Macro %archive
1. Description
The macro ARCHIVE will create an Archive folder and the dated folder inside it to store the old files.
2. Dependencies
2.1 Global Macro Variables - N/A
2.2 Global Macros - N/A
3. Macro Parameters
This macro does not have any parameters
4. Assumptions
- If the archive folder does not exist, macro will create a folder named ‘archive’ in the directory
- Macro will create a dated folder under archive if there does not exist any folder with the same date. Eg: 23Jun2020
- If the dated folder exist, macro will create a dated folder with timestamp. Eg: 23Jun2020- 6 PM
- Macro will produce an error if there exist a folder with same date and timestamp in the archive folder.
- After the creation of archive folder, the macro will copy all the files from original folder to archive folder.
- The macro is placed in the same folder and batch.
5. Sample Call
6. Macro Code
%macro archive;
%*Identifying the last opned file;
data arc_dir1;
set sashelp.vextfl end=ls;
where level=0 and xengine="DISK" and exists ne "no" and find(xpath,"","i");
*Archive folder as sper template;
*Dated folder for placing files;
dir=catx("\",of archive,datefrmt);
dir1=catx("\",of archive,time);
if ls then do;
call symput('arcdir',archive);
call symput('dir',dir);
call symput('dir1',dir1);
call symput('indir',xpath);
%*Getting the file informations for copy;
filename dir "&indir" ;
data arc_flist (keep=filename i);
dopen=dopen("dir") ;
filecount=dnum(dopen) ;
do i=1 to filecount ;
if find(filename,'archive','i')=0 and find(filename,'.') then output ;
end ;
rc=dclose(dopen) ;
run ;
data arc_flist1;
set arc_flist end=ls;
pasteva="'copy "||'"'||strip("%sysfunc(strip(&indir))"||strip(filename))||'"'|| ' "'||"%sysfunc(strip(&dir))\"||strip(filename)||'"'||"'";
pastevb="'copy "||'"'||strip("%sysfunc(strip(&indir))"||strip(filename))||'"'|| ' "'||"%sysfunc(strip(&dir1))\"||strip(filename)||'"'||"'";
%*macros for copy pate files;
call symput(pastea,pasteva);
call symput(pasteb,pastevb);
if ls then call symput('endlp',id);
%*Checking the existence of the archive folder folder, if not exist create a folder;
%let rc = %sysfunc(filename(fileref,"%sysfunc(strip(&arcdir))")) ;
%if %sysfunc(fexist(&fileref))= 0 %then %do;
options dlcreatedir;
libname folder "%sysfunc(strip(&arcdir))";
%*Sub folders;
%let rc = %sysfunc(filename(subf,"%sysfunc(strip(&dir))")) ;
%if %sysfunc(fexist(&subf)) %then %do;
%let rc = %sysfunc(filename(subft,"%sysfunc(strip(&dir1))")) ;
%if %sysfunc(fexist(&subft)) %then %do;
%put ERROR: Folder already exist;
%else %do;
options dlcreatedir;
libname folder "%sysfunc(strip(&dir1))";
%do i=1 %to &endlp;
options noxwait;
data _null_;
x &&pasteb&i;
%else %do;
options dlcreatedir;
libname folder "%sysfunc(strip(&dir))";
%do i=1 %to &endlp;
options noxwait;
data _null_;
x &&pastea&i;
*deleting the datasets generated through this macro;
proc datasets nolist lib=work;
delete arc_:;
%mend archive;