Recitation 3 Note
Chapter 1 Chapter 1
1.1 Two Assets Model
- one risk-free: bond
- one risky security: stock
restrict the time scale to two instants only:
- today, t=0,
- future time, say one year from now, t=1
1.2 Rate of Return (Return)
- The difference between intial value and current value (for stock):
The return is defined as:
Is the return KS a fixed value or a random value?
Similar for return of bond:
Is the return KA a fixed value or a random value?
1.3 Assumption
1.4 Portfolio
The total wealth of an investor holding x stock shares and y bonds at a time instant t=0,1 is
The pair (x,y) is called a portfolio, V(t) being the value of this portfolio (the wealth of the investor at time t).
The jumps of asset prices between times 0 and 1 give rise to a change of the portfolio value:
1.5 Return on the Portfolio
The difference (which may be positive, zero, or negative) is V(1)−V(0), hence return is:
Is the return KV a fixed value or a random value?
1.6 Exercise 1.1
Let A(0)=90,A(1)=100,S(0)=25 dollars and let S(1)=30 with prob p and S(1)=20 with prob 1−p. For a portfolio with $x = 10 $ shares and y=15 bonds calculate V(0), V(1) and KV.
V(1)={xS(1)high+yA(1)=10×30+15×100=1800, with probability pxS(1)low+yA(1)=10×20+15×100=1700, with probability 1−p
KV={V(1)high−V(0)V(0)=1800−16001600=0.125, with probability pV(1)low−V(0)V(0)=1800−16001600=0.0625, with probability 1−p
1.7 Exercise 1.2
Given the same bond and stock prices as in Exercise 1.1, find a portfolio whose value at time 1 is V(1)=1160 if is high and V(1)=1040 if is low. What is the value of this portfolio at time 0?
1.8 Assumption
An investor may hold any number x and y of stock shares and bonds, whether integer or fractional, negative, positive or zero. In general,
1.9 Assumption
1.10 No-Arbitrage Principle
In brief, we shall assume that the market does not allow for risk-free profits with no initial investment.
dealer A | buy | sell |
1.0000 EUR | 1.0202 USD | 1.0284 USD |
1.0000 GBP | 1.5718 USD | 1.5844 USD |
dealer B | buy | sell |
1.0000 EUR | 0.6324 GBP | 0.6401 GBP |
1.0000 USD | 0.6299 GBP | 0.6375 GBP |
1.11 Solution
euros (EUR), British pounds (GBP) and US dollars (USD)
We could borrow 1EUR and use A to change 1EUR into 1×1.0202=1.0202USD
Use B to change 1.0202USD into 1.0202×0.6299=0.6426GBP
Use B to change 0.6426GBP into 0.64260.6401=1.00394EUR
The arbitrage gain will be 0.00394EUR.
1.12 No-Arbitrage Principle
There is no admissible portfolio with initial value V(0)=0 such that V(1)>0 with non-zero probability.
The wealth of an investor must be non-negative at all times
A portfolio satisfying this condition is called admissible.
If the initial value of an admissible portfolio is zero, V(0)=0, then what is the probability that V(1)=0?
If a portfolio violating this principle did exist, we would say that an arbitrage opportunity was available.
1.13 Risk and Return
A(0)=100 and A(1)=110 dollars, as before, but S(0)=80 dollars and S(1)=100 with probability 0.8 and S(1)=60 with probability 0.2.
Buy x=50 shares, y=60. Then:
V(1)={11600 if stocks goes up9600 if stocks goes down,KV={0.16,−.04
The expected return:
The risk of this investment is defined to be the standard deviation of the random variable KV :
1.14 Exercise 1.4
For the previous stock and bond prices, design a portfolio with initial wealth of $10000 split fifty-fifty between stock and bonds. Compute the expected return and risk as measured by standard deviation.
V(1)={62.5×100+50×110=11750 if stocks goes up62.5×60+50×110=9250 if stocks goes downKV={V(1)high−V(0)V(0)=11750−1000010000=0.175, if stocks goes upV(1)low−V(0)V(0)=9250−100001000=−0.075, if stocks goes down