There are 901 total recorded IME hub calls from 2020.
The plot below shows the distribution of engagements from each of the seven individual hubs. Engagements with multiple hubs are counted as a separate engagement for each hub involved.
The majority of engagements are from the IME Washington Hub counting 425 out of 901. Engagements from Manila Hub is the least common counting 18 out of 901.
The plot below shows the original engagements without separating those that involved multiple hubs.
The majority of engagements are with IME Washington Hub counting 389 engagements out of 901 total.
Now we investigate the number of outlets and participants from each hub call. We removed engagements which currently do not have outlet/participant information. [Note: participant is defined as an individual journalist/reporter and outlet is defined as a media company]
More than 80% of engagements involved only one media outlet.
Now we look at the distribution of the number of individual participants.
The number of engagements by size measured by number of outlets and number of participants do not differ greatly. All engagements that involved one media outlet were one-on-one with a reporter/journalist from the outlet. Similarly, engagements that involved 2-14 media outlets involved 2-14 participants. This suggests engagements with a smaller number of attending media outlets are not sending multiple reporters/journalists to the event.
Engagements labeled with more than one region are counted as part of all the regions listed.
NEA is the most frequent region with more than double the number of engagements than the second more frequent region EUR. Focus on this region is further supported by the distribution of topics of the 2020 engagements shown below