A The First Appendix
This first appendix includes all of the R chunks of code that were hidden throughout the document (using the include = FALSE
chunk tag) to help with readibility and/or setup.
In the main Rmd file
# This chunk ensures that the thesisdown package is
# installed and loaded. This thesisdown package includes
# the template files for the thesis.
if (!require(remotes)) {
if (params$`Install needed packages for {thesisdown}`) {
install.packages("remotes", repos = "https://cran.rstudio.com")
else {
} stop(
paste('You need to run install.packages("remotes")",
"first in the Console.')
}if (!require(thesisdown)) {
if (params$`Install needed packages for {thesisdown}`) {
remoteselse {
} stop(
"You need to run",
"first in the Console."
# Set how wide the R output will go
options(width = 70)
In Chapter ??: