0.1 I might be wrong
Everything in this document is not 100% correct, this is what I think it does using my own discretion and googles help.
0.2 What is an Autoencoder
An auto encoder is is an unsupervised machine learning technique, it is trained by using supervised models.Autoencoders are a family of neural networks for which the input is the same as the output. They work by compressing the input into a latent-space representation, and then reconstructing the output from this representation.
0.3 What is Keras
Keras is a high-level neural networks API developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation. This means that Keras is appropriate for building essentially any deep learning model, from a memory network to a neural Turing machine.
0.4 prerequisite
0.5 Data manupilatoin
loading data and then adding a new column by taking the logs of male mx and naming it logmx.
## Year Age Female Male Total OpenInterval logmx
## 1: 1841 0 0.136067 0.169189 0.152777 FALSE -1.776739
## 2: 1841 1 0.059577 0.063208 0.061386 FALSE -2.761324
## 3: 1841 2 0.036406 0.036976 0.036689 FALSE -3.297486
## 4: 1841 3 0.024913 0.026055 0.025480 FALSE -3.647546
## 5: 1841 4 0.018457 0.019089 0.018772 FALSE -3.958643
## 6: 1841 5 0.013967 0.014279 0.014123 FALSE -4.248965
0.6 Functions
Scale min max function:
The first function defines min_dat as the minimum for the data “dat”, etc with the function max_dat for the maximum. The dat_scale is the scaled function for this code, by subtracting the observation with the min_dat observation and then dividing by the difference from the maximum observation and the minimum observation.
scale z function:
obtaining the mean and the sd from the data, scaling the observation in respect to the mean and sd.
Each function has will have two outputs, one for the data and one for the test data, unsure why but will look at it.
scale_min_max = function(dat,dat_test) {
min_dat = min(dat)
max_dat = max(dat)
dat_scaled_test = (dat_test-min_dat)/(max_dat-min_dat)
return(list(train = dat_scaled, test = dat_scaled_test, min = min_dat, max=max_dat))
scale_z = function(dat,dat_test) {
mean_dat = mean(dat)
sd_dat = sd(dat)
dat_scaled_test = (dat_test-mean_dat)/(sd_dat)
return(list(train = dat_scaled, test = dat_scaled_test, mean_dat = mean_dat, sd_dat=sd_dat))
0.7 Training and testing data
We only take the values of the data that is higher than year 1949 and less than the age of 100 and make it our new dataset. We specify the training data set from our new dataset by only taking the years smaller than 2000 and our test dataset will be for the years after and including 2000.
Next we take the scaled values using the min_max scale of the observations of the logmx values of both the test and training dataset. We than add the scaled mx vales of each respective dataset back.
The train_rates that is specifed, the function dcast works as follows: A matrix/table is formed with the first column as year going from 1950 to 2016 top to bottom, for each specified year row the following columns have the scaled log mx of the training data from age 0-99. The function dcast is a shortcut to change the data format in the table.
dat = dat[Year>1949 & Age<100]
train = dat[Year < 2000]
test = dat[Year >= 2000]
scaled = scale_min_max(train$logmx, test$logmx)
train$mx_scale = scaled$train #adding to resspective datasets
test$mx_scale = scaled$test
train_rates = train %>%, value.var = "mx_scale")
## Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
## 1: 1950 0.6356891 0.3403410 0.2917020 0.2561202 0.2274679 0.2451742 0.2218990
## 2: 1951 0.6377657 0.3539856 0.2882443 0.2550938 0.2358810 0.2258669 0.2054003
## 3: 1952 0.6288870 0.3411003 0.2809043 0.2441541 0.2216200 0.2032768 0.1892247
## 4: 1953 0.6254083 0.3297534 0.2716298 0.2460730 0.2218990 0.2118416 0.1945277
## 5: 1954 0.6193904 0.3098776 0.2483983 0.2265368 0.2006059 0.1880949 0.1754771
## 6: 1955 0.6179227 0.3026814 0.2587450 0.2166201 0.1966496 0.1756891 0.1830612
## 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
## 1: 0.2096842 0.2133573 0.1654901 0.1737664 0.1854130 0.1659537 0.1930900
## 2: 0.1987314 0.1790265 0.1765329 0.1834567 0.1722475 0.1786148 0.1882840
## 3: 0.1865704 0.1664154 0.1693700 0.1587866 0.1621893 0.1769525 0.1555301
## 4: 0.1792318 0.1585394 0.1577948 0.1442998 0.1481716 0.1442998 0.1798453
## 5: 0.1668751 0.1428834 0.1402872 0.1570450 0.1302080 0.1495222 0.1636160
## 6: 0.1859932 0.1590331 0.1327373 0.1376283 0.1442998 0.1638520 0.1597695
## 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
## 1: 0.1948842 0.2232834 0.2435833 0.2511041 0.2713632 0.2758103 0.2811489
## 2: 0.2006059 0.2085894 0.2249221 0.2235582 0.2391459 0.2642897 0.2856953
## 3: 0.1971737 0.2101501 0.2107682 0.2352656 0.2440402 0.2516374 0.2788450
## 4: 0.1790265 0.1903429 0.2058846 0.2269368 0.2261353 0.2447220 0.2550938
## 5: 0.1731180 0.1918166 0.2155924 0.2179276 0.2302150 0.2293069 0.2509971
## 6: 0.1808604 0.2141074 0.2126021 0.2306019 0.2415036 0.2393840 0.2612113
## 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
## 1: 0.2779266 0.2834854 0.2887015 0.2980292 0.2919238 0.3046730 0.3023459
## 2: 0.2746073 0.2928065 0.2746937 0.2822830 0.2917760 0.2955560 0.2871701
## 3: 0.2812303 0.2790112 0.2763219 0.2813929 0.2681125 0.2727778 0.2752105
## 4: 0.2726899 0.2690251 0.2757248 0.2631453 0.2655162 0.2642897 0.2684784
## 5: 0.2619890 0.2623758 0.2717185 0.2513177 0.2584453 0.2582451 0.2493801
## 6: 0.2642897 0.2706490 0.2589443 0.2658909 0.2692974 0.2558133 0.2475183
## 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
## 1: 0.3002429 0.3058510 0.3248773 0.2826049 0.3075306 0.3205192 0.3199478
## 2: 0.2838833 0.2964811 0.3024802 0.3063706 0.3029490 0.3101284 0.3234437
## 3: 0.2735656 0.2830861 0.2813929 0.2983780 0.2992108 0.3049359 0.3072739
## 4: 0.2837243 0.2808227 0.2900619 0.2747800 0.2933182 0.3029490 0.2873242
## 5: 0.2842797 0.2639096 0.2829259 0.2810674 0.2829259 0.2949110 0.2973282
## 6: 0.2599357 0.2775065 0.2746937 0.2631453 0.2867839 0.2860854 0.2910340
## 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
## 1: 0.3355726 0.3298058 0.3353237 0.3481532 0.3569745 0.3659761 0.3781509
## 2: 0.3313664 0.3321898 0.3372994 0.3486401 0.3493885 0.3654843 0.3745082
## 3: 0.3219911 0.3194886 0.3351242 0.3439020 0.3491249 0.3514314 0.3664282
## 4: 0.3108151 0.3131549 0.3287530 0.3317789 0.3444539 0.3479311 0.3566053
## 5: 0.2985173 0.3070165 0.3194310 0.3317789 0.3438098 0.3481088 0.3605607
## 6: 0.3067586 0.2959839 0.3122372 0.3246031 0.3464994 0.3560285 0.3555732
## 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
## 1: 0.3902415 0.3949853 0.4070679 0.4248317 0.4337807 0.4517532 0.4607288
## 2: 0.3968557 0.3959100 0.4052849 0.4291097 0.4339439 0.4463127 0.4583361
## 3: 0.3796617 0.3891454 0.3994778 0.4126220 0.4291310 0.4413169 0.4571200
## 4: 0.3766191 0.3812836 0.3914766 0.4117778 0.4281040 0.4338828 0.4518399
## 5: 0.3827524 0.3801607 0.3991429 0.4097403 0.4231808 0.4351604 0.4435444
## 6: 0.3749267 0.3780156 0.3916263 0.4015480 0.4224140 0.4327139 0.4479049
## 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
## 1: 0.4792101 0.4864730 0.4892123 0.5059927 0.5221611 0.5310244 0.5359129
## 2: 0.4824490 0.4905385 0.5022587 0.5134196 0.5294743 0.5373357 0.5417357
## 3: 0.4641769 0.4774787 0.4942355 0.5086763 0.5140231 0.5284922 0.5343566
## 4: 0.4644401 0.4753702 0.4854807 0.5057697 0.5213332 0.5258384 0.5322607
## 5: 0.4628200 0.4761934 0.4809147 0.5005441 0.5160371 0.5302010 0.5307873
## 6: 0.4632741 0.4742581 0.4841694 0.5023356 0.5127230 0.5286651 0.5384009
## 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
## 1: 0.5497138 0.5610744 0.5724363 0.5852744 0.5920987 0.6007551 0.6167817
## 2: 0.5577329 0.5696708 0.5828954 0.5909452 0.6020290 0.6135869 0.6291723
## 3: 0.5556959 0.5627301 0.5789078 0.5843602 0.5866264 0.5993982 0.6162947
## 4: 0.5500560 0.5636904 0.5743602 0.5853261 0.5918261 0.5973263 0.6183029
## 5: 0.5496781 0.5620172 0.5749923 0.5847663 0.5889972 0.5988644 0.6125293
## 6: 0.5459077 0.5621640 0.5754965 0.5814965 0.5910827 0.6000290 0.6146740
## 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
## 1: 0.6290958 0.6409872 0.6497720 0.6510361 0.6621406 0.6708778 0.6833272
## 2: 0.6355023 0.6475619 0.6573825 0.6605755 0.6753092 0.6849969 0.6945536
## 3: 0.6279670 0.6376307 0.6488485 0.6498873 0.6644487 0.6729161 0.6856236
## 4: 0.6300272 0.6381732 0.6444234 0.6490750 0.6675838 0.6773398 0.6848250
## 5: 0.6284612 0.6374245 0.6465662 0.6502954 0.6613414 0.6741688 0.6853232
## 6: 0.6268548 0.6381796 0.6472083 0.6517548 0.6673382 0.6724030 0.6859730
## 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
## 1: 0.6891376 0.6968221 0.7149960 0.7236977 0.7329225 0.7430821 0.7519847
## 2: 0.7000821 0.7078837 0.7241776 0.7309137 0.7454608 0.7514078 0.7662975
## 3: 0.6886360 0.6962200 0.7151045 0.7219715 0.7310684 0.7394937 0.7542435
## 4: 0.6921079 0.6957041 0.7149864 0.7270210 0.7313068 0.7403406 0.7546599
## 5: 0.6936236 0.6976097 0.7100300 0.7246305 0.7334544 0.7399530 0.7494547
## 6: 0.6942650 0.6995528 0.7155215 0.7233756 0.7358098 0.7447257 0.7554327
## 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
## 1: 0.7621880 0.7696863 0.7877196 0.7917675 0.7975538 0.8140077 0.8240725
## 2: 0.7726214 0.7864264 0.7948175 0.8014987 0.8081714 0.8215844 0.8330007
## 3: 0.7592657 0.7737228 0.7846458 0.7876056 0.7948377 0.8133033 0.8198399
## 4: 0.7574631 0.7735718 0.7833630 0.7889465 0.7967966 0.8129760 0.8194634
## 5: 0.7602223 0.7719252 0.7841855 0.7860631 0.7977350 0.8099881 0.8235271
## 6: 0.7647577 0.7753439 0.7899577 0.7927060 0.7992360 0.8133963 0.8229256
## 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
## 1: 0.8371691 0.8433746 0.8567774 0.8616965 0.8672325 0.8808917 0.8910789
## 2: 0.8461454 0.8507358 0.8666195 0.8764612 0.8799987 0.8878377 0.8954187
## 3: 0.8343163 0.8404715 0.8533044 0.8599919 0.8649045 0.8785918 0.8846597
## 4: 0.8314338 0.8389939 0.8527607 0.8581602 0.8664416 0.8736083 0.8803374
## 5: 0.8325885 0.8362177 0.8498793 0.8622164 0.8685994 0.8735643 0.8826654
## 6: 0.8365529 0.8462620 0.8545672 0.8627139 0.8712400 0.8843051 0.8857023
## 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
## 1: 0.8924089 0.9057682 0.9090777 0.9310690 0.9380756 0.9297472 0.9355948
## 2: 0.8990201 0.9051179 0.9282982 0.9296035 0.9203183 0.9352436 0.9382336
## 3: 0.8889953 0.9052910 0.9108876 0.9127358 0.9367530 0.9292258 0.9374399
## 4: 0.8817043 0.8938290 0.8967353 0.9099509 0.9162425 0.9373110 0.9492758
## 5: 0.8909937 0.8985886 0.9155038 0.9153234 0.9358767 0.9432458 0.9215413
## 6: 0.8958020 0.9055831 0.9102336 0.9196639 0.9292569 0.9384446 0.9372379
## 98 99
## 1: 0.9458013 0.9443410
## 2: 0.9510170 0.9899509
## 3: 0.9333059 0.9506794
## 4: 0.9607723 0.9582700
## 5: 0.9761418 0.9748660
## 6: 0.9532125 1.0000000
0.8 Generalized non-linear model
Fitting a generalized non-linear model to the train dataset using the Poisson log link and specifying the nonlinear interaction between age and year. After that we, we feed our data into the model and predict the dependent variable mx and adding it to the training dataset again as seen in the table below Pred_lc is the predicted male mx from the lee carter model.
## Initialising
## Running start-up iterations..
## Running main iterations........
## Done
## Year Age Female Male Total OpenInterval logmx mx_scale
## 1: 1950 0 0.025786 0.033686 0.029839 FALSE -3.390673 0.6356891
## 2: 1950 1 0.002251 0.002317 0.002285 FALSE -6.067482 0.3403410
## 3: 1950 2 0.001219 0.001491 0.001358 FALSE -6.508308 0.2917020
## 4: 1950 3 0.000947 0.001080 0.001015 FALSE -6.830794 0.2561202
## 5: 1950 4 0.000713 0.000833 0.000774 FALSE -7.090477 0.2274679
## 6: 1950 5 0.000658 0.000978 0.000822 FALSE -6.930001 0.2451742
## pred_LC
## 1: 0.0302345993
## 2: 0.0019081142
## 3: 0.0011729501
## 4: 0.0008928028
## 5: 0.0007514293
## 6: 0.0006883229
0.9 Lee carter model
A data table “coefs” is made, using the variables and coefficients from the GNM. We add in extra row. next we specify that the first 1-100 values as ax, 101-200 are bx and 201-250 are K.
We define the variables ax, bx and K from our coefs table.
and I cant remember Lee carter stuff in CS2 but i think the c1 and stuff is used to get the model and forecast k.
coefs = data.table(names = fit %>% coef %>% names, coef=fit %>% coef)
coefs[row %in% c(1:100),var:="ax"]
coefs[row %in% c(101:200),var:="bx"]
coefs[row %in% c(201:250),var:="k"]
ax =coefs[var == "ax"]$coef
bx =coefs[var == "bx"]$coef
k =coefs[var == "k"]$coef
c1 = mean(k)
c2 = sum(bx)
ax = ax+c1*bx
bx = bx/c2
k = (k-c1)*c2
0.10 Forecast Lee carter model
so form our values of K above we forecast 17 more observations ahead, the effects of the trend on mortality. We fit a lee carter model.
forecast_k =k %>% forecast::forecast(17) # forecast k 17 observatons ahead
k_forecast = forecast_k[[2]] # this is the actual time series.
fitted = (ax+(bx)%*%t(k)) # lee carter model to all values.
fitted_test = (ax+(bx)%*%t(k_forecast)) %>% melt # lee caret model to forecasted k, the time series with melt ?
test$pred_LC = fitted_test$value %>% exp # exponanting the values of the forecasted k
results = data.table(model = "Lee-Carter", MSE_OutOfSample = test[,sum((Male - pred_LC)^2)])
results # mean square error of the predicted vs actual
## model MSE_OutOfSample
## 1: Lee-Carter 0.2623647
0.11 Comparing
The graph shows the predicted values from the gnm to the actual values in the year 2016.
test[Year==2016] %>% #plotting for the year 2016
ggplot(aes(x=Age, y = log(pred_LC),colour="Predicted"))+
geom_point(size = 0.5, alpha=0.5)+
geom_line(aes(x=Age, y=log(Male),colour="Actual")) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#ADD8E6", colour = "#6D9EC1",size = 2, linetype = "solid"))+
ggtitle("Values of mx for each age")#plot of actual vs predicted
0.12 Setting up Network
x is a list of Numinputs and rates, these value that is specified is the train_rates specified as above from the dcast function, they are sampled without replacement and not adding the specified years and putting all that values as a matrix for numinputs and rates, they have the same value.
We specify how numinputs are defined, like activation function etc. The same for rates. Since the observations of Numinputs and Rates are the same, that is fed into the keras model, this is why its an autoencoder, the input and output layers are the same.
adam is the learning rate specified as 0.001 and the model is further compiled with this learning rate and then using the specified loss function that will be minimized mape(mean absolute percentage error)
x = list(NumInputs=as.matrix(train_rates[,c(-1),with=F]), Rates= as.matrix(train_rates[,c(-1),with=F])) # same value
NumInputs <- layer_input(shape = c(100), dtype = 'float32', name = 'NumInputs')
encode = NumInputs %>%
layer_dense(units = 4, activation = 'tanh', name = "EncodeRates1")
Rates = encode %>%
layer_dense(units = 100, activation = 'sigmoid', name = "Rates")
model <- keras_model(
inputs = c(NumInputs),
outputs = c(Rates))
adam = optimizer_adam(lr = 0.001)
model %>% compile(
optimizer = adam,
loss = "mape")
0.13 model 1
A learning rate schedule is specified for if n<20 is 0.01 and if n<40000 is 0.001 otherwise 0.0001 and i don’t know why. lr_sched is then specified as the schedule.
The model that is obtained from the greedy auto encode looks a pre determined model that will be use for the autoencoding.
The encode and Rates variables are specified for the layers in the neural network with their activation function and units in the layer. We will name this encoderates 1 and encode in the 2 layers of the inputs and for the output, Rates and DecodeRates 1.
A second Keras model is specified for this newly defined Numinputs and Rates, the same principles apply. A learning rate of 0.001 is defined. We specify the weights of the model from the encoderates1 and Rates for the model, this is basically for parameter reduction if I’am not mistaken. These layers are not trainable, they are used as is.
lr_schedule = function(n,lr) {
ifelse(n<20,0.01,ifelse(n<40000,0.001,0.0001)) }
lr_sched = callback_learning_rate_scheduler(schedule = lr_schedule) # the schedule
model = load_model_hdf5("greedy_auto_encode1.mod") # autoencode model.
encode = NumInputs %>%
layer_dense(units = 4, activation = 'tanh', name = "EncodeRates1") %>%
layer_dense(units = 2, activation = 'linear', name = "encode")
Rates = encode %>%
layer_dense(units =4, activation = 'tanh', name = "DecodeRates1") %>%
layer_dense(units = 100, activation = 'sigmoid', name = "Rates")
model_stage2 <- keras_model(
inputs = c(NumInputs),
outputs = c(Rates))
adam = optimizer_adam(lr = 0.001)
set_weights(get_layer(model_stage2, "EncodeRates1"), get_weights(get_layer(model, "EncodeRates1")))
set_weights(get_layer(model_stage2, "Rates"), get_weights(get_layer(model, "Rates")))
layer = get_layer(model_stage2, "EncodeRates1")
layer$trainable = FALSE
layer = get_layer(model_stage2, "Rates")
layer$trainable = FALSE
0.14 model stage 2
The model is compiled with the learning rate and loss function again the same steps is followed in the previous chunk as before.
model_stage2 %>% compile(
optimizer = adam,
loss = "mape")
model_stage2 = load_model_hdf5("greedy_auto_encode2.mod")
encode = NumInputs %>%
layer_dense(units = 4, activation = 'tanh', name = "EncodeRates1") %>%
layer_dense(units = 2, activation = 'linear', name = "encode")
Rates = encode %>%
layer_dense(units =4, activation = 'tanh', name = "DecodeRates1") %>%
layer_dense(units = 100, activation = 'sigmoid', name = "Rates")
model_stage3 <- keras_model(
inputs = c(NumInputs),
outputs = c(Rates))
adam = optimizer_adam(lr = 0.001)
set_weights(get_layer(model_stage3, "EncodeRates1"), get_weights(get_layer(model_stage2, "EncodeRates1")))
set_weights(get_layer(model_stage3, "encode"), get_weights(get_layer(model_stage2, "encode")))
set_weights(get_layer(model_stage3, "DecodeRates1"), get_weights(get_layer(model_stage2, "DecodeRates1")))
set_weights(get_layer(model_stage3, "Rates"), get_weights(get_layer(model_stage2, "Rates")))
0.15 model stage 3
The model stage 3 will be done as usual.
0.16 Training matrix
A matrix/table pre_train is formed by predicting the log mx scaled from our model using the numinputs. We see for the head of the table, we have the predicted log mx scaled values for v1-v100 which i think is the age. the format is changed such that after the year coll um is added, the values are grouped by v1 for each year and so forth for each v. A column is added age for each v and year age 0-19. Another column is added mx_autencoder that is the same as value and i don’t know why that is done..
the last part of the chunk is as follows: we add the column mx_autoencode From the previous specified part of pred_train. That added column is then exponented and then a lot of stuff, look at the line specified as “values adapted”. After that formula is done and replaced with the mx_autencode column, these values look very similar to the Pred_lc values, hmmmmmm. A table is produced that has the predicted Sum of squares error of the Autoencode and pred_lc values in respect to the mx values of males listed as “SSE” in the chunk.
The table “train_metrics” is a table consisting of the MSE of both autencoder and pred_LC summed over each age for every year, an example is given. Delta is defined as Autoencode - pred_lc and added to the table of train_metrics.
pred_train = model %>% predict(x$NumInputs) %>% data.table #predicted log mx scaled
## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7
## 1: 0.6467944 0.3513709 0.2940219 0.2594874 0.2360045 0.2323276 0.2142464
## 2: 0.6462150 0.3503927 0.2934213 0.2593034 0.2364643 0.2322569 0.2148480
## 3: 0.6304219 0.3309096 0.2745384 0.2414451 0.2188267 0.2126442 0.1967992
## 4: 0.6229088 0.3217203 0.2660468 0.2338167 0.2119249 0.2044829 0.1899060
## 5: 0.6110839 0.3085161 0.2527739 0.2206441 0.1978216 0.1900768 0.1754376
## 6: 0.6130433 0.3103139 0.2550939 0.2234713 0.2016609 0.1933188 0.1795096
## V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14
## 1: 0.2058837 0.1896771 0.1727161 0.1781367 0.1684881 0.1807704 0.1869070
## 2: 0.2063770 0.1899423 0.1736375 0.1781390 0.1684831 0.1803400 0.1864357
## 3: 0.1882235 0.1737578 0.1597397 0.1622582 0.1556360 0.1659728 0.1739339
## 4: 0.1812098 0.1673449 0.1548550 0.1557556 0.1503290 0.1596603 0.1683025
## 5: 0.1669549 0.1549488 0.1428759 0.1441467 0.1408114 0.1498341 0.1598022
## 6: 0.1708353 0.1581275 0.1467597 0.1468230 0.1430055 0.1515816 0.1611866
## V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21
## 1: 0.1972901 0.2176347 0.2281940 0.2265781 0.2422821 0.2553520 0.2754054
## 2: 0.1968053 0.2167621 0.2287828 0.2279591 0.2432730 0.2559257 0.2750873
## 3: 0.1862832 0.2058845 0.2235894 0.2309587 0.2449367 0.2551432 0.2703034
## 4: 0.1814149 0.2004851 0.2219457 0.2336679 0.2466576 0.2553778 0.2679387
## 5: 0.1743146 0.1938323 0.2166292 0.2331619 0.2459053 0.2535413 0.2647792
## 6: 0.1753475 0.1942569 0.2186760 0.2352618 0.2474894 0.2547770 0.2650865
## V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28
## 1: 0.2814087 0.2864996 0.2877319 0.2884917 0.2874861 0.2885768 0.2844077
## 2: 0.2806954 0.2854641 0.2863238 0.2868633 0.2858961 0.2869846 0.2829468
## 3: 0.2740743 0.2772328 0.2766849 0.2763826 0.2755393 0.2767911 0.2735299
## 4: 0.2705452 0.2727135 0.2712191 0.2703561 0.2696019 0.2709180 0.2681078
## 5: 0.2667522 0.2683176 0.2664840 0.2654135 0.2646782 0.2661244 0.2636534
## 6: 0.2666739 0.2679522 0.2657078 0.2643991 0.2637101 0.2651204 0.2627407
## V29 V30 V31 V32 V33 V34 V35
## 1: 0.2927912 0.3012238 0.3067211 0.2978728 0.3079193 0.3172473 0.3196200
## 2: 0.2910424 0.2992925 0.3047984 0.2961967 0.3064156 0.3154572 0.3182470
## 3: 0.2803981 0.2873460 0.2927154 0.2864051 0.2963278 0.3043190 0.3083588
## 4: 0.2741849 0.2804130 0.2857285 0.2806105 0.2905689 0.2978400 0.3028018
## 5: 0.2693549 0.2749375 0.2801260 0.2762927 0.2856657 0.2926939 0.2977812
## 6: 0.2681526 0.2736512 0.2788776 0.2750551 0.2847935 0.2914979 0.2971052
## V36 V37 V38 V39 V40 V41 V42
## 1: 0.3341047 0.3316818 0.3411655 0.3538644 0.3604109 0.3665736 0.3751164
## 2: 0.3327044 0.3306004 0.3401718 0.3528497 0.3596147 0.3661409 0.3747444
## 3: 0.3218860 0.3217654 0.3313583 0.3435981 0.3514558 0.3590403 0.3681788
## 4: 0.3159043 0.3169272 0.3266107 0.3386396 0.3471716 0.3555623 0.3649873
## 5: 0.3102037 0.3121283 0.3216437 0.3333641 0.3423041 0.3507775 0.3604978
## 6: 0.3096500 0.3117846 0.3214562 0.3332189 0.3423569 0.3513077 0.3610411
## V43 V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49
## 1: 0.3940096 0.3963099 0.4048935 0.4199245 0.4317724 0.4446062 0.4577484
## 2: 0.3936296 0.3962395 0.4049999 0.4200925 0.4319733 0.4448720 0.4579318
## 3: 0.3860874 0.3903563 0.3998707 0.4147801 0.4269023 0.4397744 0.4525099
## 4: 0.3824674 0.3877524 0.3977654 0.4126562 0.4249142 0.4378389 0.4503517
## 5: 0.3772109 0.3831714 0.3934147 0.4080260 0.4204053 0.4331690 0.4455901
## 6: 0.3779235 0.3841531 0.3945883 0.4093515 0.4217487 0.4346415 0.4469697
## V50 V51 V52 V53 V54 V55 V56
## 1: 0.4735135 0.4831736 0.4923094 0.5102655 0.5235850 0.5332921 0.5387620
## 2: 0.4737093 0.4834346 0.4925757 0.5104532 0.5237315 0.5335789 0.5391617
## 3: 0.4681050 0.4783850 0.4877530 0.5049542 0.5181529 0.5285267 0.5350351
## 4: 0.4658796 0.4764635 0.4859343 0.5027637 0.5158859 0.5266272 0.5336492
## 5: 0.4609404 0.4718320 0.4814726 0.4979158 0.5110563 0.5219261 0.5294599
## 6: 0.4623798 0.4732906 0.4828990 0.4993237 0.5124025 0.5234397 0.5310116
## V57 V58 V59 V60 V61 V62 V63
## 1: 0.5563105 0.5682883 0.5812719 0.5903254 0.5965381 0.6055831 0.6239564
## 2: 0.5565612 0.5685199 0.5815220 0.5906163 0.5969127 0.6059348 0.6241558
## 3: 0.5515491 0.5635912 0.5765154 0.5860323 0.5931602 0.6024623 0.6195923
## 4: 0.5496298 0.5616884 0.5745967 0.5843375 0.5919101 0.6013104 0.6178131
## 5: 0.5450314 0.5571949 0.5699971 0.5799941 0.5880674 0.5977435 0.6136725
## 6: 0.5464709 0.5585834 0.5714373 0.5814317 0.5895045 0.5990831 0.6149339
## V64 V65 V66 V67 V68 V69 V70
## 1: 0.6353061 0.6468638 0.6545454 0.6560551 0.6721210 0.6803191 0.6913426
## 2: 0.6354611 0.6470052 0.6547137 0.6563692 0.6723478 0.6805850 0.6915913
## 3: 0.6308429 0.6424891 0.6505933 0.6534775 0.6688582 0.6773592 0.6883062
## 4: 0.6289946 0.6406710 0.6489742 0.6525393 0.6675718 0.6762267 0.6871302
## 5: 0.6249005 0.6366867 0.6452562 0.6495198 0.6642444 0.6730315 0.6839211
## 6: 0.6260884 0.6378297 0.6463743 0.6506782 0.6653531 0.6741645 0.6850334
## V71 V72 V73 V74 V75 V76 V77
## 1: 0.6966033 0.7016622 0.7196991 0.7285808 0.7383841 0.7456174 0.7577139
## 2: 0.6969367 0.7020497 0.7199600 0.7288628 0.7386590 0.7459139 0.7579452
## 3: 0.6943899 0.7001214 0.7170365 0.7261776 0.7360271 0.7435233 0.7552193
## 4: 0.6936201 0.6996742 0.7160295 0.7252954 0.7351609 0.7427837 0.7542677
## 5: 0.6908375 0.6972843 0.7130873 0.7225034 0.7324263 0.7402013 0.7515451
## 6: 0.6919680 0.6983972 0.7141544 0.7235647 0.7334642 0.7412337 0.7525191
## V78 V79 V80 V81 V82 V83 V84
## 1: 0.7646455 0.7778105 0.7900686 0.7928755 0.8001782 0.8167810 0.8264642
## 2: 0.7648276 0.7778720 0.7900289 0.7929432 0.8002304 0.8167042 0.8263356
## 3: 0.7623053 0.7747540 0.7864969 0.7904493 0.7978102 0.8133799 0.8229014
## 4: 0.7613928 0.7734587 0.7849160 0.7894327 0.7968098 0.8118500 0.8212686
## 5: 0.7589419 0.7707693 0.7820956 0.7872449 0.7947153 0.8092749 0.8187099
## 6: 0.7597817 0.7714943 0.7827066 0.7878597 0.7952858 0.8097741 0.8191300
## V85 V86 V87 V88 V89 V90 V91
## 1: 0.8403250 0.8460941 0.8595228 0.8684912 0.8743964 0.8851717 0.8914312
## 2: 0.8400964 0.8458945 0.8592337 0.8681735 0.8741284 0.8848233 0.8910727
## 3: 0.8360724 0.8422504 0.8550478 0.8639109 0.8702356 0.8805981 0.8870581
## 4: 0.8340722 0.8404480 0.8529066 0.8617018 0.8682425 0.8783652 0.8849070
## 5: 0.8312269 0.8378584 0.8500440 0.8588296 0.8655734 0.8755784 0.8823193
## 6: 0.8315674 0.8381811 0.8502969 0.8590403 0.8658103 0.8757190 0.8823968
## V92 V93 V94 V95 V96 V97 V98
## 1: 0.8954905 0.9078665 0.9158488 0.9230182 0.9337584 0.9403613 0.9427309
## 2: 0.8952446 0.9075489 0.9154457 0.9226738 0.9333390 0.9400297 0.9423609
## 3: 0.8918336 0.9038699 0.9116219 0.9191104 0.9294442 0.9365052 0.9391181
## 4: 0.8900725 0.9019046 0.9094926 0.9171575 0.9272416 0.9345628 0.9372638
## 5: 0.8877519 0.8994992 0.9071443 0.9148947 0.9248368 0.9322728 0.9353126
## 6: 0.8879373 0.8995920 0.9070877 0.9149068 0.9247531 0.9322993 0.9351994
## V99 V100
## 1: 0.9499943 0.9691490
## 2: 0.9497495 0.9684979
## 3: 0.9466217 0.9637784
## 4: 0.9449464 0.9607286
## 5: 0.9427894 0.9579377
## 6: 0.9429181 0.9573956
pred_train[,Year:=.I] # Adding in a collum of year from 1- 50
pred_train = pred_train %>% melt(id.vars="Year") %>% data.table() # changing the format to v1 for each year
## Year variable value
## 1: 1 V1 0.6467944
## 2: 2 V1 0.6462150
## 3: 3 V1 0.6304219
## 4: 4 V1 0.6229088
## 5: 5 V1 0.6110839
## 6: 6 V1 0.6130433
## Year variable value Age
## 1: 1 V1 0.6467944 0
## 2: 2 V1 0.6462150 0
## 3: 3 V1 0.6304219 0
## 4: 4 V1 0.6229088 0
## 5: 5 V1 0.6110839 0
## 6: 6 V1 0.6130433 0
pred_train[,mx_autoencode:=value] # adds a colum mx_autoencoder that has the same value as value
## Year variable value Age mx_autoencode
## 1: 1 V1 0.6467944 0 0.6467944
## 2: 2 V1 0.6462150 0 0.6462150
## 3: 3 V1 0.6304219 0 0.6304219
## 4: 4 V1 0.6229088 0 0.6229088
## 5: 5 V1 0.6110839 0 0.6110839
## 6: 6 V1 0.6130433 0 0.6130433
pred_train %>% setkey(Year,Age)
train$mx_autoencode = pred_train$mx_autoencode #adding the values to the train dataset
## Year Age Female Male Total OpenInterval logmx mx_scale
## 1: 1950 0 0.025786 0.033686 0.029839 FALSE -3.390673 0.6356891
## 2: 1950 1 0.002251 0.002317 0.002285 FALSE -6.067482 0.3403410
## 3: 1950 2 0.001219 0.001491 0.001358 FALSE -6.508308 0.2917020
## 4: 1950 3 0.000947 0.001080 0.001015 FALSE -6.830794 0.2561202
## 5: 1950 4 0.000713 0.000833 0.000774 FALSE -7.090477 0.2274679
## 6: 1950 5 0.000658 0.000978 0.000822 FALSE -6.930001 0.2451742
## pred_LC mx_autoencode
## 1: 0.0302345993 0.6467944
## 2: 0.0019081142 0.3513709
## 3: 0.0011729501 0.2940219
## 4: 0.0008928028 0.2594874
## 5: 0.0007514293 0.2360045
## 6: 0.0006883229 0.2323276
train[,mx_autoencode:=exp(mx_autoencode*(scaled$max-scaled$min)+scaled$min)] #values adapted
train[,.(Autoencode = sum((Male-mx_autoencode)^2)/.N, Pred_LC = sum((Male-pred_LC)^2)/.N)] # MSE
## Autoencode Pred_LC
## 1: 0.0001259226 0.0001204623
train_metrics = train[,.(Autoencode = sum((Male-mx_autoencode)^2), Pred_LC = sum((Male-pred_LC)^2)), keyby = Year] # adding SSE to new table
## Year Autoencode Pred_LC
## 1: 1950 0.02700372 0.013457625
## 2: 1951 0.03205880 0.034742071
## 3: 1952 0.01302112 0.007995853
## 4: 1953 0.01777636 0.018886777
## 5: 1954 0.05768625 0.050844405
## 6: 1955 0.09314369 0.075642035
train_metrics[, delta := Autoencode-Pred_LC]
train_metrics %>% # Plot of Delta
ggplot(aes(x=Year, y=delta))+
geom_line() +
ggtitle("Plot of Delta for each year") +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#ADD8E6", colour = "#6D9EC1",size = 2, linetype = "solid"))+
geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dashed", color = "red")
0.17 Obtaining Codes
Codes model is specifed with inputs as NUminputs and outputs as encode with learning rate 0.01 and mape loss function.
The keras model predict V1 and V2 and placing it in a table with the corresponding year, it predicts something but i don’t know what. The two variables V1 and V2 is then set as a Time series from 1-50 (1950-1999)
dim1_forecasts forecasts V1 17 units ahead with drift and the same is done for dim2_forecasts.
codes_forecast table is created, it is the mean forecast of each V1 and V2 for the years 2000-2016. We Row bind these Codes_forecast such that the values continue from 1999 - 2016.
codes_model <- keras_model(
inputs = c(NumInputs),
outputs = c(encode)) %>% compile(
optimizer = adam,
loss = "mape")
codes = codes_model %>%
predict(x$NumInputs) %>% data.table # predicts V1 and v2
codes[,Year:= train[,unique(Year)]] # adding the year to the table codes
## V1 V2 Year
## 1: -2.589451 0.193039715 1950
## 2: -2.583511 0.146560371 1951
## 3: -2.465765 0.106399596 1952
## 4: -2.353044 0.067193687 1953
## 5: -2.168850 0.038686931 1954
## 6: -2.233367 0.004854023 1955
ts_mat = as.ts(codes[,c(1:2),with=F]) # as time series
dim1_forecasts = ts_mat[,1] %>% forecast::rwf(h = 17,drift=T) %>% forecast(17)# forecasting
dim2_forecasts = ts_mat[,2] %>% forecast::rwf(h = 17,drift=T) %>% forecast(17)# forecasting
codes_forecast=data.table(V1 = as.double(dim1_forecasts$mean),V2 = as.double(dim2_forecasts$mean),Year=2000:2016) # adds colum and such
## V1 V2 Year
## 1: 0.5986809 0.2240492 2000
## 2: 0.6624435 0.2246694 2001
## 3: 0.7262061 0.2252896 2002
## 4: 0.7899688 0.2259098 2003
## 5: 0.8537314 0.2265300 2004
## 6: 0.9174940 0.2271502 2005
0.18 Forecast
The first part of the chunk is the same principles as before.
I made a change in the plot, he plotted Pred_lc to year, but i think he wanted to plot autoencoder to year, so I plotted all of them.
This specific chunk is better to explain in the code rows.
CodeInputs <- layer_input(shape = c(2), dtype = 'float32', name = 'CodeInputs') #layer input.
DecodedRates = CodeInputs %>%
layer_dense(units = 4, activation = 'tanh', name = "DecodeRates1") %>%
layer_dense(units = 100, activation = 'sigmoid', name = "DecodedRates")
decode_model <- keras_model(
inputs = c(CodeInputs),
outputs = c(DecodedRates)) %>% compile(
optimizer = adam,
loss = "mape")
set_weights(get_layer(decode_model, "DecodeRates1"), get_weights(get_layer(model, "DecodeRates1")))
set_weights(get_layer(decode_model, "DecodedRates"), get_weights(get_layer(model, "Rates")))
x_codes = list(encode = codes[,c(1,2),with=F] %>% as.matrix)
codes = decode_model %>%
predict(x_codes$encode) %>% data.table #predicts V1-V100
codes[,Year:=.I] # Adds years
codes = codes %>% melt(id.vars="Year") %>% data.table() #data formating for V1 for each year and so on
codes[,Age:=as.integer(str_sub(variable, 2))-1] # adding ages
## Year variable value Age
## 1: 1 V1 0.6635555 0
## 2: 2 V1 0.6634684 0
## 3: 3 V1 0.6565518 0
## 4: 4 V1 0.6498291 0
## 5: 5 V1 0.6381762 0
## 6: 6 V1 0.6428274 0
codes[,Year:=Year+1949] # correcting the year
codes[,mx_autoencode:=value] # adding the previous MX_autencode values.
codes[,mx_nn:=exp(mx_autoencode*(scaled$max-scaled$min)+scaled$min)] # new collum add that looks like same formula as last time.
codes %>% setkey(Year,Age)
## Year variable value Age mx_autoencode mx_nn
## 1: 1950 V1 0.6635555 0 0.6635555 0.043364524
## 2: 1950 V2 0.3656229 1 0.3656229 0.002913659
## 3: 1950 V3 0.3188880 2 0.3188880 0.001907589
## 4: 1950 V4 0.2954786 3 0.2954786 0.001542918
## 5: 1950 V5 0.2933152 4 0.2933152 0.001512960
## 6: 1950 V6 0.2771123 5 0.2771123 0.001306324
test$mx_autoencode = codes[Year>=2000]$mx_autoencode #we add the mx_autoencode values from the codes above to the test dataset from 2000 and up.
## Year Age Female Male Total OpenInterval logmx mx_scale
## 1: 2000 0 0.005038 0.006073 0.005568 FALSE -5.103903 0.446658392
## 2: 2000 1 0.000304 0.000447 0.000377 FALSE -7.712952 0.158786557
## 3: 2000 2 0.000165 0.000278 0.000223 FALSE -8.187889 0.106383899
## 4: 2000 3 0.000171 0.000175 0.000173 FALSE -8.650725 0.055316563
## 5: 2000 4 0.000157 0.000137 0.000147 FALSE -8.895530 0.028305776
## 6: 2000 5 0.000108 0.000108 0.000108 FALSE -9.133379 0.002062413
## pred_LC mx_autoencode
## 1: 0.0068457726 0.43899250
## 2: 0.0004773606 0.16486940
## 3: 0.0003048824 0.10951355
## 4: 0.0002381634 0.07240656
## 5: 0.0001971017 0.05901864
## 6: 0.0001697622 0.00000000
test[,mx_autoencode:=exp(mx_autoencode*(scaled$max-scaled$min)+scaled$min)] #replaces values of mx_autencoer with these values from the formula.
## Year Age Female Male Total OpenInterval logmx mx_scale
## 1: 2000 0 0.005038 0.006073 0.005568 FALSE -5.103903 0.446658392
## 2: 2000 1 0.000304 0.000447 0.000377 FALSE -7.712952 0.158786557
## 3: 2000 2 0.000165 0.000278 0.000223 FALSE -8.187889 0.106383899
## 4: 2000 3 0.000171 0.000175 0.000173 FALSE -8.650725 0.055316563
## 5: 2000 4 0.000157 0.000137 0.000147 FALSE -8.895530 0.028305776
## 6: 2000 5 0.000108 0.000108 0.000108 FALSE -9.133379 0.002062413
## pred_LC mx_autoencode
## 1: 0.0068457726 0.0056653856
## 2: 0.0004773606 0.0004723351
## 3: 0.0003048824 0.0002859983
## 4: 0.0002381634 0.0002043178
## 5: 0.0001971017 0.0001809714
## 6: 0.0001697622 0.0001060000
df <- data.frame(test[,sum((Male-mx_autoencode)^2)],test[,sum((Male - pred_LC)^2)]) #dataframe
colnames(df)<- c("MSE mx_autoencode","MSE Pred_LC") # colum names
df # SSE for the mx_autencoder en Pred_lc
## MSE mx_autoencode MSE Pred_LC
## 1 0.1170268 0.2623647
results= rbind(results, data.table(model = "Autoencoder",MSE_OutOfSample=test[,sum((Male-mx_autoencode)^2)]))
results # this code above adds the Autencode MSE to the results table.
## model MSE_OutOfSample
## 1: Lee-Carter 0.2623647
## 2: Autoencoder 0.1170268
ggplot(aes(x=Age, y = log(mx_autoencode),colour="Mx_Autoencoder Predicted"))+
geom_point(size = 0.5, alpha=0.5)+
geom_line(aes(x=Age, y=log(Male),colour="Actual"))+
geom_line(aes(x=Age, y = log(pred_LC),colour="Pred_LC Predicted"))+
ggtitle(label = "Values of mx for each age")+
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#ADD8E6", colour = "#6D9EC1",size = 2, linetype = "solid")) #plot of mx
0.19 Regression
A new data set train_reg is made with the variables of the training data set, Year, Age, Male mx and mx_scale without replacement. The same is done for the test_reg.
After the scaling of the year that is weird for me, but from prior knowledge its better for the network to use scaled values, so i think that is why year is also scaled, the values of the Year_scale are the replaced in the original train_reg and test_reg datasets. Within chunk explanation is done again.
train_reg = train[,c(1,2,4,8),with=F] # New dataset
test_reg = test[,c(1,2,4,8),with=F] # New dataset
# Train
year_scale = scale_min_max(train_reg$Year,test_reg$Year) # scaled the new datasetes, but his scalling the year, weird,
train_reg$Year = year_scale[[1]] #replace in dataset
test_reg$Year = year_scale[[2]] #replace in dataset
Year= train_reg$Year # defines variable
Age = train_reg$Age # defines variable
x = list(Year= Year,Age = Age) #defines independant varialbes
y = (main_output= train_reg$mx_scale) #defines dependent varialbe as the mx_scaled one.
Year = test_reg$Year # defines variable
Age = test_reg$Age # defines variable
x_test = list(Year = Year,Age = Age) #defines independant varialbes
y_test = (main_output= test_reg$mx_scale) #defines dependent varialbe as the mx_scaled one.
0.20 Building layers
We define the layers for year and age, some stuff is really vague to me.
A dropout rate of 0.1 is used to prevent a model from over fitting. Dense is the units in the layers with an activation function relu (rectified linear unit).
Year <- layer_input(shape = c(1), dtype = 'float32', name = 'Year') #define layer
Age <- layer_input(shape = c(1), dtype = 'int32', name = 'Age') #define layer
Age_embed = Age %>% #define embed age ?
layer_embedding(input_dim = 100, output_dim = 5,input_length = 1, name = 'Age_embed') %>%
main_output <- layer_concatenate(list(Year,Age_embed)) %>% #output variable layers drop out and dense.
layer_dense(units = 32, activation = 'relu') %>%
layer_dropout(0.1) %>%
layer_dense(units = 32, activation = 'relu') %>%
layer_dropout(0.1) %>%
layer_dense(units = 1, activation = 'sigmoid', name = 'main_output')
model <- keras_model( #keras model
inputs = c(Year,Age),
outputs = c(main_output))
adam = optimizer_adam(lr=0.001) # NOOOOOO idea what the following part do
lr_callback = callback_reduce_lr_on_plateau(factor=.80, patience = 50, verbose=1, cooldown = 100, min_lr = 0.0001)
model_callback = callback_model_checkpoint(filepath = "c:/r/best_mx_reg_callback.mod", verbose = 1,save_best_only = TRUE)
model %>% compile( #compiling the model
optimizer = adam,
loss = "mse")
fit = model %>% fit( # This is the final model.
x = x,
y = y,
epochs = 10, # I use this amount of epochs, it was 1500 but i did not want to wait so long.
batch_size = 16,verbose = 1, shuffle = T, validation_split = 0.1, callbacks = list(lr_callback,model_callback))
0.21 Comparing all models
This best_mx_reg model predicts the explanatory variables (x_test) and adds it to the test data set. within chunk explanation is done again
model = load_model_hdf5("best_mx_reg.mod") #load a best mx model
test$mx_deep_reg = model %>%
test[,mx_deep_reg:=exp(mx_deep_reg*(scaled$max-scaled$min)+scaled$min)] # again modified to the formula
## Year Age Female Male Total OpenInterval logmx mx_scale
## 1: 2000 0 0.005038 0.006073 0.005568 FALSE -5.103903 0.446658392
## 2: 2000 1 0.000304 0.000447 0.000377 FALSE -7.712952 0.158786557
## 3: 2000 2 0.000165 0.000278 0.000223 FALSE -8.187889 0.106383899
## 4: 2000 3 0.000171 0.000175 0.000173 FALSE -8.650725 0.055316563
## 5: 2000 4 0.000157 0.000137 0.000147 FALSE -8.895530 0.028305776
## 6: 2000 5 0.000108 0.000108 0.000108 FALSE -9.133379 0.002062413
## pred_LC mx_autoencode mx_deep_reg
## 1: 0.0068457726 0.0056653856 0.0044964767
## 2: 0.0004773606 0.0004723351 0.0004172431
## 3: 0.0003048824 0.0002859983 0.0002805146
## 4: 0.0002381634 0.0002043178 0.0002258803
## 5: 0.0001971017 0.0001809714 0.0002005641
## 6: 0.0001697622 0.0001060000 0.0001855847
## lc autoencode_forecast Deep_reg
## 1: 0.2623647 0.1170268 0.08143053
results = rbind(results, data.table(model = "Deep_reg", MSE_OutOfSample =test[,sum((Male-mx_deep_reg)^2)]))
results # MSE out of sample for the 3 models.
## model MSE_OutOfSample
## 1: Lee-Carter 0.26236472
## 2: Autoencoder 0.11702681
## 3: Deep_reg 0.08143053
gbrtenw = fread("gbrtenw.csv")
Y2016 = test[Year==2016] #makes a new dataset for only the year 2016
Y2016$mx_deep_reg_all = gbrtenw$mx_deep_reg_full #adding that collum, dont know what it is .
Y2016[,.(Pred_lc = sum((Male-pred_LC)^2),autoencode_forecast= sum((Male-mx_autoencode)^2),Deep_reg = sum((Male-mx_deep_reg)^2),Deep_reg_all = sum((Male-mx_deep_reg_all)^2))] # the testing results MSE
## Pred_lc autoencode_forecast Deep_reg Deep_reg_all
## 1: 0.01705496 0.007398312 0.01171775 0.006009346
Y2016[,c(2,4,9:12),with=F] %>% melt(id.vars="Age") %>%
ggplot(aes(x=Age, y=log(value)))+geom_line(aes(group = variable,colour=variable,linetype=variable))+
ggtitle(label = "Values of mx for each age")+
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#ADD8E6", colour = "#6D9EC1",size = 2, linetype = "solid"))