Chapter 2 Contact Information

2.1 Professor and Teaching Assistants

  1. Course Instructor and author: Prof. Adam Martin
    Office: EV464 (Environmental Science & Chemistry Building)

  2. Author and Teaching Assistant: Andrew Apostoli (PhD. Candidate)
    Office: EV316 and EV347

  3. Add in future TA emails and contact information here…

2.2 Office Hours

Add in future Prof/TA office hour schedules and location here…

2.3 Interaction with the Professor

I (Professor Martin) care deeply for your success as a university student. Please do not be intimidated to come and speak with me regarding anything to do with the course or your interest in Environmental Science. I very much enjoy speaking with students, especially about environmental science. You are welcome to discuss all facets of the course material with me immediately after class, during my office hours, or by appointment. I promise I am quite friendly and easy to talk with (honestly!).

2.4 Interaction with your Teaching Assistants

You as students should take advantage of TA office hours for questions pertaining to your laboratory assignments. Note that the TAs are not required to be intimately familiar with lecture material (e.g. the material for your midterm test and final exam).

2.5 Email policy

For questions pertaining to the course and assignments, students should contact people in this order:

  1. post the question on the “Discussion Board” found on Quercus
  2. email your TA
  3. email the course instructor (Dr. Adam Martin)

All students should check the Discussion page on Quercus on a weekly basis and check to see if your question is already answered; oftentimes this is the case. Think of Discussion Board as an ever-evolving Frequently Asked Questions page.

Short emails will usually be answered with appropriate, short responses. Long, drawn out questions and/or questions pertaining to very general subjects, which are likely to be of interest to the entire class, should be posted on the Quercus (Discussion Board module) so that the entire class may benefit from the answer.

All emails should be sent via a “” email address to ensure a response (most Hotmail, Gmail, etc end up in junkmail, never to be seen).

At times, the course Instructor may decide to send out important course information by email. To that end, all UofT students are required to have a valid UofT email address. You are responsible for ensuring that your UofT email address is set up AND properly entered in the ACORN system.