Macro %dayder
1. Description
The macro DAYDER will derive all _DY variables. The macro uses character date variables (_DTC) to derive the day (_DY) variables within the input SDTM dataset.
2. Dependencies
2.1 Global Macro Variables - N/A
2.2 Global Macros - N/A
3. Macro Parameters
Macro parameter | Description | Example |
INDAT (R) | The name of the input dataset from which the day derivation needs to be computed. | INDAT=AE Default value: None |
OUTDAT (R) | The name of the output dataset. | OUTDAT=AE2 , Default value: None |
LIB (O) | The name of the library which contains the DM dataset. | LIB=DSDTM , Default value: SDTM |
(R): Required (O): Optional
4. Assumptions
- The date variables (_DTC) used to derive the day variables (_DY) should be of character type.
- The date variables should end with DTC for computing the day variables.
- SDTM.DM dataset with RFSTDTC variable is assumed to be present if the LIB parameter value is missing.
5. Sample Call
6. Macro Code
%macro dayder(indat=,outdat=,lib=sdtm);
*Custom message when Input dataset is missing in macro call;
%if &indat eq %then %do;
%put ERROR: Input dataset is missing in macro call;
%else %do;
*Custom message when Input dataset is invalid;
%if %sysfunc(exist(&indat)) ne 1 %then %do;
%put ERROR: Invalid dataset;
*Custom message when __DTC variable is missing in the input dataset;
proc sql noprint;
select count(distinct(name))
into: nd separated by " "
from sashelp.vcolumn
where libname="WORK" and memname=upcase("&indat") and find(upcase(name),"DTC ")>0 ;
%if &nd=0 %then %do;
%put ERROR: Input dataset doesnot have date variable ending with DTC ;
%else %do;
*Custom message when __DTC numeric variable is present in the input dataset;
proc sql noprint;
select count(distinct(name))
into: daten separated by " "
from sashelp.vcolumn
where libname="WORK" and memname=upcase("&indat") and find(upcase(name),"DTC ")>0 and type="num";
%if &daten=1 %then %do;
%put ERROR: Input dataset have numeric date variable ending with DTC ;
%else %do;
*For assigning the __DTC variables as macro variables;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct(name),strip(name)||"_",strip(tranwrd(upcase(name),"DTC ","DY")),
varnum into: ndt separated by " ",
:ndt1 separated by " " ,
:dy separated by " ",
from sashelp.vcolumn
where libname="WORK" and memname=upcase("&indat") and find(upcase(name),"DTC ")>0 and type="char"
order by varnum;
%let cnt=%sysfunc(countw(&ndt));
*Custom message when Output dataset is missing in macro call;
%if &outdat eq %then %do;
%put ERROR: Output dataset is missing in macro call;
%else %do;
*RFSTDTC from DM domain;
proc sort data=& out=dm1(keep=usubjid rfstdtc);
by usubjid;
proc sort data=&indat;
by usubjid;
*Applying the conditions;
data &outdat;
merge &indat(in=a) dm1;
by usubjid;
if a;
if ~cmiss(rfstdtc) and length(rfstdtc)>=10 then rfstdt=input(scan(rfstdtc,1,"T"),is8601da.);
array invar {&cnt} $ &ndt;
array daten {&cnt} &ndt1 ;
array dayn {&cnt} &dy;
do i=1 to dim(invar);
if ~cmiss(invar(i)) and length(invar(i))>=10 then daten(i)=input(scan(invar(i),1,"T"),is8601da.);
if ~cmiss(daten(i)) and ~cmiss(rfstdt) and daten(i) ge rfstdt then dayn(i)=daten(i)-rfstdt+1;
else if ~cmiss(daten(i)) and ~cmiss(rfstdt) and daten(i) lt rfstdt then dayn(i)=daten(i)-rfstdt;
drop &ndt1 rfstdt i;
proc delete data=dm1;
%mend dayder;