Macro %Squeeze

1. Description

The macro SQUEEZE will remove the unwanted spaces from character variable.

2. Dependencies

2.1 Global Macro Variables - N/A

2.2 Global Macros - N/A

3. Macro Parameters

Macro parameter Description Example
DATA (R) The name of the input dataset with library. If dataset is located in the work library then give the dataset name only. DATA=LB ,Default value: None
LIB (O) Name of the output library to which the squeezed dataset is to be placed. LIB=WORK ,Default value: WORK

(R): Required (O): Optional

4. Assumptions

  1. The macro expecting that the variables and dataset have the labels.

5. Sample Call


6. Macro Code

     %macro squeeze(data,lib=work);
       %if &data eq %then %do;
         %put ISSUE FOUND: Macro parameter 'data' is not specified;
         %else %do;
           %if %scan(&data.,2,".") = %then %do;
            %let data = %str(work.&data.);
         %*--- Test case: checking dataset exist;
         %if %sysfunc(exist(&data)) %then %do;
           %let libpath = %sysfunc(pathname(&lib.));
           %*--- Test case: if invalid library specified;
           %if %sysfunc(libref(&lib)) ne 0 %then %do;
             %put ISSUE FOUND: Invalid library specified;
              %else %do;
           %*--- For finding the order of variable in metadata;
          proc contents data=&data out=order noprint varnum;
          proc sort data=order;
            by varnum;
          data __meta;
            set &data;
          %let nobs = &sysnobs.;
           %*--- Checking whether the dataset contains Character variables and also      checking 
          the case when data contains only numeric varaiables;
            data dummy; set order; where type=2;run;
        %let dummyobs = &sysnobs.;
          %if &dummyobs. >= 1 %then %do;
          proc sql noprint;
            select strip(name)||"="||'"'||strip(label)||'"' into:lbl separated by " "
            from order
            where type=2;
            select name, memlabel,varnum into:odr  separated by " ", :dlabel, :num
            from order
            order by varnum;
            %*--- Test case: checking whether the dataset have atleast one observation;
            %if &nobs. >= 1 %then %do;
               %let del = __meta __meta_t;
              proc transpose data = __meta out=__meta_t name=variable;
                by seqid ;
                var _character_;
              proc sql;
                create table length as 
                select distinct variable, max(length(col1)) as length
                from __meta_t
                group by variable;
            %*--- Test case: checking whether the dataset have no observation;
              %else %if &nobs. < 1 %then %do;
               %let del = __meta;
                  data length(keep=variable length);
                    set order;
                    length = 1;
                    where type=2;
                    rename name = variable;
          %*--- Assigning length for character variables;
          proc sql noprint;
            select strip(variable)||" $"||strip(put(length,best.)) into: base separated      by " " 
            from length;
          proc contents data=__meta out=mt_ct noprint;
          proc sql noprint;
            select distinct name into:allvar separated by " "
            from mt_ct;
            select distinct name into:vars separated by " "
            from mt_ct
            where type= 2;
            select distinct strip(strip(name)||"_") into:renam separated by " "
            from mt_ct
            where type= 2;
          %*--- Renaming char variables;
           data rename;
            set __meta;
            rename %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars.)); %scan(&vars.,&i,"      ")=%scan(&renam.,&i," ") %end; ;
          %if "&dlabel" eq "" %then %do;
            %let label_ = ;
            %else %if "&dlabel" ne "" %then %do;
              %let label_ = %str(label= "&dlabel.");
           %*--- Assigning new lengths for character variables;
          data &lib..%scan(&data.,2,'.')(&label_. drop=seqid);
            retain &odr.;
            length &base.;
            set rename;
            %do i= 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars.));
              %scan(&vars.,&i," ")=%scan(&renam.,&i," ") ;
            label &lbl.;
            keep &allvar.;
          proc delete data= order  &del mt_ct rename dummy;
           %else %do;
             %let _lib=%scan(&data.,1,".");
             %let dsn=%scan(&data.,2,".");
             proc copy in=&_lib. out=&lib. memtype=data; select &dsn.;run;
             proc delete data= order  __meta dummy;quit;run;
          %else %do;
            %put ISSUE FOUND: Invalid dataset specified;
     %mend squeeze;
