here we write the Simulation RMD
# Load required libraries
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:MASS':
## select
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Attaching package: 'Matrix'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:pracma':
## expm, lu, tril, triu
# Helper Functions
rbf_kernel <- function(t1, t2, length_scale, variance) {
return(variance * exp(-0.5 * (t1 - t2)^2 / length_scale^2))
softmax <- function(x) {
exp_x <- exp(x - max(x)) # Subtract max for numerical stability
return(exp_x / sum(exp_x))
# Function to apply softmax to Lambda
apply_softmax_to_lambda <- function(Lambda) {
N <- dim(Lambda)[1]
K <- dim(Lambda)[2]
T <- dim(Lambda)[3]
theta <- array(0, dim = c(N, K, T))
for (i in 1:N) {
for (t in 1:T) {
theta[i, , t] <- softmax(Lambda[i, , t])
precompute_K_inv <- function(T, length_scale, var_scale) {
time_diff_matrix <- outer(1:T, 1:T, "-")^2
K <- var_scale * exp(-0.5 * time_diff_matrix / length_scale^2)
K <- K + diag(1e-6, T) # Add small jitter for numerical stability
K_inv <- solve(K)
log_det_K <- determinant(K, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus
return(list(K_inv = K_inv, log_det_K = log_det_K))
log_gp_prior_vec <- function(eta, mean, K_inv, log_det_K) {
T <- length(eta)
centered_eta <- eta - mean
quad_form <- sum(centered_eta * (K_inv %*% centered_eta))
log_prior <- -0.5 * (log_det_K + quad_form + T * log(2 * pi))
logistic <- function(x) {
return(1 / (1 + exp(-x)))
# Initialization Function
initialize_mcmc <- function(y, g_i, n_topics, n_diseases, T) {
N <- dim(y)[1] # Number of individuals
P <- ncol(g_i) # Number of genetic covariates
# Initialize Lambda
Lambda_init <- array(rnorm(N * n_topics * T, mean = 0, sd = 0.1), dim = c(N, n_topics, T))
# Initialize Phi
empirical_rates <- apply(y, c(2, 3), mean)
Phi_init <- array(0, dim = c(n_topics, n_diseases, T))
for (k in 1:n_topics) {
Phi_init[k, , ] <- qlogis(empirical_rates + 0.01) + rnorm(n_diseases * T, mean = 0, sd = 0.1)
# Initialize Gamma
Gamma_init <- matrix(rnorm(n_topics * P, mean = 0, sd = 0.1), nrow = n_topics, ncol = P)
# Initialize mu_d (baseline disease risk)
mu_d_init <- qlogis(apply(y, 2, mean))
# Initialize length scales and variance scales
length_scales_lambda <- rep(T / 4, n_topics)
var_scales_lambda <- rep(1, n_topics)
length_scales_phi <- rep(T / 4, n_topics)
var_scales_phi <- rep(1, n_topics)
Lambda = Lambda_init,
Phi = Phi_init,
Gamma = Gamma_init,
mu_d = mu_d_init,
length_scales_lambda = length_scales_lambda,
var_scales_lambda = var_scales_lambda,
length_scales_phi = length_scales_phi,
var_scales_phi = var_scales_phi
# Log-likelihood function
log_likelihood <- function(y, Lambda, Phi) {
n_individuals <- dim(Lambda)[1]
n_topics <- dim(Lambda)[2]
n_diseases <- dim(Phi)[2]
T <- dim(Lambda)[3]
theta <- apply_softmax_to_lambda(Lambda) # Apply softmax to Lambda
pi <- array(0, dim = c(n_individuals, n_diseases, T))
for (t in 1:T) {
pi[, , t] <- theta[, ,t ] %*% logistic(Phi[, , t])
log_lik <- 0
for (i in 1:n_individuals) {
for (d in 1:n_diseases) {
at_risk <- which(cumsum(y[i, d, ]) == 0)
if (length(at_risk) > 0) {
event_time <- max(at_risk) + 1
if (event_time <= T) {
log_lik <- log_lik + log(pi[i, d, event_time])
log_lik <- log_lik + sum(log(1 - pi[i, d, at_risk]))
} else {
log_lik <- log_lik + log(pi[i, d, 1])
# MCMC Sampler
mcmc_sampler_softmax <- function(y, g_i, n_iterations, initial_values) {
current_state <- initial_values
n_individuals <- dim(current_state$Lambda)[1]
n_topics <- dim(current_state$Lambda)[2]
T <- dim(current_state$Lambda)[3]
n_diseases <- dim(current_state$Phi)[2]
# Initialize proposal standard deviations
adapt_sd <- list(
Lambda = array(0.01, dim = dim(current_state$Lambda)),
Phi = array(0.01, dim = dim(current_state$Phi)),
Gamma = matrix(0.01, nrow = nrow(current_state$Gamma), ncol = ncol(current_state$Gamma))
# Initialize storage for samples
samples <- list(
Lambda = array(0, dim = c(n_iterations, dim(current_state$Lambda))),
Phi = array(0, dim = c(n_iterations, dim(current_state$Phi))),
Gamma = array(0, dim = c(n_iterations, dim(current_state$Gamma)))
# Precompute inverse covariance matrices for Lambda and Phi
K_inv_lambda <- lapply(1:n_topics, function(k)
precompute_K_inv(T, current_state$length_scales_lambda[k], current_state$var_scales_lambda[k]))
K_inv_phi <- lapply(1:n_topics, function(k)
precompute_K_inv(T, current_state$length_scales_phi[k], current_state$var_scales_phi[k]))
for (iter in 1:n_iterations) {
# Update Lambda
proposed_Lambda <- current_state$Lambda +
array(rnorm(prod(dim(current_state$Lambda)), 0, adapt_sd$Lambda),
dim = dim(current_state$Lambda))
current_log_lik <- log_likelihood(y, current_state$Lambda, current_state$Phi)
proposed_log_lik <- log_likelihood(y, proposed_Lambda, current_state$Phi)
# Compute log prior for Lambda (GP prior)
current_log_prior <- sum(sapply(1:n_individuals, function(i) {
sapply(1:n_topics, function(k) {
current_state$Lambda[i, k, ],
rep(g_i[i, ] %*% current_state$Gamma[k, ], T),
proposed_log_prior <- sum(sapply(1:n_individuals, function(i) {
sapply(1:n_topics, function(k) {
proposed_Lambda[i, k, ],
rep(g_i[i, ] %*% current_state$Gamma[k, ], T),
log_accept_ratio <- (proposed_log_lik + proposed_log_prior) - (current_log_lik + current_log_prior)
if (log(runif(1)) < log_accept_ratio) {
current_state$Lambda <- proposed_Lambda
adapt_sd$Lambda <- adapt_sd$Lambda * 1.01
} else {
adapt_sd$Lambda <- adapt_sd$Lambda * 0.99
# Update Phi
proposed_Phi <- current_state$Phi +
array(rnorm(prod(dim(current_state$Phi)), 0, adapt_sd$Phi), dim = dim(current_state$Phi))
current_log_lik <- log_likelihood(y, current_state$Lambda, current_state$Phi)
proposed_log_lik <- log_likelihood(y, current_state$Lambda, proposed_Phi)
# Compute log prior for Phi (using GP prior)
current_log_prior_phi <- sum(sapply(1:n_topics, function(k) {
sapply(1:n_diseases, function(d) {
log_gp_prior_vec(current_state$Phi[k, d, ], current_state$mu_d[d], K_inv_phi[[k]]$K_inv, K_inv_phi[[k]]$log_det_K)
proposed_log_prior_phi <- sum(sapply(1:n_topics, function(k) {
sapply(1:n_diseases, function(d) {
log_gp_prior_vec(proposed_Phi[k, d, ], current_state$mu_d[d], K_inv_phi[[k]]$K_inv, K_inv_phi[[k]]$log_det_K)
log_accept_ratio <- (proposed_log_lik + proposed_log_prior_phi) - (current_log_lik + current_log_prior_phi)
if (log(runif(1)) < log_accept_ratio) {
current_state$Phi <- proposed_Phi
adapt_sd$Phi <- adapt_sd$Phi * 1.01
} else {
adapt_sd$Phi <- adapt_sd$Phi * 0.99
# Update Gamma
proposed_Gamma <- current_state$Gamma +
matrix(rnorm(prod(dim(current_state$Gamma)), 0, adapt_sd$Gamma), nrow = nrow(current_state$Gamma))
current_log_prior <- sum(dnorm(current_state$Gamma, 0, 1, log = TRUE))
proposed_log_prior <- sum(dnorm(proposed_Gamma, 0, 1, log = TRUE))
log_accept_ratio <- proposed_log_prior - current_log_prior
if (log(runif(1)) < log_accept_ratio) {
current_state$Gamma <- proposed_Gamma
adapt_sd$Gamma <- adapt_sd$Gamma * 1.01
} else {
adapt_sd$Gamma <- adapt_sd$Gamma * 0.99
# Store samples
samples$Lambda[iter, , , ] <- current_state$Lambda
samples$Phi[iter, , , ] <- current_state$Phi
samples$Gamma[iter, , ] <- current_state$Gamma
# Print progress
if (iter %% 100 == 0) cat("Iteration", iter, "\n")
# Main execution
# Assuming y and g_i are already loaded
n_topics <- 3 # Set this to your desired number of topics
n_diseases <- dim(y)[2]
T <- dim(y)[3]
initial_values <- initialize_mcmc(y, g_i, n_topics, n_diseases, T)
n_iterations <- 20000
samples <- mcmc_sampler_softmax(y, g_i, n_iterations, initial_values)
# Save results
saveRDS(samples, "mcmc_samples.rds")
# Basic plotting of results (example for Lambda)
plot(samples$Lambda[, 1, 1, 1], type = 'l', main = "Trace plot for Lambda[1,1,1]")
plot(samples$Phi[, 1, 1, 1], type = 'l', main = "Trace plot for Phi[1,1,1]")
plot(samples$Gamma[, 1, 1], type = 'l', main = "Trace plot for Gamma[1,1,1]")
## This is bayesplot version 1.11.1
## - Online documentation and vignettes at
## - bayesplot theme set to bayesplot::theme_default()
## * Does _not_ affect other ggplot2 plots
## * See ?bayesplot_theme_set for details on theme setting
# Convert your samples to mcmc objects
lambda_mcmc <- as.mcmc(samples$Lambda[, 1, 1, 1]) # Example for one element
phi_mcmc <- as.mcmc(samples$Phi[, 1, 1, 1])
gamma_mcmc <- as.mcmc(samples$Gamma[, 1, 1])
# Autocorrelation plots
# Effective Sample Size
## var1
## 7.032337
## var1
## 4.238507
## var1
## 63.46915
# Posterior summaries
## Iterations = 1:5000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 5000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## 0.2634967 0.0008982 0.0000127 0.0003387
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## 0.2617 0.2630 0.2633 0.2640 0.2656
## Iterations = 1:5000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 5000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## -4.3413758 0.0328702 0.0004649 0.0159660
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## -4.378 -4.356 -4.348 -4.342 -4.224
## Iterations = 1:5000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 1
## Sample size per chain = 5000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## -0.007278 1.030893 0.014579 0.129399
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## -1.92014 -0.75794 -0.04009 0.70549 2.01853
# Compare with true values (assuming you have access to these)
true_lambda <- lambda_ik[1, 1, 1] # Example for one element
true_phi <- qlogis(phi_kd[1, 1, 1])
true_gamma <- Gamma_k[1, 1]
cat("True Lambda:", true_lambda, "\n")
## True Lambda: 1.165236
cat("Estimated Lambda (mean):", mean(lambda_mcmc), "\n")
## Estimated Lambda (mean): 0.2634967
cat("True Phi:", true_phi, "\n")
## True Phi: -6.644081
cat("Estimated Phi (mean):", mean(phi_mcmc), "\n")
## Estimated Phi (mean): -4.341376
cat("True Gamma:", true_gamma, "\n")
## True Gamma: 0.3626501
cat("Estimated Gamma (mean):", mean(gamma_mcmc), "\n")
## Estimated Gamma (mean): -0.007278354
# Plot posterior distributions with true values
ggplot(data.frame(lambda = as.vector(lambda_mcmc)), aes(x = lambda)) +
geom_density() +
geom_vline(xintercept = true_lambda, color = "red") +
ggtitle("Posterior distribution of Lambda[1,1,1]")