Chapter 4 Laboratory Schedule

Due to the large number of students in this class, as well as capacity limitations in the available teaching laboratories, students will attend practicals on a bi-weekly (every other week) basis. Schedules for a given student’s practical are shown in the table below, but refer to your timetable for particular times and lab room.

4.1 Laboratory Details

Black text denotes first week sessions; red text denotes second week sessions:

(Note these are not the real dates - update for future)

Lab/PRA Section Lab 1* Lab 2* Lab 3* Lab 4*
PRA0001; TH; 9-11; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0002; TH; 9-11; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0003; TH; 9-11; EV 224 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0004; TH; 9-11; EV 224 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0005; TH; 11-1; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0006; TH; 11-1; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0007; TH; 11-1; EV 224 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0008; TH; 11-1; EV 224 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0009; TH; 1-3; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0010; TH; 1-3; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0011; TH; 1-3; EV 224 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0012; TH; 1-3; EV 224 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0013; TH; 3-5; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0014; TH; 3-5; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0016; WE; 9-11; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0017; WE; 11-1; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0018; WE; 11-1; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0019; WE; 1-3; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0020; WE; 1-3; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0021; WE; 3-5; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0022; WE; 3-5; EV 222 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7
PRA0023; FR; 9-11; EV 224 Sep 19 Oct 3 Oct 24 Nov 7

4.2 Practical Assignment Due Dates

(We can decide if we still want to use hard copies for the assignments or allow them to submit them online via Quercus)

  • Assignments 1, 2, and 3 are due at the START of your next lab.
  • Assignments 1, 2, and 3 are to be submitted directly to your TA in the lab.
  • For example, for someone in PRA001, the assignment related to Lab 1 (held on Sept. 19) would be due at the start of the Lab 2 (on Oct 3).
  • Assignment 4 must be deposited to the departmental drop box located on the 2nd floor of the EV building (adjacent to room EV 262).
    • For all odd-numbered lab sections (except PRA0023, Friday session), the Lab 4 assignment is due by Thursday, Nov 21 by 3 pm. PRA0023 due is Nov 22
    • For all even-numbered lab sections, the Lab 4 assignment is due by Thursday, Nov 28 by 3 pm. (these dates will need to be updated)

    Unfortunately, it is next to impossible to keep track of the hundreds of students in this class and as such, late assignments will NOT be accepted and will be given a mark of ZERO To ensure fairness to all students, this rule will be followed very strictly.

The only time a late assignment will be accepted is if a student suffers a medical issue that interferes with completing the assignment and is substantiated by a doctor’s note (above a grade of “moderate”), given to your TA (who will forward to the Professor).

Keep in mind that assignments are worth 10% each, for a total of 40% of your final grade, so a zero on an assignment can be very, very detrimental to your final mark. Students cannot submit assignments through e-mail, nor can they “slip them under the door”. These assignments are likely to be lost. Please note that student petitions to resubmit lost assignments allegedly submitted in this fashion are generally denied. We will strive for as short a turnaround in marking assignments as is possible so that you regularly know where you stand (~2 weeks).

For more information regarding assignment policies, see Chapter 8.