Chapter 2 Travelling
Places for World travelling
- Sydney(Greyhound, 7/10 PM, central station) -> Byron bay (8/11 AM +1 day)
- Byron bay (North West NSW by coach) - 2h -> Casino station
- Casino station (North West NSW by train, 8:20 AM +1 day) -> Sydney (Central station, 8:12 PM)
- 美洲
- New York,
- D.C.,
- Mexico city (Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan)
- Machu Picchu (Lima -> Cusco) -> Bolivia)
- Buenos Aires (Drop off - Why is it expensive to travel to Argentina? Argentina is a notoriously expensive country.)
- 中亚
- 费尔干纳盆地, 乌兹别克斯坦(布哈拉,撒马尔罕 - 丝绸之路贸易最重要城市)
- 东南亚
- Angkor Wat (Bangkok -> Angkor Wat by train/bus)
- 环地中海
- 埃及(金字塔)
- 直布罗陀海峡
- 伊斯坦布尔和博斯普鲁斯海峡