings ("NA").

    stringr::str_replace_na(c(NA, NaN, factor("lalala"), character(0)))
    #> [1] "NA"  "NaN" "1"
    # note that the `c` function coerces the factor to its integer representation
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    base_replace_na <- function(x) {ifelse(is.na(x), "NA", x)}
    base_replace_na(c(NA, NaN, factor("lalala"), character(0)))
    #> [1] "NA"  "NaN" "1"
  3. Count the number of letters in a string.

    stringr::str_length(c("four", NA, NaN, NULL, factor("lalala")))
    #> [1]  4 NA  3  1
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    nchar(c("four", NA, NaN, NULL, factor("lalala")))
    #> [1]  4 NA  3  1
  4. Return the last letter of a string, subset a string.

    stringr::str_sub(c("five", "six"), -1)
    #> [1] "e" "x"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    substr(c("five", "six"), 
           start = nchar(c("five", "six")), 
           stop = nchar(c("five", "six")))
    #> [1] "e" "x"
  5. Repeat/replicate/duplicate a string several times.

    stringr::str_dup("_a_", 5)
    #> [1] "_a__a__a__a__a_"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    paste(rep("_a_", 5), collapse = "")
    #> [1] "_a__a__a__a__a_"
  6. Remove/trim spaces at the beginning (leading) and/or end (trailing) of a string.

    stringr::str_trim(c("  2left_1right ", "   "), side = c("left"))
    #> [1] "2left_1right " ""
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    # ^\\s+|\\s+$ is the regex for one or more spaces in the beginning
    # or one or more spaces at the end
    gsub("^\\s+", "", c("  2left_1right ", "   "))
    #> [1] "2left_1right " ""
  7. Fill/pad spaces (or other characters) before and/or after a string.

    stringr::str_pad(c("lalala", ""), width = 7)
    #> [1] " lalala" "       "
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
      vapply(c("lalala", ""), 
             function(x) if(nchar(x) < 7) {
               paste0(rep(" ", 7 - nchar(x)), x, collapse = "")
               } else {x},
    #> [1] " lalala" "       "
  8. Sort strings for example, by a different local alphabetic order.

    # The vowels come before the consonants in Hawaiian
    stringr::str_sort(letters[1:10], locale = "haw")
    #>  [1] "a" "e" "i" "b" "c" "d" "f" "g" "h" "j"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    # one can use `sort()`, but one has to know the specific locale
  9. Return the order of stringelements within a specific alphabet

    # The vowels come before the consonants in Hawaiian
    stringr::str_order(letters[1:10], locale = "haw")
    #>  [1]  1  5  9  2  3  4  6  7  8 10
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    # one can use `sort()`, but one has to know the specific locale
  10. Change the encoding of a string

    # Example from encoding?stringi::stringi
    x <- rawToChar(as.raw(177))
    #> [1] "±"
    stringr::str_conv(x, "ISO-8859-2") # Polish "a with ogonek", (run this line in RStudio)
    #> [1] "a"
    stringr::str_conv(x, "ISO-8859-1") # Plus-minus
    #> [1] "±"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  11. Return the first two words of a string

    stringr::word("Hello, how are you?", 1, 2)
    #> [1] "Hello, how"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  12. Format a string (change width, indentaion, …).

    cat(stringr::str_wrap("Hello, how are you?", width = 10, indent = 0, exdent = 2))
    #> Hello, how
    #>   are you?
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________

5.1.2 Pattern matching

  1. Does a string contain a specific sequence of characters?

    stringr::str_detect(c("my number is 110", "call 911"), "\\d{3}")
    #> [1] TRUE TRUE
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    grepl("\\d{3}", c("my number is 110", "call 911"))
    #> [1] TRUE TRUE
  2. Return every string that contains a specific sequence of characters?

    stringr::str_subset(c("my number is 110", "call 911"), "\\d{3}")
    #> [1] "my number is 110" "call 911"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    grep("\\d{3}", c("my number is 110", "call 911"), value = TRUE)
    #> [1] "my number is 110" "call 911"
  3. Return the (first) start and end index of substrings within a string?

    # use stringr::str_locate_all to get a matrix of all start and end indexes
    stringr::str_locate(c("my 112 number is 110", "call 911"), c("\\d{3}"))
    #>      start end
    #> [1,]     4   6
    #> [2,]     6   8
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    # Use gregexpr to construct something similar to str_locate_all
    matches <- regexpr("\\d{3}", c("my 112 number is 110", "call 911"))
    # formatting
    match_lengths <- attr(matches, "match.length")
    attributes(matches) <- NULL
    match_indices <- matrix(c(matches, matches + match_lengths - 1), ncol = 2)
    colnames(match_indices) <- c("start", "end")
    # output
    #>      start end
    #> [1,]     4   6
    #> [2,]     6   8
  4. Return the (first) matched substring within a string?

    # use stringr::str_extract_all to get a matrix of all matched substrings
    stringr::str_extract(c("my 112 number is 110", "call 911"), c("\\d{3}"))
    #> [1] "112" "911"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    # combine `substr()` with match_indices from above
  5. Return the matching strings and matched capture groups.

    # the example from the stringr vignette
    strings <- c(
      "219 733 8965", 
      "Work: 579-499-7527; Home: 543.355.3679"
    phone <- "([2-9][0-9]{2})[- .]([0-9]{3})[- .]([0-9]{4})"
    stringr::str_match(strings, phone)
    #>      [,1]           [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  
    #> [1,] NA             NA    NA    NA    
    #> [2,] "219 733 8965" "219" "733" "8965"
    #> [3,] "329-293-8753" "329" "293" "8753"
    #> [4,] "579-499-7527" "579" "499" "7527"
    # Use stringr::str_match_all for list return
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    # `regmatches()`
  6. Replace/substitute the first matching subtstring within a string.

    stringr::str_replace(c("my 112 number is 110", "call 911"),
                         c("\\d{1}(\\d{2})"), "\\1\\1")
    #> [1] "my 1212 number is 110" "call 1111"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    sub(c("\\d{1}(\\d{2})"), "\\1\\1", c("my 112 number is 110", "call 911"))
    #> [1] "my 1212 number is 110" "call 1111"
  7. Replace/substitute all matching subtstrings within a string.

    stringr::str_replace_all(c("my 112 number is 110", "call 911"),
                             c("\\d{1}(\\d{2})"), "\\1\\1")
    #> [1] "my 1212 number is 1010" "call 1111"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    gsub(c("\\d{1}(\\d{2})"), "\\1\\1", c("my 112 number is 110", "call 911"))
    #> [1] "my 1212 number is 1010" "call 1111"
  8. Split strings by any pattern into different (optionally n) pieces.

    # returns a matrix and padds with empty strings, when n is greater than the
    # number of pieces
    stringr::str_split_fixed(c("lalala lala la",
                               "blabla lala la"),
                             c(" ", "b"), 5)
    #>      [,1]     [,2]   [,3]         [,4] [,5]
    #> [1,] "lalala" "lala" "la"         ""   ""  
    #> [2,] ""       "la"   "la lala la" ""   ""
    # returns a list
    stringr::str_split(c("lalala lala la",
                         "blabla lala la"),
                       c(" ", "b"), 5)
    #> [[1]]
    #> [1] "lalala" "lala"   "la"    
    #> [[2]]
    #> [1] ""           "la"         "la lala la"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    # returns a list, but does not have an n argument (however, it shouldn't be
    # too hard to create one).
    strsplit(c("lalala lala la",
               "blabla lala la"),
             c(" ", "b"))
    #> [[1]]
    #> [1] "lalala" "lala"   "la"    
    #> [[2]]
    #> [1] ""           "la"         "la lala la"
  9. Set all characters to lower/upper case.

    #> [1] "abcde"
    #> [1] "ABCDE"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    #> [1] "abcde"
    #> [1] "ABCDE"
  10. Truncate a string.

    stringr::str_trunc("123456789", width = 7, side = "right", ellipsis = "")
    #> [1] "1234567"
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________ Regular expressions

  1. Where can I learn about regular expressions?
  • ?stringr::modifiers for special regular expression functionality of the stringr package.
  • reference sheet
  • interactively test
  • Build a regular expressin
  • Try the str_view() function to see, which substring a regex matches

    stringr::str_view(c("abc", "a.c_blabla", "bef"), "a\\.c")
  1. How to test regular expressions?

When writing regular expressions, I strongly recommend generating a list of positive (pattern should match) and negative (pattern shouldn’t match) test cases to ensure that you are matching the correct components. Modifiers

  1. Count the number of words within a string.

    words <- c("These are some words. 
               Some more words.")
    stringr::str_count(words, stringr::boundary("word"))
    #> [1] 7
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  2. Count the number of lines within a string.

    stringr::str_count(words, stringr::boundary("line_break")) -
    stringr::str_count(words, stringr::boundary("word"))
    #> [1] 1
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  3. Count the number of sentences within a string.

    stringr::str_count(words, stringr::boundary("sentence"))
    #> [1] 2
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
  4. Split a string by characters.

    stringr::str_split(words, stringr::boundary("character"))
    #> [[1]]
    #>  [1] "T"  "h"  "e"  "s"  "e"  " "  "a"  "r"  "e"  " "  "s"  "o"  "m"  "e" 
    #> [15] " "  "w"  "o"  "r"  "d"  "s"  "."  " "  "\n" " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
    #> [29] " "  " "  " "  " "  " "  " "  "S"  "o"  "m"  "e"  " "  "m"  "o"  "r" 
    #> [43] "e"  " "  "w"  "o"  "r"  "d"  "s"  "."
    #   ____________________________________________________________________________
    strsplit(words, "")
    #> [[1]]
    #>  [1] "T"  "h"  "e"  "s"  "e"  " "  "a"  "r"  "e"  " "  "s"  "o"  "m"  "e" 
    #> [15] " "  "w"  "o"  "r"  "d"  "s"  "."  " "  "\n" " "  " "  " "  " "  " " 
    #> [29] " "  " "  " "  " "  " "  " "  "S"  "o"  "m"  "e"  " "  "m"  "o"  "r" 
    #> [43] "e"  " "  "w"  "o"  "r"  "d"  "s"  "."

5.1.3 List output

  1. How to work with string functions, that return lists?

5.2 Factors

Task: Reorder the levels of a factor by another variable.

Task: Reverse the order of factor levels.

Task: Change specific levels of a factor by name, while preserving the order.

Task: Move specific factor levels in front of all others.

Task: Join/bind/combine/compose/unite rare factor levels into one.

Task: Join/bind/combine/compose/unite common factor levels into one.

5.3 Dates and times

Task: Convert a string into a date.

Task: Add days (as an integer) to a date.

Task: Generate a (dense) sequence of days/years/months.