dbt and BigQuery: an action oriented approach
Chapter 1 About
Samuel Gachuhi is a geographer who by fate found himself in the programming world. He holds a certificate in data science and machine learning and another in deep learning with Tensorflow from Udemy. He was motivated to write this book on dbt after noticing that most text on dbt was written in a manner only comprehensible to software engineers. Believing that knowledge transfer should be conveyed in a manner that is understandable by all, he sought to write this book in a less technical manner, and infusing it with humour since learning should be enjoyable, not painful.
1.1 Resources
All the code used in this book has been uploaded to this Github repository. Here is the full link:
The online version of the book is available from this link. The online book is better than the Portable Document Format (PDF) version as the latter has some pieces of code trimmed from the edge of the page.
1.2 Copyright

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