In this document we will run the LDA model on the data generated in the previous step. We will use the topicmodels package to fit the LDA model, averaging our disease counts (max 1) for an individual over time. We will then visualize the results of the LDA model.
Generate Data
We generate Data with 100 individuals, 5 diseases, 10 time points, and 3 topics (2 genetic features). I show the induced sparsity (max mu_d = 0.02 in this simulation)
library(topicmodels)library(ggplot2)source("../R/newsim.R")# Assuming 'Y' is the array of N individuals, D diseases, and T time points from your data generationdata <-generate_tensor_data(N =100, D =5, T =10, K =3,num_covariates =2)plot_individuals(data$S,num_individuals =3)
Running LDA
Summing across the time dimension (3rd dimension) #### Collapse Y along the time dimension to get a matrix of individuals x diseases We will have to eliminate folks who have no disease (i.e. rowSums(Y_summed) == 0) We can then visualize the data to ensure that we have a count matrix, and plot our average \(theta_ik\) and \(eta_kd\) values. Recall that for a given topic our \(eta_kd\) values need NOT sum to 1 across diseases.
Y_summed <-apply(data$Y, c(1, 2), sum)nullfolks=which(rowSums(Y_summed) ==0) Y_summed=Y_summed[-nullfolks,]# Check and eliminate any individuals with no diseasestheta_summed <-apply(data$theta, c(1, 2), mean)eta_summed <-apply(data$eta, c(1, 2), mean)
# Assuming Y_summed is a matrix of diseases vs individualsY_df <$Disease <-factor(rownames(Y_df)) # Adding Disease as a factor for y-axis# Convert to long format for ggplotY_long <- reshape2::melt(Y_df, id.vars ="Disease")# Plot with ggplot2ggplot(Y_long, aes(x = variable, y = Disease, fill = value)) +geom_tile() +scale_fill_gradient(low ="white", high ="blue") +# Adjust the color gradientlabs(y ="Individual", x ="Disease", title ="Summed data for Diseases") +theme_minimal()
# Assuming theta_summed[-nullfolks,] is a matrix with individuals and topicstheta_df <[-nullfolks,])theta_df$Theta <-factor(rownames(theta_df)) # Adding Theta (topics) as a factor for y-axis# Convert to long format for ggplottheta_long <- reshape2::melt(theta_df, id.vars ="Theta")# Plot with ggplot2ggplot(theta_long, aes(x = variable, y = Theta, fill = value)) +geom_tile() +scale_fill_gradient(low ="white", high ="purple") +# Adjust the color gradientlabs(y ="Individual", x ="Theta (Topic)", title ="Summed Theta data") +theme_minimal()
# Assuming eta_summed is a matrix of topics and diseaseseta_df <$Topic <-factor(rownames(eta_df)) # Adding Topic as a factor for x-axis# Convert to long format for ggploteta_long <- reshape2::melt(eta_df, id.vars ="Topic")# Plot with ggplot2ggplot(eta_long, aes(x = Topic, y = variable, fill = value)) +geom_tile() +scale_fill_gradient(low ="white", high ="orange") +# Adjust the color gradientlabs(x ="Topic", y ="Disease", title ="Summed eta data") +theme_minimal()
Note that because this is NOT an allocation approach, eta need not sum to 1 across diseases for a topic (i.e. rowSums eta !=1)
# Ensure that the resulting matrix is a count matrix (LDA works with non-negative integers)# Y_summed should now be a matrix where each row is an individual, and each column is a disease# Run LDA using the topicmodels package# Setting the number of topics (K)K <-3# You can adjust the number of topics according to your needs# Fitting the LDA modellda_model <-LDA(Y_summed, k = K, method ="Gibbs")
# View the result# Assuming lda_model@gamma is a matrix of topic proportionslibrary(ggplot2)gamma_df <$Topic <-factor(rownames(gamma_df)) # Adding Topic as a factor for y-axis# Convert to long format for ggplotgamma_long <- reshape2::melt(gamma_df, id.vars ="Topic")# Plot with ggplot2ggplot(gamma_long, aes(x = variable, y = Topic, fill = value)) +geom_tile() +scale_fill_gradient(low ="white", high ="blue") +# Adjust the color gradientlabs(y ="Individual", x ="Topic", title ="Topic distribution for individuals") +theme_minimal()
# Assuming lda_model@beta is a matrix of disease probabilities per topicbeta_exp <-exp(lda_model@beta) # If you're using exp to scale the valuesbeta_df <$Topic <-factor(rownames(beta_df)) # Adding Topic as a factor for x-axis# Convert to long format for ggplotbeta_long <- reshape2::melt(beta_df, id.vars ="Topic")# Plot with ggplot2ggplot(beta_long, aes(x = Topic, y = variable, fill = value)) +geom_tile() +scale_fill_gradient(low ="white", high ="red") +# Adjust the color gradientlabs(x ="Topic", y ="Disease", title ="Topic distribution for diseases") +theme_minimal()
The biggest problem here is that LDA fails to capture the variation in topic distribtuion (we have many folks with high topic variance) because by default it makes beta sum to 1.