Loading [MathJax]/jax/output/HTML-CSS/jax.js
  • 1 Organization & content of the workshop
  • 2 Intro to lecturer, participants
  • 3 R: The programm
  • 4 Why use R vs. other software?
  • 5 Data concept and object-orientiation
  • 6 Start R and help function
  • 7 Objects, working directory and workspace
    • 7.1 Storage & working directory
    • 7.2 Objects & workspace
    • 7.3 Example: Objects, working directory and workspace
    • 7.4 Exercise: Working directory, objects and workspace
    • 7.5 Solution: Working directory, objects and workspace
  • 8 Calculations and logical comparisons
    • 8.1 Example: Calculations and logical comparisons
    • 8.2 Exercise: Calculations and logical comparisons (Homework)
    • 8.3 Solution: Calculations and logical comparisons
  • 9 How to write good code
    • 9.1 Commenting & object names
    • 9.2 Code structure & more
  • 10 Objects: Classes and their structure
    • 10.1 Overview of classes
      • 10.1.1 Examples of classes
    • 10.2 Vectors
      • 10.2.1 Vector classes: Numerical, logical and character
      • 10.2.2 Vectors: Functions
      • 10.2.3 Example: Vectors
      • 10.2.4 Exercise: Vectors
      • 10.2.5 Solution: Vectors
      • 10.2.6 Exercise (howework): Vectors - Combining and subsetting
      • 10.2.7 Solution (howework): Vectors - Combining and subsetting
    • 10.3 Factors: Functions
    • 10.4 Lists: Functions
      • 10.4.1 Example: Factors and lists
      • 10.4.2 Exercise: Factors and lists (homework?)
      • 10.4.3 Solution: Objects: Factors and lists
  • 11 Packages
    • 11.1 Packages: Functions
    • 11.2 Example: Packages
    • 11.3 Exercise: Packages
    • 11.4 Solution: Packages (HOMEWORK)
  • 12 Data frames
    • 12.1 The basics
    • 12.2 Data frame: Functions
    • 12.3 The attach()-function
    • 12.4 Example: The basics
    • 12.5 Logic of accessing subsets of data frames
  • 13 Dplyr: Grammar of data management
    • 13.1 Dplyr: Functions
    • 13.2 Chaining with dplyr
    • 13.3 Example: Filter rows and select rows by position
    • 13.4 Example: Reorder rows (sort!)
    • 13.5 Example: Select and rename columns
    • 13.6 Example: Extract distinct/unique rows/values
    • 13.7 Example: Add new (transformed) columns
    • 13.8 Exercise: Filtering, reordering, selecting/renaming, extracting and transforming
    • 13.9 Solution: Filtering, reordering, selecting/renaming, extracting and transforming
    • 13.10 Recoding variables
      • 13.10.1 Example: Recoding variables
      • 13.10.2 Exercise: Recoding variables
      • 13.10.3 Solution: Recoding variables
    • 13.11 Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation)
      • 13.11.1 Example: Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation)
      • 13.11.2 Exercise: Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation)
      • 13.11.3 Solution: Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation)
    • 13.12 Merging data frames
      • 13.12.1 Example: Merging data frames
      • 13.12.2 Exercise: Merging data frames
      • 13.12.3 Solution: Merging data frames
    • 13.13 Nested dataframes
      • 13.13.1 Example: (nested) dataframes
      • 13.13.2 Exercise: (nested) dataframes
  • 14 Simple statistics and contingency tables
    • 14.1 Functions
    • 14.2 Example: Simple statistics and contingency tables
    • 14.3 Exercise: Simple statistics and contingency tables
    • 14.4 Solution: Simple statistics and contingency tables
  • 15 Data: Import and export
    • 15.1 Fundamental rules!
    • 15.2 What does raw data look like?
    • 15.3 Basic functions and packages
    • 15.4 Example: Data import and export
      • 15.4.1 Importing of/over other formats: HTML, APIs (skip)
        • APIs
        • HTML
        • Importing various datasets/surveys
    • 15.5 Exercise: Data import and export
  • 16 Loops and control structures (skip!)
    • 16.1 Example: Loops and control structures
    • 16.2 Exercise: Loops and control structures
    • 16.3 Solution: Loops and control structures
  • 17 Functions (skip!)
    • 17.1 Example: Functions
    • 17.2 Exercise: Functions
      • 17.2.1 Solution: Exercise: Functions
  • 18 Graphics
    • 18.1 Base R graphs (skip)
      • 18.1.1 Example: Basic steps
      • 18.1.2 Adding basic components
      • 18.1.3 Parameters: Local and global
      • 18.1.4 Example: Components and parameters
      • 18.1.5 Graphs for categorical variables
      • 18.1.6 Graphs for metric variables
      • 18.1.7 Example: Graphs for metric variables
      • 18.1.8 Exercise: Graphs 1
      • 18.1.9 Solution: Graphs 1
      • 18.1.10 Exercise: Graphs 2
      • 18.1.11 Solution: Graphs 2
    • 18.2 Ggplot2
  • 19 Statistical models
    • 19.1 General
    • 19.2 Linear model (Regression)
      • 19.2.1 Example: Fertility and socio-economic indicators
      • 19.2.2 Exercise: Linear regression in R
      • 19.2.3 Solution: Linear regression in R
      • 19.2.4 Checking assumptions linear regression model (OLS) (skip)
    • 19.3 Example: Testing assumptions linear regression model (OLS) (skip)
    • 19.4 Generalized linear models (skip)
    • 19.5 Multilevel models (skip)
  • 20 Workflow in R
    • 20.1 Writing papers
  • 21 Further ressources
  • 22 Session info

1 Organization & content of the workshop

  • Everyone received my email(s)?
  • Slides & course script can be accessed here: https://bookdown.org/paul/2022_r_workshop/
    • Zoom in/out: STRG + Mousewheel
    • Use TOC (on the left) to move around
  • Data etc. can be downloaded –here–
  • The script (= slides!)
    • …is based on an earlier material script developed with Rudolf Farys (University of Bern)
    • …is html (contains links!)
    • …will stay online
    • …contains visible and hidden code chunks
  • Workshop goals

2 Intro to lecturer, participants

  • Paul Bauer
    • BA/MA in Konstanz/Barcelona (Political Science)
    • Phd in Bern (2015)
    • Postdoc Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence (2015-2017)
    • Since 2017 at the MZES
    • Research: trust; polarization; fake news; social media; quantitative methods (causal inference, ML)
  • And you? Interests?

3 R: The programm

4 Why use R vs. other software?

  • Free and open source
  • Good online-documentation
  • Lively community of users (forums etc.)
  • Pioneering role
  • Visualization capabilities (1, 2)
  • Intuitive
  • Cooperates with other programs
  • Wide variety of disciplines
  • Object-oriented programming language
  • Popularity (See 2019 popularity statistics on books, blogs, forums)
  • R studio: Scientific work suite optimizing workflow (replication, reproducability etc.)
  • Institutions/people (Hadley Wickham etc.)
  • Economic power (Microsoft R, Rstudio)
  • Some examples of interesting projects…

5 Data concept and object-orientiation

    • One data set at a time
    • Data sets follow a “row-by-column” structure
      • Rows = observations/units
      • Columns = variables
    • Variables have certain attributes attached to them (e.g. labels)
  • R (similar to Python, C, Basic)
    • “Everything” is an object
    • There are different classes of objects
    • Data, functions, estimation results etc. are all objects
    • Functions use the content of an object and produce results
    • Objects are stored in the “workspace”

6 Start R and help function

  • Start “R”: R icon on the desktop or startmenu
  • Stop “R”: Type q() or close window
  • RGui: 2 windows
    • ‘R Console’: Enter code here and see output (beware of the “+” sign!)
    • Script window: Save your code here and send it to the console (= “Do-file”)
    • Send code from script to console with: CTRL + R
  • R studio
    • Powerful editor that “sits on” R
    • Send code from script to console with: CTRL + ENTER


  • Help function
    • General help with help.start() or in the menu
    • Search help file for add_count() function
      • help.search("add_count")
    • Get help file for add_count() function (Explain help file structure!)
      • ?add_count and help("add_count")
    • Or search in the lower right panel in Rstudio

7 Objects, working directory and workspace

7.1 Storage & working directory

  • Possible storages
    • Harddrive
    • “Workspace”: Storage within R
    • Online on some server (= harddrive)
    • Q: Who has his own server?
  • Working directory
    • getwd(): Display working directory
    • setwd(): Set working directory
    • dir(): Display files in working directory
    • R does not understand \
      • Use \\ instead or / in directory paths (see below)
    • #: Start comment that is not evaluated
# Example
## [1] "C:/Users/Paul/Google Drive/2-Teaching/2022_R_Workshop"

7.2 Objects & workspace

  • Objects
    • Meaningful names; No blanks
    • a <- 10 or a = 10: Assign something to an object
    • a: Type name to display content of object a
    • rm(): Delete object from workspace
    • save(a, b, file = "myobjects.RData"): Save single objects a and b as .RData file
    • load("myobjects.RData"): Load saved objects

  • “Workspace”
    • …stores all objects generated during the session
    • …is loaded automatically when you start R
    • ls(): Display workspace content
    • R queries whether you would like to save the workspace when quitting it

7.3 Example: Objects, working directory and workspace

# Comments in the script start with #
# Everything after # in the line is ignored by R

# Send code with CTRL + R

getwd() # Display working directory

# Generate a new folder on your hardrive called "2016_03_R_course_EUI"
# Use this folder as your working directory, i.e. to store the downloaded files in there
# If you need the path to your folder, copy it from the path field in the explorer (in windows)
# The course files are available here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bwer5wQoreiuMTRueFBGdDllNEk&usp=sharing

# Set the your working directory to your new folder
setwd("C:/Users/paul/Google Drive/Teaching/2016_03_R_course_EUI")

dir() # Display content of working directory

a <- 50 # Generate object that contains the number 50
a       # Show content of object
a = 70

ls() # Display objects in workspace

# Create a more complicated object
thesenseoflife <- c("worshipping god","having fun","no idea")
interesting <- thesenseoflife # define another object

# Q: How can I store the object "interesting" in the object "boring"?

# Objectnames do not have blanks
# Names should make sense and be systematic 
  # e.g. for dummy variables: d.male.voter
  # e.g. variance of variables: var.income
a <- 1
b <- 2

# Save objects a and b in the file "objects-a-and-b.RData"
# in the working directory

# Delete objects a and b
ls() # display all objects
load("objects-a-and-b.RData") # load objects from wd

# Check if they were loaded

7.4 Exercise: Working directory, objects and workspace

  1. Open Rstudio and create a new script that you save under the name “yourlastname_rworkshop_2016.r”. In this script you save all the code that you use to solve the exercises from now on.
  2. Display the working directory.
  3. Change the working directory to your personal folder.
  4. Create two objects: The object “hundred” in which you save the number 100 and the object “xyz” in which you save the number 250.
  5. Check whether the created objects have really been stored in the workspace.
  6. Save the two objects in your working directory. Delete them from the workspace and load them again from your working directory.
  7. Check whether they are stored again in the working directory.

7.5 Solution: Working directory, objects and workspace

hundert <- 100
xyz <- 250

8 Calculations and logical comparisons

  • R can calculate and compare things
  • Arithmetic operators
    • + - * / ^
  • Logical operators
    • & | == != > < >= <=
  • Different functions (check with ?function)
    • exp(x)=e^x log(x) log10(x) sin(x) cos(x) tan(x)
    • abs(x) sqrt(x) ceiling(x) floor(x) trunc(x) round(x, digits=n)

  • Q: How can I get help for the ceiling() function?

8.1 Example: Calculations and logical comparisons

# Calculations
Ergebnis <- (23+24)*11/(18+15)*5

# Functions
log(2) # exp(1) = 2.718282^0.6931472

x <- seq(1,4,0.3)

# Comparisons.. examples #

x <- -3:3

# Equals
x == 0

# is smaller than
x < 0

# is bigger than or equal to
x >= 0

# unequal
x != 0

# unequal(equal to 0)
!(x == 0)

# bigger than -1 and smaller than 1
x > -1 & x < 1

# bigger than 1 and smaller than -1
x > 1 & x < -1

# bigger than 1 or smaller than -1
x > 1 | x < -1

8.2 Exercise: Calculations and logical comparisons (Homework)

  1. Use your r-script and save the code you are using.
  2. Calculate the following terms using R.
    1. ((3+45)9)2
    2. 9933+42
    3. log(1)
    4. (2)2
  3. Check the following terms:
    1. 5=7
    2. 5×56×4
    3. 3cos(17)
  4. In the mean() function it is possible to use and additional argument called trim. Find out what this argument does by checking the help file of the mean() function and write it into your script.

8.3 Solution: Calculations and logical comparisons

# 2.

# 3.

# 4.
# help(mean)
# ?mean
# the fraction (0 to 0.5) of observations to be trimmed from each end of x 
# before the mean is computed.

9 How to write good code

9.1 Commenting & object names

  • Q: What is your experience with looking at data analysis code you have written 2 years earlier?

  • Comment your code

    • Data sources, data manipulations, describe steps of analysis
    • Commenting increases readability
    • Commenting increases reproducability
    • You can’t comment too much (really?)
    • Comments in R: #
  • Use meaningful names!

    • Don’t be too clever!
    • Variable “trust”: trst vs. trust

9.2 Code structure & more

  • Structure you code properly
  • Code must be usable on machines with different paths to the project
    • Path is set once and afterwards, relative paths are used
    • Potentially separate inputs/outputs in folder structure
  • Use version control for larger projects (e.g., through Github)
  • See also Jonathan Nagler: writing good code

10 Objects: Classes and their structure

10.1 Overview of classes

  • class(): Query object type
  • Objects class that can store homogenous content (see Wickham)
    • Vectors: Integer; Numerical; Logical; Character
    • Matrix: Two dimensions
    • Array: Several matrices
  • …heterogeneous, varying content…
    • List: List of other objects
    • Data frame: “List” of vectors of equal length
    • Tibble ("tbl_df"): Newer type of dataframe (see ?tbl_df-class``)
  • Attributes, i.e. metadata
    • Objects can have additional attributes, e.g. names
    • Factor
      • Vector with predefined values
      • Stores categorical data
  • Convert objects, e.g. as.numeric()
  • Functions (no data structure!)

10.1.1 Examples of classes

## [1] "integer"
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
## [1] "numeric"
## [1] 1.3 2.4 3.5
## [1] "logical"
## [1] "character"
## [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "f"
## [1] "matrix" "array"
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    2    3
## [2,]   11   12   13
## [1] "array"
## , , 1
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,]    1    6   11   16   21
## [2,]    2    7   12   17   22
## [3,]    3    8   13   18   23
## [4,]    4    9   14   19   24
## [5,]    5   10   15   20   25
## , , 2
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,]   26   31   36   41   46
## [2,]   27   32   37   42   47
## [3,]   28   33   38   43   48
## [4,]   29   34   39   44   49
## [5,]   30   35   40   45   50
## [1] "list"
## $a
## [1] 4 5 6 7 8
## $b
## [1] 1 2 3
## $c
## [1] "Ger" "FR"  "It"  "SE"
## [1] "data.frame"
##              Fertility Agriculture Examination
## Courtelary        80.2        17.0          15
## Delemont          83.1        45.1           6
## Franches-Mnt      92.5        39.7           5
## Moutier           85.8        36.5          12
## Neuveville        76.9        43.5          17
## Porrentruy        76.1        35.3           9
## Broye             83.8        70.2          16
## Glane             92.4        67.8          14
## Gruyere           82.4        53.3          12
## Sarine            82.9        45.2          16
## [1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
## # A tibble: 47 x 6
##    Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
##        <dbl>       <dbl>       <int>     <int>    <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1      80.2        17            15        12     9.96             22.2
##  2      83.1        45.1           6         9    84.8              22.2
##  3      92.5        39.7           5         5    93.4              20.2
##  4      85.8        36.5          12         7    33.8              20.3
##  5      76.9        43.5          17        15     5.16             20.6
##  6      76.1        35.3           9         7    90.6              26.6
##  7      83.8        70.2          16         7    92.8              23.6
##  8      92.4        67.8          14         8    97.2              24.9
##  9      82.4        53.3          12         7    97.7              21  
## 10      82.9        45.2          16        13    91.4              24.4
## # ... with 37 more rows
## tibble [47 x 6] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##  $ Fertility       : num [1:47] 80.2 83.1 92.5 85.8 76.9 76.1 83.8 92.4 82.4 82.9 ...
##  $ Agriculture     : num [1:47] 17 45.1 39.7 36.5 43.5 35.3 70.2 67.8 53.3 45.2 ...
##  $ Examination     : int [1:47] 15 6 5 12 17 9 16 14 12 16 ...
##  $ Education       : int [1:47] 12 9 5 7 15 7 7 8 7 13 ...
##  $ Catholic        : num [1:47] 9.96 84.84 93.4 33.77 5.16 ...
##  $ Infant.Mortality: num [1:47] 22.2 22.2 20.2 20.3 20.6 26.6 23.6 24.9 21 24.4 ...
## [1] "factor"
##  [1] 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
## Levels: 1 2 3 4 5
## [1] "ordered" "factor"
##  [1] low    medium high   low    medium high   low    medium high   low   
## [11] medium high   low    medium high   low    medium high   low    medium
## [21] high   low    medium high   low    medium high   low    medium high  
## Levels: low < medium < high
## [1] "function"
## function(){x^2}
## [1] "function"
## function (x, ...) 
## UseMethod("mean")
## <bytecode: 0x000002c2a8b706d0>
## <environment: namespace:base>

10.2 Vectors

10.2.1 Vector classes: Numerical, logical and character

  • Classes: "integer", "numeric", "logical", "character"

  • Numerical vectors: Sequence of numbers
  • Logical vectors
    • …take on the values TRUE and FALSE
    • …are often the results of comparisons
    • e.g. c(1,2,3) >= 2 results in FALSE TRUE TRUE
    • …are often used as input for various operations
  • Character vectors
    • …are sequences of letters and/or words
    • e.g. c("Markus", "Matthias", "David", "Till") gives the vector "Markus" "Matthias" "David" "Till"
    • names(object) <- charaktervektor: Name more complex dataclasses, e.g. a dataframe

10.2.2 Vectors: Functions

  • Some functions/operations for vectors
    • c(): “concatenate”, e.g. c(1.2,"Hans",5.0,6.7)
    • length(): Get vector length
    • :: indicates from/to for numbers
    • rep("Peter",2): Repeat "Peter" two times
    • seq(5,8): Sequence from 5 to 8
    • vector[positions]
      • Access elements by inserting a numeric or logical vector for positions
    • Display
      • e.g. [1] 1.20 3.50 5.00 6.70 8.00 10.00 13.55
      • [1] = Position of the first element displayed in that line in the vector (show it!)
    • Special values
      • Inf and -Inf: Positive and negative infinity
      • NaN: “Not a number”, e.g. calculate 0/0
      • NA: Missing value
    • Combine vectors
      • rbind(): Combine vectors line-by-line
      • cbind(): Combine vectors column-by-column

10.2.3 Example: Vectors

# Generate two vectors
x <- 10:19
# seq(0,18,2)
z <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j")

# Access vector elements
x[1]              # 1st element of x
x[1:5]           # First 5 elements of x
x[-(2:6)]      # All elements but not positions 2 to 6
z[4] # ?
x[x< 16 | x >=12]

# Add names to elements of a vector
names(x) <- z

# or like this
another.vector <- c(a=1,b=2)

# Combine vectors rowwise and columnwise

# Q: What did R do to the vectors? What class do they have?

# Access with names

10.2.4 Exercise: Vectors

  1. Use your usual r-script to save the code for the following exercises.
  2. Create a vector of length 50 that contains the numbers from 1 to 5 repeated for 10 times.
  3. Create a vector x of length 404 in which the numbers 199 to 400 are repeated two times. Generate a new vector y, that contains the elements of x on the positions 53, 78 and 99.
  4. Create a character vector Freunde that contains the names of your three best friends.

10.2.5 Solution: Vectors

# 2.
x <- rep(1:5,10)

# 3.
x <- rep(199:400,2)

y <- x[c(53, 78, 99)]

# 4. 
freunde <- c("Platon", "Aristoteles", "Corbyn")

10.2.6 Exercise (howework): Vectors - Combining and subsetting

  1. Create a vector x of length 101, that starts with the number 33 and ends with the number 133.
  2. Extract the elements on the positions 26 to 50 and save them in a new object y. Extract the elements on position 1 to 25 and save them in a new vector z. Join the two vectors both column by column and subsequently line by line (rows!) and save the results in two new objects colyz and colyz. What class do the last two objects that you created posses?
  3. Extract the elements (from x) that are smaller than 57 or greater/equal than 83 and save them in a new object subgroup.

10.2.7 Solution (howework): Vectors - Combining and subsetting

# Vectors
# 1
x <- 33:133

# 2.
y <- x[26:50]
z <- x[1:25]
yz <- cbind(y,z)

zy <- rbind(y,z)

# cbind(y,z)[1:3,1:2]
# rbind(y,z)[1:2,1:5] # Gleiche Anzahl!
# class(cbind(y,z))

# 3.
subgroup <- x[x<57 | x>=83]

10.3 Factors: Functions

  • Factors
    • Class: "factor"
    • factor(..., levels = c(...)): Create an unordered factor with levels ...
    • factor(..., ordered = TRUE): Create an ordered factor
      • levels=c(...), labels=c(...): Specify levels/labels
    • A way to store data for categorical (nominal/ordinal) variables
    • Vector with attributes
    • levels(): Display categories
    • as.numeric(): Convert factor to numeric vector

10.4 Lists: Functions

  • Lists
    • Class: "list"
    • list(): Create a list (can also be dataframe!)
    • Collections of arbitrary objects
    • Have a certain length and list elements can carry names
    • list$switzerland: Access element switzerland of the list list
    • list[2]: Access second element of the list list
    • list[[2]]: Access content of second element of the list list
    • Sometimes results of estimations are stored as lists
  • We’ll see more object classes later on, e.g., (nested) dataframes
    • [Data frames and data management]

10.4.1 Example: Factors and lists

# Q: How do i get help for the function factor()?

# Create factor (nominal variable)
x <- factor(rep(1:2,10),levels=c(1,2), labels=c("SPD", "CDU"))

# Q: How do I go about to understand what happens in the function?


# Create factor (ordinal variable)
y <- factor(rep(1:3,10),levels=c(1,2,3), labels=c("low", "medium", "high"))

# Create a list
participants <- list(Teacher= "Rudi", 
                     Women = c("Daniela","Johanna"),
                     Men = c("Simon", "Peter", "usw."))


# Access elements or subsets of that list

# Q: How can I access the list element "Women"?
# Q: How can i access the Johanna who is in the element "Women"?

10.4.2 Exercise: Factors and lists (homework?)

  1. Create a list mylist with two elements. The first element first contains the numbers 5 to 105. The second element second contains the numbers -1 to -50. Create another vector x that contains the 70th value of the first element of mylist and the 30th element of the second element of mylist.
  2. Create a list anotherlist with four elements: A, B, C, D. A contains the number 2. B contains a vector with the number 1 to 10. C contains a character vector with the names “Bernd” “Julia” “Peter”. D contains a vector with the numbers 1 to 100.
  3. Extract the third Element C from the list you just generated and save it in a new object names.
  4. Extract the vector elements 25 to 35 out of the fourth element D of the list and save them in an object names xyz.
  5. Create vector using the following code: test <- rep(1:10,10). Convert test to an ordered factor. Check which categories the factor has and whether it’s ordered.

10.4.3 Solution: Objects: Factors and lists

# 1.
mylist <- list(first=c(5:105),second =c(-1:-50))
x <- c(mylist$first[70], mylist$second[30])

# 2. 
A <- 2
anotherlist <- list(A=2,B=1:10,C=c("Bernd", "Julia", "Peter"),D=1:100)

# 3
names <- anotherlist[[3]]
names <- anotherlist$C

# 4
xyz <- anotherlist[[4]][25:35]
xyz <- anotherlist$D[25:35]
anotherlist$D[anotherlist$D>=25 & anotherlist$D<=35] 
# Was ist der Unterschied zwischen den beiden?!!!?
# Wie w?rde man auf die Elemente 25 und 35 zugreifen?

# 5.
test <- rep(1:10,10)

11 Packages

  • Many objects (functions, data sets etc) are stored in packages (see here)
  • Packages are written by various authors and can be loaded for an R session to use their content
  • e.g. Yves Rosseel works on the package Lavaan (with others) which can be used to estimate structural equation models (open source!)
  • Some packages are loaded permanently (e.g. base), others not (true?)
  • Sometimes there are conflicts between packages (“function is masked”)

11.1 Packages: Functions

  • Central functions
    • install.packages("packagename"): Install package
    • library(packagename): Load an installed package
    • detach("package:packagename"): Unload a package
    • remove.packages("packagename"): Uninstall package
  • Other functions
    • library(): Display all installed packages
    • library(help=packagename): Describe a package
    • search(): Display all loaded packages
    • ls("package:packagename"): Display all objects within a package
    • packagename::bar: Load just use one object in a package (e.g. a function)
  • pacman package
    • pacman::p_load(): Checks whether package is installed, if not installs & loads package
      • e.g., p_load(ggplot2, tidyverse)

11.2 Example: Packages

# Create a matrix
M <- diag(5)
M[1:20]<- c(1:20)

ginv(M)  # Funkcion ginv()
# ginv calculates the Moore-Penrose-Inverse of the matrix M
# But it doesn not work here.. why?

help.search("ginv") # function is in the package MASS

install.packages("MASS") # Install package
MASS::ginv(M) # Call function without loading the whole package

library(MASS) # Load whole package

ls("package:MASS") # Display content of the package MASS

detach("package:MASS") # Unload the package

library() # Package is not installed anymore

11.3 Exercise: Packages

  1. Use your usual script to save your code. Install the package ggplot2.
  2. Load the package ggplot2.
  3. Display the content of the package ggplot2.
  4. Unload the package ggplot2.
  5. Uninstall the package ggplot2.

11.4 Solution: Packages (HOMEWORK)


12 Data frames

12.1 The basics

  • Data frames are the usual format for data sets
    • …are "lists" of vectors of the same length under the hood
    • …look like matrices, but columns can contain objects of different class
    • …two common classes: "data.frame" (classic) and tibble "tbl_df"
  • object$var1: Access variable var1 in data frame object
  • as.numeric(object$var1): Convert class of variable into numeric
  • NA: What was that?!?!

12.2 Data frame: Functions

  • data.frame(): Create a data frame
    • tibble(): Create tibble dataframe
  • as.data.frame(): Convert into a data frame (cf. as_tibble())
  • summary() und str(): Get oversight of a data frame’s content
  • head() and tail(): Inspect the data
  • `View(): Show data frame (formerly fix())
    • Beware.. you can’t continue to work when the data window of fix() is open!
  • names(): Display variablenames (and use to rename)
  • na.omit(): Delete missings “listwise”, i.e. rows that contain at least one missing
  • is.na(): Generate logical vector indicating the missings

12.3 The attach()-function

  • attach(): When you attach a data frame you can use variable names directly without referring to the dataframe (R understands that)
  • Problem: It can cause all sorts of errors since you might loose oversight (especially in more complex scripts)!
  • Avoid it and…
    • …work with ankers $ to access variables
    • …specify data frame in the function where possible, e.g. lm(...., data=yourdataframe)
    • …use other ways.

12.4 Example: The basics

getwd() # Get working directory
library(foreign) # Load package "foreign"
ls("package:foreign") # Check package content

?swiss # Check out the object
  # What is this about?
swiss2 <- swiss # Load data set

# attach() function

# Get info on data set

# Create a data frame
data <- data.frame(id=1:3, # !
                    size=c("small", "large", "medium"))

12.5 Logic of accessing subsets of data frames

  • Same logic as for vectors but two dimensions
    • dataframe[rows,columns]
    • Replace rows/columns by vector indicating position (numerical, logical, character)
  • Logic similar for other object classes such as lists (remember vectors/lists)
# Q: What does the following code do?

swiss[2:4, c(1,2,4)] # when do we need c() instead of ":"?
swiss[swiss$Fertility > 75 & swiss$Agriculture > 75, c(1:3)]
subset(swiss, Fertility > 75 & Agriculture > 75)[, c(1:3)]
swiss[, c("Fertility", "Agriculture")]
# We'll learn a more convenient function later on!

13 Dplyr: Grammar of data management

  • A “new” package dplyr written by Hadley Wickham/Romain Francois replaces many old functions for data management

  • Functions in dplyr are highly performant (big data!) and consistent

  • See this page for an excellent overview and the Data Wrangling Cheat Sheet

  • What could the following functions be used for?

    • filter(), arrange(), select(), distinct(), mutate(), summarise(), group_by(), recode()

13.1 Dplyr: Functions

  • select(): Selects columns (can be used for renaming, see rename())
  • slice(): Select subset of rows
  • filter(): Filter a subset of the rows
  • arrange(): Reorders the rows of a data frame
  • distinct(): Returns unique values/rows
  • mutate(): Add new columns to existing columns (see also transmute())
  • summarise(): Collapses a data frame to a single row (e.g. aggregation)
  • group_by(): Break data set into groups (of rows), to apply above functions to each group
  • recode(): Recode variables

13.2 Chaining with dplyr

  • With dplyr it is possible to use the %>% operator
    • x %>% f(y) turns into f(x, y): x (e.g. a data set) is inserted into the function on the right of %>%
    • %>%: Forces > to be a function which does the above
  • The resulting code is much better readable because each pipe can correspond to a step
    • e.g. swiss %>% select(Catholic) %>% summarise(mean(Catholic))

13.3 Example: Filter rows and select rows by position

  • Selecting rows = selecting observations (e.g. countries, individuals etc.)
# install.packages("dplyr")

# ?swiss # Check out the data set
# fix(swiss)

# Filter
swiss %>% filter(Agriculture >= 60 & Fertility >= 70)
swiss[swiss$Agriculture >= 60 & swiss$Fertility >= 70, ] # Classic approach

# Q: What if I want all observations/rows with Catholic <= 50 ?
# Q: What if I want all observations/rows with Catholic <= 50 OR Catholic  Catholic >= 80?
# Q: What if I want all observations/rows with Catholic <= 50 AND Catholic  Catholic >= 80?

# Slice
swiss %>% slice(3:7)
swiss[3:7,] # Classic approach
# Q: What if I want the rows number 11 to 15 AND 18 to 20?

# Normally, names of observations (e.g. countrys) are not saved as row.names
# but simply in a variable

13.4 Example: Reorder rows (sort!)

  • Classic way is order()
swiss %>% arrange(Education, Examination, Agriculture)
# Q: What if I want to sort according to examination first?

swiss %>% arrange(desc(Education), Examination)
# Q: What if I want to sort Examination in descending order instead of Education?

swiss[order(swiss$Education, swiss$Examination, swiss$Agriculture), ]
swiss[order(desc(swiss$Education)), ] # type ?order

13.5 Example: Select and rename columns

  • Classic way
    • names(dataframe) <- charactervector
    • or rename() function in different packages (e.g. package reshape)
    • better with dplyr
# install.packages("dplyr")
swiss %>% select(Fertility, Agriculture, Education) # Select columns by name
swiss %>% select(Agriculture:Education) # Variables from:to
swiss %>% select(-(Agriculture:Education)) # Variables without (from:to)
swiss %>% select(Geburtsrate = Fertility) # Select and rename (same as assigning arrow <-!)
swiss %>% rename(Geburtsrate = Fertility) # Alternative because select drops non-mentioned variables!
swiss %>% select(1,2)

# Q: How can I save that in a new data frame?
swiss %>% select(Agriculture:Education)

# Q: What do I have to type to extract the variables Catholic and Infant.Mortality
# from the swiss dataset and save them in a new object?

13.6 Example: Extract distinct/unique rows/values

swiss %>% 
  select(Education) %>%
  distinct(Education) # Ignore the rownames here (they are not meaningful)
swiss %>% 
  select(Education, Examination) %>%
distinct(Education, Examination)

# Q: How many observations do I get if I extract the distinct values of swiss$Catholic?

# ????

# This is useful when pulling out the names of all present countries in a datafile


13.7 Example: Add new (transformed) columns

  • Transformations are executed line-by-line
  • dplyr contains the functions mutate(), transform(), transmute()
swiss %>%
  mutate(Examination10 = Examination*10, 
         FertAgri = Fertility - Agriculture)
# Q: What does the above function do?

# Don't forget to assign the result to a new object if you want to save it!

# mutate() allows you to refer to variable you just created, transform() doesnt
swiss %>% 
  mutate(Examination10 = Examination*10, 
         NewExi = Examination10 - 10)
swiss %>%
  transform(Examination10 = Examination*10, 
            NewExi = Examination10 - 10)

# Use transmute if you only wan't to keep new variables
swiss %>% 
  transmute(Examination10 = Examination*10, 
            NewExi = Examination10 - 10)

# Q: What if I want to get a new data set only with the variable Catholic but divided by 10? What do I have to write?

13.8 Exercise: Filtering, reordering, selecting/renaming, extracting and transforming

  1. Execute the following code: swiss2 <- cbind(swiss, row.names(swiss)). Compare swiss and swiss2 with View() and explain what the code does!
  2. Use the dataset swiss (?swiss) for all the exercises below. First, extract columns 2 and 3 and save them in a new object.
  3. Extract the rows 2 to 6 from columns 1 and 4 and save them in a new object.
  4. Extract observations 1, 3, and 6 from columns 2, 4, 6 and save them in a new object.
  5. Extract all provinces from the data set swiss (?swiss) that have values on the variable Agriculture that are smaller or equal than 20 and bigger or equal than 80 (Agriculture <= 20 or >= 80). Save the results in a new data frame, that comprises the first 3 variables/columns of the old data set.
  6. Reorder the observations/rows in the data set swiss according to the variable Infant.Mortality. Which province has the highest level of Infant.Mortality?
  7. Add a new variable/column called Infant.Mortality.squared that contains the squared values of the variable Infant.Mortality. Then rename the variable Infant.Mortality.squared into Infant.Mortality.sq.

13.9 Solution: Filtering, reordering, selecting/renaming, extracting and transforming


# 2
swiss3 <- swiss %>%

# 3
swiss3 <- swiss %>%
  select(1,4) %>% 

# 4
swiss3 <- swiss %>%
  select(2,4,6) %>% 
  slice(c(1,3,6)) # Or slice(1,3,6)

# 5
df_new <- swiss %>%
  filter(Agriculture <= 20 | Agriculture >= 80) %>%

# 6
swiss %>%
  arrange(Infant.Mortality) # Porrentruy

# 7
swiss %>%
  mutate(Infant.Mortality.squared = Infant.Mortality^2) %>%
  rename(Infant.Mortality.sq = Infant.Mortality.squared)

13.10 Recoding variables

  • Either do it manually (the classic way) or…
  • …using functions from different packages
    • mapvalues(): Recode a categorical vector (plyr package)
    • cut(): Recode a continuous variable into a categorical one (plyr package)
    • if_else(condition, value if TRUE, value if FALSE): Recode with ifelse condition (dplyr package)

  • Always check wether recoding worked (very common error!)
    • Psychoticism coding error
    • table(variable1, variablevar2, useNA = "always"): Contingency table for the two variables
    • str() and summary(): Check whether variables in the data set have expected distributions and beware of missings!

13.10.1 Example: Recoding variables

# install.packages("plyr")
swiss2 <- swiss # Make a copy of the data set
names(swiss2) # Display variables

# Create a dummy for "Catholic"
# For recoding character variables simply refer to text with ""

# if_else
swiss2 <- swiss2 %>% 
  mutate(catholic.dummy3 = if_else(Catholic > 50, 1, 0))
table(swiss2$catholic.dummy3, swiss2$Catholic, 
      useNA = "always") # check recoding

# mapvalues()
swiss2 <- swiss2 %>%
  mutate(Examination2 = mapvalues(Examination, 
                                 from = c(3, 37), 
                                 to = c(NA, NA)))

# cut()
swiss2 <- swiss2 %>%
  mutate(Examination3 = cut(Examination2,
                     breaks=c(-Inf, 12, 22, Inf),
                     labels=c("low","medium","high"))) # greater than or equal to

swiss2$catholic.dummy <- NA # generate new variable in dataset
swiss2$catholic.dummy[swiss2$Catholic <= 50] <- 0 # replace values conditional on Catholic
swiss2$catholic.dummy[swiss2$Catholic > 50] <- 1  # replace values conditional on Catholic
table(swiss2$catholic.dummy, swiss2$Catholic, 
      useNA = "always") # check recoding
names(swiss2)   # show variable names
names(swiss2)[7] <- "catholic.dummy" # Rename

13.10.2 Exercise: Recoding variables

  1. Save the data set swiss in a new object called swiss2.
  2. Recode the variable Infant.Mortality in your new data set swiss2 so that values <= 18 are coded as 0, 18 < values <= 20 as 1, 20 < values <= 21 as 2 and 21 < values <= 27 as 3. Do this using the cut() function and name the respective variable inf.mort.cut. Check if your coding worked and check the class of the new variable/object.
  3. Create a dummy for the variable Infant.Mortality using the if_else() function called Infant.Mortality.dummy that is 0 for values below 20 and 1 for values equal or above 20.

13.10.3 Solution: Recoding variables

# 1.
swiss2 <- swiss

# 2.
swiss2 <- swiss2 %>%
  mutate(inf.mort.cut = cut(Infant.Mortality,
                            breaks=c(-Inf, 18, 20, 21, Inf)))
table(swiss2$inf.mort.cut, swiss2$Infant.Mortality)
# We should label the factor variable by adding the argument
# labels=c("lowest", "low","high","highest")

# 3.
swiss2 <- swiss2 %>% 
  mutate(Infant.Mortality.dummy = if_else(Infant.Mortality >= 20, 1, 0))

13.11 Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation)

  • We can apply above functions to subgroups within the dataset
  • Subgroups/subsets could be…
    • …observations that have certain values on a variable
    • …individuals with different levels of education
    • …individuals belonging to different countries
  • group_by(): function to group a dataframe (break it into groups)
  • dplyr functions recognize when data frame is grouped
  • group_by() can also be used for aggregating data (e.g., mean within groups)

13.11.1 Example: Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation)

# See http://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/dplyr/vignettes/introduction.html for this example
essdata <- read.dta("./Material/ESS4e04_de.dta", convert.factors = F)

nrow(essdata) # Check number of rows

# edulvl measures education levels
data_grouped <- essdata %>%
  group_by(edulvl_str) # convert the data frame into a
# grouped data frame and save in object
# Character variable to aggregate

data_grouped # we can see the group variable and the dimensions

class(data_grouped) # we can see the new class,

data_agg <- data_grouped %>%
  summarise( # summarise collapses data frame
    n = n(), # Count rows (ignores missings!)
    age.m = mean(age, na.rm = TRUE), # Variable containing mean
    hheinkommen.m = mean(hheinkommen, na.rm = TRUE),
    NA.age = sum(is.na(age)), # Count missing on age variable
    N.age = sum(!is.na(age)), # Count non-missings on age variable
  ) # Variable containing mean


# Classically we used aggregate()

# Sometimes we want to aggregate the data (e.g. calculate the average) but don't want to collapse the data
# Below we add a variable with group means but don't collapse the dataframe

# Group, calculate means but do not collapse
data_grouped2 <- data_grouped %>%
  mutate(hheinkommen.m = mean(hheinkommen, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  arrange(edulvl_str, hheinkommen) %>%
  select(edulvl_str, hheinkommen, hheinkommen.m)

13.11.2 Exercise: Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation)

  1. Execute the following code: library(foreign) and essdata <- read.dta("./Material/ESS4e04_de.dta", convert.factors=F). Adapt your file path!
  2. The variable religion_str contains the religious affiliation of respondents. Aggregate the data set - using functions from dplyr package - so that you obtain averages for subgroups of religious affiliations for the variables polinteresse and trustparties - as well as a variable with the number of rows across the groups.

13.11.3 Solution: Applying dplyr functions across groups (aggregation)

data <- read.dta("./Material/ESS4e04_de.dta", convert.factors=F)


data_agg <- data %>% 
  group_by(religion_str) %>%
  count = n(), # Add variable with the number of observations in group
  mean.polinteresse = mean(polinteresse, na.rm = TRUE), # Variable containing mean of distance
  mean.trustparties = mean(trustparties, na.rm = TRUE)) # Variable containing mean of delay
data_agg <- data.frame(data_agg)

13.12 Merging data frames

  • Classically merge() (see Quick R)
  • dplyr is much faster
  • inner_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...) # all intersecting observations
  • left_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...) # all observations from x
  • semi_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...) # all observations from x
  • anti_join(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...) # all in x that are not in y
    • x = first data set, y = second data set
    • by = "var" oder by = c(var1, var2)
    • ?join: Check out the corresponding helpfile

13.12.1 Example: Merging data frames

# An example for merging

# Create dataset and convert rownames to variable
swiss2 <- swiss %>%
  mutate(region = rownames(swiss)) %>%
  remove_rownames() %>%
  select(region, everything())

# Generate 2 data frames each possess parts of the observations and the regions
# variable
# Q: What new datasets do I generate below?
swiss.a <- swiss2 %>% 
  slice(1:8) %>% 
swiss.b <- swiss2 %>% 
  slice(c(1, 6:7, 12)) %>% 

intersect(swiss.a$region, swiss.b$region) # check intersection, i.e. 
# which regions appear in both data sets?

library(dplyr) # is the package installed?
swiss.inner <- inner_join(swiss.a, swiss.b, by ="region") 
View(swiss.inner) # data set with observations that intersect across both data sets

swiss.left <- left_join(swiss.a, swiss.b, by ="region") 
View(swiss.left) # all observations in x = swiss.a

# Now try semi_join(), anti_join() FOR YOURSELF!

13.12.2 Exercise: Merging data frames

  1. Use the code in the previous example to create swiss2 and the objects swiss.a and swiss.b subsequently.
  2. Create a third object swiss.c that include the first 10 countries in the swiss data set and their values on the variables region, Catholic and Infant.Mortality.
  3. Merge/join swiss.c with swiss.a so that the merged dataset contains all the countries that are contained in at least one of the two data sets.

13.12.3 Solution: Merging data frames


swiss2 <- cbind(row.names(swiss), swiss)
names(swiss2)[1] <- "region"

# Generiere 2 Datens?tze die beide eine L?nderspalte besitzen
swiss.a <- swiss2 %>%
  slice(5:36) %>% # zeilen 1-4 fehlen
swiss.c <- swiss2 %>%
  slice(1:10) %>%
  select("region", "Catholic", "Infant.Mortality")

intersect(swiss.a$region, swiss.b$region) # check intersection

library(dplyr) # installiert?
swiss.full <- full_join(swiss.a, 
                        by ="region") 
View(swiss.full) # data set with observations that intersect across both data sets

13.13 Nested dataframes

  • Nested dataframe
    • data %>% group_by(...) %>% nest(): Nest dataframe by variable in group_by(...)
    • unnest(data, cols = "..."): Unnest variables specified in cols = "..."

13.13.1 Example: (nested) dataframes

# Usually call it "data" or "df"
# Create a dataframe
data1 <- data.frame(name = c("Peter", "Paul", "Mary"),
                   income = c(550, 640, 710))

data2 <- data.frame(name= c("Julia", "Hans", "Tina"),
                    income = c(640, 320, 400))

# Create a nested dataframe
data_nested <- tibble(groups = c("group1", "group2"),
               data = list(data1, data2)) # Use list() for nested parts

# Unnest dataframe
data_unnested <- unnest(data_nested, cols = "data")

# Renest dataframe
data_nested <- data_unnested %>%
  group_by(groups) %>%

13.13.2 Exercise: (nested) dataframes

  1. Use the code below to create a dataframe.
df <- data.frame(name = c("Peter", "Paul", "Mary", "Julia", "Hans"),
                 gender = c("male", "female", "male", "female", "male"),
                 discipline = c("Sociology", "Sociology", "Polscience", 
                                "Psychology", "Polscience"),
                   income = c(610, 640, 550, 710, 505))
  1. Nest the dataframe by the variable discipline. What does the dataframe and the nested ones look in terms of dimensions?
  2. Nest the dataframe by the variables gender. What does the dataframe and the nested ones look in terms of dimensions?
  3. Nest the dataframe by the variables gender and discipline. What does the dataframe and the nested ones look in terms of dimensions?
  4. Extract the fourth subtibble of the last nested dataframe.
# 2. 
df %>% group_by(discipline) %>% nest()

# 3. 
df %>% group_by(gender) %>% nest()

# 4.
df %>% group_by(gender, discipline) %>% nest()

# 5.
df_nested <- df %>% group_by(gender, discipline) %>% nest()

14 Simple statistics and contingency tables

  • What can we calculate with the following?
  • mean(x), sd(x), var(x), median(x), min(x), max(x), cov(), cor(), cor(x,y,method="kendall"), table(x), table(x,y), prop.table(table(x)), 100*prop.table(table(x))

14.1 Functions

  • Univariate statistics (1 variable)
    • mean(x): Mean
    • sd(x): Standarddeviation
    • var(x): Variance
    • median(x): Median
    • min(x): Minimum
    • max(x): Maximum

  • Bivariate statistics (2 variables)
    • cov(): Covariance
    • cor(): Correlation
    • cor(x,y,method="kendall") # Kendall’s 0
    • ?cor: Check helpfile

  • Contingency tables
    • table(x): Onedimensional contingency table
    • table(x,y): Twodimensional contingency table
    • prop.table(table(x)): Onedimensional contingency table with proportions
    • 100*prop.table(table(x)): Onedimensional contingency table with proportions in percent

14.2 Example: Simple statistics and contingency tables


# Contingency table for objects

table(swiss$Catholic, swiss$Education)

# Table with percentages
100*prop.table(table(swiss$Catholic, swiss$Education))
round(100*prop.table(table(swiss$Catholic, swiss$Education)), 2) # rounded values

# Mean

# Median
median(swiss$Catholic) # "middle value"

# Save several statistics in one vector
x <- swiss$Catholic
c(mean=mean(x), median=median(x), stddev=sd(x), min=min(x), max=max(x))

# or

# Correlations between vectors
cor(swiss$Catholic,swiss$Education, method="spearman")

14.3 Exercise: Simple statistics and contingency tables

  1. Find at least two ways to calculate the product of all numbers 1 to 8 with the help of R (Tipp cumprod()).
  2. Store the values for the two variables Assault and UrbanPop (dataframe USArrests) in two vectors x and y. Calculate for both vectors x and y the mean, the maximum, the minimum and the variance and save all the results in two objects statistics.x and statistics.y. Name the elements of these two objects “Mean”, “Max” etc. Save statistics.x and statistics.y as list elements in one list. Finally, check wether the two vectors x and y strongly correlate with each other.

14.4 Solution: Simple statistics and contingency tables

### 1. 
x <- 1:8

### 2.
?USArrests # Informationen zum Objekt
x <- USArrests$Assault 
y <- USArrests$UrbanPop
statistics.x <- c(mean(x), max(x), min(x), var(x))
statistics.y <- c(mean(x), max(x), min(x), var(x))

liste <- list("Mean"= mean(x), "Max" = max(x), "Min"= min(x), "Var"= var(x))

15 Data: Import and export

15.1 Fundamental rules!

  • Always save the data in multiple places (and on your harddrive)
  • Always save the address or source of your data
  • Research must be reproducible, ideally in a 1000 years!!
  • Ideally both code of the analysis and data are saved in one place (see e.g. Harvard Dataverse Network)
  • Some journals require that now anyways (good!)
  • Prepare replication immediately on final submission!
  • Lots of different packages for scraping/downloading data
    • Check them before you to it manually!
    • e.g. check out the initiatives rOpenSci and rOpenGov

15.2 What does raw data look like?

  • Check the data before importing it
    • Right-click on a data file and open with “Editor” (Mac?)
    • Look at the data (numbers/letters) and by what sign columns are separated (“the separator”)

15.3 Basic functions and packages

  • Classically used read.table()to import most common files (.txt, .csv)
  • readr package provides better logic/funtionalities
    • read_csv(): Import csv files
    • read_table(): Import textual data where each column is separated by one (or more) columns of space
    • Check help files for arguments
  • Mostly you save files as .csv or .txt and then import them (e.g. EXCEL files)
  • Other formats such as STATA, SPSS, SAS
    • foreign: Classic package with functions for data import
    • haven: Package by Hadley Wickham
      • Imports and exports STATA data [.dta] (including 13), SPSS [.por or .sav] and SAS files (Description on Github)
      • Install, load it and check out the functions which it includes: ls("package:haven")
      • Contains multiple functions for reading and writing various formats
    • Ideally, as simple comma-separated .csv or .txt file
  • readr also contains write functions
    • write_csv(swiss, "swiss.csv"): Store swiss as csv file
    • write_delim(swiss, "swiss.txt", delim = " "): Store as delimited file with 1 white space as separator

15.4 Example: Data import and export

# CSV or TXT files with read.table()
setwd("C:/Users/Paul/Google Drive/2-Teaching/2022_R_Workshop/Material")

write_csv(swiss, "swiss.csv")
            file = "swiss.txt",
            delim = " ")
write.table(swiss, "swiss.txt", sep=",") # classic old function

data <- read_csv("swiss.csv") # csv datei importieren

# If the import goes wrong make sure that you picked the right delimiter

data[1:5, 1:3] # Make sure the separator is the right one, i.e. open data in text edior to check that

# STATA with haven()
data <- read_dta("ESS4e04_de.dta") 
View(data) # preferred function to visualize dataset
# Import SPSS/SAS with: read_por(), read_sas(), read_sav(), read_spss()
# Important: read_dta() directly creates a tibble
# Sometimes you might need to convert that back to a dataframe (for older functions, because they don't work with tibbles)

# Export as dta
write_dta(data, "data_stata.dta")

15.4.1 Importing of/over other formats: HTML, APIs (skip) APIs

  • More and more websites provide an API (Application programming interface) that can be used to access their data
  • See this page for an overview of APIs
  • Example: World development indicators (Worldbank)
# install.packages("WDI") # install package to use WDI API
library(WDI) # load the package
# WDIsearch(string="gdp", field="name", cache=NULL)
names.indicator <- WDIsearch() 
View(names.indicator) # names in first column
DF <- WDI(country="all", indicator="NY.GDP.MKTP.PP.KD", start=2005, end=2005) 
DF[1:3, 1:4] HTML

  • Lots of data lies around on Html pages in the internet

url <- "http://www.badac.ch/db/db.php?abs=canton_x&code=Csi11.51&annee=2009&arg=&lang=De"
unemployment <- data.frame(readHTMLTable(url)$table_data)
names(unemployment) <- c("nr", "abbr", "name", "unemp") Importing various datasets/surveys

15.5 Exercise: Data import and export

  1. Download data sets from the European Social Survey (ESS Round 5), the Eurobarometer (Eurobarometer 79.4) and the World Values Survey (Wave 6).
  2. Import these data sets into R so that you can work with them.
  3. Save them as comma separated .csv-files in your working directory.

16 Loops and control structures (skip!)

  • Loops are helpful in various situation.. whenever repeating something several times, e.g. a function on several variables/data sets
  • If Argument
    • if(argument1){argument2}else{argument3}
      • If argument1 is TRUE then execute argument2, if not execute argument3
    • e.g., if(10>5){1}else{0}
    • dplyr package: if_else(10 > 5, 1, 0)
  • For loops
    • for(i in Sequence){argument1}
    • Command in one line or several lines but enclosed by curly brackets
    • i is the placeholder across which the loop runs
    • Sequence is a vector of values
    • For the values in Sequence the argument1 is executed
    • print(): Print objects within loop consecutively

  • While loops
    • while(argument1){argument2}
    • argument2 is executed as long as argument1 is TRUE
  • Repeat loops
    • repeat{argument1; argument2; if(argument3) break}
    • argument1 and argument2 are repeated until argument3 is TRUE

16.1 Example: Loops and control structures

# What will the result be? Your call!
# If Argument
x <- -5
if(x <= 0) {y <- 1} else {y <- 0}

# If Argument
x <- 1
if(x == 0 | x == 1) {y <- 1} else {y <- 0}  

# If Argument
x <- 10
if(x<= -10 &  x>= 10) {y <- 1} else {y <- 0}
# Warum ist y hier gleich 0?!? BUG?
# Used in complicated loops, e.g. to give names
# conditional on some variable having some name!

# For Loop
for (x in 1:10) print(sqrt(x)) # is ok because of single line

# For Loop
x <- 0
for(i in 1:10){
  x <- x+i
  } # x steigt mit an

swiss2 <- swiss
rownames(swiss2) <- NULL
vars <- names(swiss2)
for(i in vars){
  # x <- x+i
  swiss2[,i][1] <- NA 
  } # x steigt mit an

# skip

# While Loop
x <- 0
while(x<13) {
  x <- x+1
  } # solange x<13=TRUE

#Repeat Loop
x <- 0
repeat{x <- x+1; print(x); if(x>=10) break} # repeat that until x>=10 is TRUE

# Process data with loops
for (column in 2:6) { # this loop runs through 2 to 6

# Could be all sorts of object classes, e.g. you could loop over several data sets

for (dataset in c(data1, data2, data3)) {
  # Do something, e.g. data cleaning, calculations, model estimations etc.

# But: Most loops are avoidable and there are more efficient ways to deal with your specific problem. E.g. with functions from dplyr, sapply(), ave() or specialized functions like rowMeans(), colMeans(), colSums() etc.

# Think about your problem and look for better solutions. If loops are necessary: Pull as much code out of the loop as possible. The larger the loop the harder it is to understand it.

16.2 Exercise: Loops and control structures

  1. Write an If-Argument for which y takes the value 10, if x is smaller than -50 or bigger than 50. If these conditions are not fulfilled y should take the value 0. Test this If-Argument by choosing different values for x.
  2. Start with a scalar a = 10 and write a loop that sequentially adds the numbers 2,4,6,8,10 to this scalar.
  3. Write a loop that replaces every second observation of the variable Fertility with missings (NA).

16.3 Solution: Loops and control structures

# 1.
x <- 51
if(x <=- 50 | x>=50) {y <- 10} else {y <- 0}

# 2. 
a <- 10
for (i in seq(2,10,2)){
  a <- a + i

# NOT like this!
a <- 10
for (i in seq(2,10,2)){

# 3. 
for (i in seq(1,47,2)){swiss[i,1] <- NA}

17 Functions (skip!)

  • …take an object as input and return values or objects
  • …are themselves objects
  • …are hidden behind all calculations and operators (e.g. + or -)
  • When you type the name of an object, the print()-function is called
  • function(object){Action of the function}: Define a function
  • When you enter the name of a function it’s content is displayed
  • curve(expr, from = NULL, to = NULL): Plot a mathematical function
  • Generic functions
    • They understand the input (e.g. print(), plot()) and react differently for different classes of objects
    • methods(functionname): List all available methods for a S3 and S4 generic function, or all methods for an S3 or S4 class.
      • e.g. methods(summary) and then summary.lm

17.1 Example: Functions

# Examples

# Example for defining a function
# e.g. squareroot
sqrt2 <- function(x) {


# Enter name of function to get the content

# Another example
funktion.bsp <- function(x) {


# Plot the function with curve()
curve(funktion.bsp, 1, 200) # Enters number 1 to 200 into the function and plots
                            # the result

# Delete a function
rm(funktion.bsp) # like any other object

# Another exampe: calculate the mean of a vector
mittelwert <- function(x) {

x <- rep(1:70,5)

17.2 Exercise: Functions

  1. Write a function that takes a vector x and adds 33 to each element in x.
  2. Generate a function that contains the following formula: (x+2)2 and apply this function to a vector that contains the integers from 1 to 10. Plot this function.
  3. Write a function that uses the two vectors x and y and returns the weighted mean (weighted by y) according to the formula: Ni=1yixiNi=1yi. The vector x contains the values 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The vector y contains the values 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (Tips: ?sum; Functions with two inputs e.g. function(a,b){}).

17.2.1 Solution: Exercise: Functions

# 1.
plus33 <- function(x) x+33
x <- 20:25

# 2.
plus2hoch2 <- function(x) (x+2)^2
x <- 1:10
plus2hoch2 (x)
curve(plus2hoch2, 1, 10)

# 3. 
y <- c(2,4,5,6,7)
x <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
gew.mittelwert <- function(x,y) sum(y*x)/sum(y)

18 Graphics

  • What is mostly used today…
    • Base R graphs: For static graphs
    • ggplot2 package: For static graphs (I switched completely)
    • plotly package: For interactive graphs
    • shiny package: For interactive applications
  • The R Graph gallery provides a superbe overview

18.1 Base R graphs (skip)

  • Understanding the basic workings of graphs is essential for creating more complex visualizations
  • Most simply: plot()
    • A generic function (Q: What does that mean again?)
    • Opens a window, produces some plot, draws axes and a box around it
  • Steps
    • Open window: windows(8,8) and quartz(8,8)
    • Create graph: e.g. plot(x)
    • Save the plot
      • savePlot(filename="./figures/test.pdf", type="pdf")
        • Choose format with type = c("wmf", "emf", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "tif", "tiff", "ps", "eps", "pdf"
    • Close window: dev.off()
  • Or directly pdf() (and dev.off() after)

18.1.1 Example: Basic steps


# Open window
windows(8,8) # DINA4 page has a width of 8,27 inches
# MAC?

# Create histogram

# Save
savePlot(filename="test.jpg", type="jpg")

# Close the graphics window

# If you work on a server where it's not possible to open windows

# open device

# create a histogram

# close device

18.1.2 Adding basic components

  • points(xcoords,ycoords): Adds points
  • lines(xcoords,ycoords): Adds lines
  • abline(): Adds a straight line (e.g. regression line, ?abline)
    • e.g. abline(h=10) or abline(v=5)
    • h = horizontal, v = vertical
  • text(): Adds text
    • e.g. text(xcoords,ycoords, labels="Enter Text here")

18.1.3 Parameters: Local and global

  • Local parameters are set in the plot command, global parameters are set for several plots
  • Local
    • Main=""; xlab=""; ylab="": Add titles
    • xlim=c(min,max); ylim=c(min,max): Adapt axes scales
    • lwd: Linewidth
    • lty: Linetype (solid, dashed etc. )
    • pch: Plot Symbols (circles, crosses, points, etc.)
    • col: Color for points, lines etc.
    • bg: Backgroundcolor for plot and certain symbols
  • Global parameters (for device/window):
    • par(): Set global parameters (?par), e.g. par(mfrow=c(2,2))
    • mfrow: Several plots in one window
    • oma: Set outer margins for plot
    • mar: Set inner margins for plot
    • Check out graph explaining margins

18.1.4 Example: Components and parameters


# Step for step: Example 1
x <- seq(from=0,to=2*pi,length=101)
y <- sin(x) + rnorm(n=101,sd=.5)
plot(x,y, xlim=c(-1,11), ylim=c(-3,3)) # 


lines(c(1,5),c(-1.5,0.5)) # xcoords in first argument, y coords in second

abline(a=mean(y),b=0.1,lty=2) # a = intercept, b = slope

# labs <- paste(c("x"), 1:101, sep="")
labs <- paste(1:101) # create a character vector with labes
text(x,y, labels=labs, pos=1, cex=0.7)

# Global parameters
par(mfrow=c(2,2), oma=c(1,1,1,1), mar=c(4,4,0,0)) # try different numbers
# Try what happens if you change the global parameters

# skip

# Step for step: Example 2
x <- seq(from=0,to=2*pi,length=101)
y <- sin(x) + rnorm(n=101,sd=.5)
plot.default(x,y,type="n", xlab="Indep. var: x", ylab="Dep. var.: y")
# plot.default() is the default scatterplot function
text(4,1, labels="LALALA")

18.1.5 Graphs for categorical variables

  • barplot(table(data$variable)): Barplot for absolute frequencies
  • barplot(prop.table(table(data$variable))): Barplot for relative frequencies
  • barplot(table(data$variable), horiz=TRUE, las=1): Barplot
  • barplot(table(data$variable1, data$variable2)): Stacked barplot
  • barplot(table(data$variable1, data$variable2), beside=TRUE): Grouped barplot

18.1.6 Graphs for metric variables

  • hist(data$variable): Histogramm
  • Boxplot
    • boxplot(x): One variable
    • boxplot(data$variable1 , data$variable2, data$variable3): Several variables
    • boxplot(data$variable1 data$variable2): Grouped
  • Scatterplot with regression line
    • plot(independentVariable, outcomeVariable)
    • abline(h=mean(outcomeVariable, na.rm=TRUE): Add straight line for the mean
    • abline(lm(outcomeVariable ~ independentVariable)): Add regression line

18.1.7 Example: Graphs for metric variables

# Graphs for categorical variables
# Generate a categorical variable in the dataset swiss
swiss$dummy.catholic[swiss$Catholic>=70] <- 1
swiss$dummy.catholic[swiss$Catholic<=70] <- 0

swiss$cat.fertility[swiss$Fertility<=64] <- 1
swiss$cat.fertility[swiss$Fertility>64 & swiss$Fertility<=70] <- 2
swiss$cat.fertility[swiss$Fertility>70 & swiss$Fertility<=78] <- 3
swiss$cat.fertility[swiss$Fertility>78] <- 4
swiss <- swiss[order(swiss$Fertility),]

# Barplot with absolute frequencies

# Barplot with relative frequencies

# barplot
barplot(table(swiss$dummy.catholic), horiz=TRUE, las=1)

# Stacked barplot
table(swiss$dummy.catholic, swiss$cat.fertility)
barplot(table(swiss$dummy.catholic, swiss$cat.fertility), 
        names.arg = c("x <= 64","64 < x <= 70","70 < x <= 78","78 < x"))

# Grouped barplot
barplot(table(swiss$dummy.catholic, swiss$cat.fertility), beside=TRUE)

# Four histograms
for (i in c(.8, .2, 2, 1)){

# Plot a function and a legend
curve(x^2,col="blue", xlim=c(0,10), ylim=c(0,10))
legends <- c("xhoch2", "xhoch3", "xhoch5")
legend(8,10, c("xhoch2", "xhoch3", "xhoch5"), pch = 20, 

18.1.8 Exercise: Graphs 1

  1. The data set swiss contains data for 47 French speaking provinces in Switzerland in the year 1888 (see ?swiss). Inspect the data set with the usual functions (How many variables are there? What class do these variables have? etc.).
  2. Create a scatterplot for the variables Education (x-Achse) and Fertility (y-Achse)
    • The title of the graph is “The relationship between education and fertility”.
    • The label for the x-Axis is “Education”.
    • The label for the y-Axis is “Fertility”.
    • Both the x-Axis as well as the y-Axis have a value range from 10 to 90.
  3. Create the following plot (see the histogram below) for the variable InfantMortality.
    • Tip: Check out Quick R for the normal curve. alt text

18.1.9 Solution: Graphs 1

# 1.

# 2.
     main="Der Zusammenhang zwischen Bildung und Fortpflanzung", 
     xlab="Bildung", ylab="Fruchtbarkeit", xlim=c(10,90),  ylim=c(10,90))

# 3.
x <- swiss$Infant.Mortality
hist(x, breaks=10, main="Infant Mortality in Swiss Provinces", ylim=c(0,20), 
     xlim=c(10,30), xlab="Proportion of births that live less than a year", 
     ylab="Frequency" )
mittelwert <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
sd <- sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
curve(dnorm(x, mittelwert, sd)*length(x), add=TRUE, pch=1,col=2)

#curve(dnorm(x, mittelwert, sd), add=TRUE, pch=1,col=2)
legends <- c("normalcurve", "frequence")
legend(10,20, c("normalcurve"), pch = 15, col = 2)
savePlot(filename="hist1.pdf", type="pdf")

18.1.10 Exercise: Graphs 2

  1. Open the data set ESS4e04_de.dta and inspect it using different functions. Generate a barplot for the absolute frequencies of the variable wahlentscheidung.str.
  2. Generate a grouped barplot for the variables geschlecht(geschlecht.str) and wahlentscheidung (wahlentscheidung.str). Color the single bars according to the parties. Add a legend that indicates which bar belongs to which party (Tip: ?barplot to check for col).
  3. Create a histogram for the variable Alter (age). Change the number of bars so that about 15 bars a displayed. In addition the x-axis should cover the range from 0 to 100.
  4. Plot the following three graphs on one single page
    • Grouped boxplots for the variables age (x-axis) and geschlecht.str (y-axis).
    • Scatterplot for the variables age (x-axis) and hheinkommen (y-axis).
    • Barplot that shows the means of the variables polinteresse.str (y- Axis) separately for women and men (use geschlecht.str, x-axis).
    • Save this plot under the name “3in1.pdf” in your working directory.

18.1.11 Solution: Graphs 2

# 1.
ess <- read.dta("ESS4e04_de.dta", convert.factors = FALSE, 
                convert.underscore = TRUE)

# 2. 
barplot(table(ess$wahlentscheidung.str, ess$geschlecht.str), 
        beside=TRUE, col=c("black","yellow","green","red","magenta"))

legend(3,350, c("CDU", "FDP", "GRUN", "Linke","SPD"), pch = 20, 

# 3. 
hist(ess$age, breaks = 15, xlim=c(0,100))
hist(ess$age, breaks=50,prob=TRUE)
mittelwert <- mean(ess$age, na.rm=TRUE)
sd <- sd(ess$age, na.rm=TRUE)

# Old: curve(dnorm(x, mittelwert, sd)*length(ess$age), add =TRUE) # 
# New:
curve(dnorm(x, mittelwert, sd)*length(ess$age), add =TRUE) # 

# 4.
# 4.1
boxplot(ess$age ~ ess$geschlecht.str)

# 4.2
plot(ess$age, ess$hheinkommen)
abline(h=mean(ess$hheinkommen, na.rm=TRUE))
abline(lm(ess$hheinkommen ~ ess$age))

# 4.3
# install.packages("gplots")
# library(gplots)
# plotmeans(ess$age ~ ess$geschlecht) # ylim=c(1,100)

# 4.4
barplot(tapply(ess$polinteresse, ess$geschlecht, mean, na.rm=TRUE))

# 4.5
savePlot(filename ="3in1", type = "pdf")

18.2 Ggplot2

Hadley Wickhams ggplot2 Package developed into a powerful alternative to the default plot() function. Its goal is to simplify complex plots (e.g. take care of legends, grids, labels for multi-layered graphics). It is very much inspired by the technically outstanding lattice package and its xyplot function. However ggplot2 tries to simplify the often fiddly syntax of complex graphs and gives them a more modern look and feel. Furthermore its documentation is top-notch and well worth a read: http://docs.ggplot2.org/current/

19 Statistical models

19.1 General

  • Any statistical model is simply a mathematical equation (or several)
  • We can plug in values (e.g. values for our explanatory variables) into this equation
  • The equation contains parameters (e.g. β), which we don’t know but we can estimate them
  • Normally, we try to estimate the parameters in our model (βs) so that the result, i.e. the values predicted by our equation (ˆyi) are as close as possible to the observed values (yi) of our outcome variable
  • There are various approaches for estimating parameters
    • OLS
    • Maximum Likelihood
    • Bayesian estimation (see Rstan)

19.2 Linear model (Regression)

  • lm(): R function to estimate a linear model (lm stands for “linear model”“)
  • lm(df$y ~ df$x): Use outcome variable y and explanatory variable x as input
  • lm(y ~ x,data = df): If both variables are located in the data frame “df”
  • lm(y~x1 + x2 + x3,data = df): Several independent variables
  • lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,data = df): Interaction effects
  • lm(y ~ x1 * x2,data = df): Same as above
  • fit <- lm(y ~ x): Save the results
  • Access results by referring to the object name, e.g. fit or summary(fit)
  • An object of class "lm" contains different components
    • coef(fit): The coefficients
    • residuals(fit): The residuals
  • IMPORTANT: Option na.action==na.omit omits missings listwise
  • broom package
    • tidy(): Extract coefficients + other stats from models
  • Visualization using different packages

19.2.1 Example: Fertility and socio-economic indicators

# Example: Fertility, education and religion (Catholic)

  fit <- lm(Fertility ~ Education + Catholic, data=swiss) # na.action==na.omit

# summary() is a generic function. If you input an lm() object it guesses you want a summary of regression statistics

# Number of observations: nrow(swiss) = 47
# DF (degrees of freedem): 47 observations - 3 parameters (to estimate)
# 95% percent confidence intervall:
# 74.23 (point estimate) +- 2.35 (Standard error) * 1.96 (use 2 as a rule of thumb)
  74.23 + 2.35*1.96
# t value = corresponding value of 74 in the t-distribution
# Pr(>|t|).. p-Value, i.e. the probability to observing t-value or greater
  # given that beta = 0

# Components of the lm object

# Access coefficents and other parts
  fit$fitted.values # ^y = y hat = predicted values
  fit$residuals     # residals = Predicted - Observed
  coef(fit)         # Coefficients beta1, beta2, beta3
  fit[1]$coefficients[1] # Access subelements of object

# Easier using tidy()
# Scatterplot
         aes(x = Education, 
             y = Fertility,
             label = rownames(swiss))) +
    geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method='lm', formula= y~x) + 

# 3d Scatterplot
        x = ~Education,
        y = ~Catholic,
        z = ~Fertility,
        color = ~Examination) %>% 
  add_markers() %>% 
  layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = 'Education'),
                     yaxis = list(title = 'Catholic'),
                     zaxis = list(title = 'Fertility')))

# Coefficient plot
data_estimates <- tidy(fit, conf.int = TRUE) %>%
  filter(term != "(Intercept)")

       aes(estimate, term, 
           xmin = conf.low, 
           xmax = conf.high, 
           height = 0)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 4) +

19.2.2 Exercise: Linear regression in R

  1. The relationship between Child Mortality and GDP
    1. Load the package car
    2. Inspect the data set UN (?UN)
    3. Estimate a linear regression of mortality (infantMortality) on GDP (ppgdp) and keep the estimation results.
    4. Draw a scatter plot for this relationship.
  2. Anscombe’s Quartet
    1. Load the package car and inspect the data set Quartet
    2. Use the data set Quartet to estimate several regressions and compare the coefficients of the following regression models: y1 on x (Model 1), y2 on x (Model 2), y3 on x (Model 3) and y4 on x4 (Model 4)!
    3. Generate 4 scatter plots + regression line for the regression models above. What would you conclude comparing the results from the regression with the graphs?
# Tip: You can use the patchwork package to draw plots side by side
# p1 + p2 + p3 + p4

19.2.3 Solution: Linear regression in R

# 1. Child mortality and GDP
# 1.1 Install and load package car


# 1.2 Inspect UN data


# 1.3 Fit a linear model for mortality dependent on GDP.

fit <- lm(infant.mortality ~ gdp, data=UN)
summary(lm(infant.mortality ~ gdp, data=UN))

# 1.4 Draw the corresponding scatterplot

plot(UN$gdp, UN$infant.mortality)
abline(lm(infant.mortality ~ gdp, data=UN))

# 2. Anscombe's Quartet
# 2.1 Load package and inspect data

# 2.2 Fit the models
# (a) y1 by x (Data: Quartet)

fit1 <- lm(y1 ~ x, data=Quartet)

# (b) y2 by x (Data: Quartet)
fit2 <- lm(y2 ~ x, data=Quartet)

# (c) y3 by x (Data: Quartet)
fit3 <- lm(y3 ~ x, data=Quartet)

# (d) y4 by x (Data: Quartet)
fit4 <- lm(y4 ~ x4, data=Quartet)

# and compare all coefficients
mycoefs <- c(fit1$coefficients[2], fit2$coefficients[2], 
                   fit3$coefficients[2], fit4$coefficients[2])

Koeff <- rbind(coef(fit1),coef(fit2),coef(fit3),coef(fit4))

names(mycoefs) <- c("coeff.fit1", "coeff.fit2", 
                          "coeff.fit3", "coeff.fit4")

# 2.3 Erstelle vier Scatterplots die jeder einen Regressionslinie enthalten:
# (a) von x und y1 (Datensatz: Quartet)
p1 <- ggplot(Quartet, 
         aes(x = x, 
             y = y1)) +
    geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method='lm', formula= y~x)

# (b) von x und y2 (Datensatz: Quartet)
p2 <- ggplot(Quartet, 
         aes(x = x, 
             y = y2)) +
    geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method='lm', formula= y~x)

# (c) von x und y3 (Datensatz: Quartet)
p3 <- ggplot(Quartet, 
         aes(x = x, 
             y = y3)) +
    geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method='lm', formula= y~x)

# (d) von x4 und y4 (Datensatz: Quartet)
p4 <- ggplot(Quartet, 
         aes(x = x, 
             y = y4)) +
    geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method='lm', formula= y~x)

p1 + p2 + p3 + p4

19.2.4 Checking assumptions linear regression model (OLS) (skip)

19.3 Example: Testing assumptions linear regression model (OLS) (skip)


# Checking robustness and assumptions
  # Good overview: http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.de/~helmut/limo09/limo_09_kap6.pdf)
  fit <- lm(Fertility ~ Education + Catholic, data=swiss)

# Linearity
  # Cause: Non-linear relationship between X and Y
  # Problem: Linear model does not produce good fit
  # Diagnose: e.g. partial residual plot for every variable
  crPlots(fit) # partial residual plot
  # Formula: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_residual_plot
  # Residuals + beta_i*X_i (y-axis) vs. X_i (x-axis)
  # beta_i is estimated and plotted while controlling for all other variables
  # Generalization of component+residual (partial residual) 

# Independence or errors
  # Causes: autocorrelated time series or clustered data
  # Problem: wrong t-values
  # Diagnose: among others: Durban Watson Test http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durbin-Watson-Test

# Constant variance of errors (Homoskedasticity)
  # e_i dependent of i
  # Causes: errors often increase with x
  # Problem: wrong t-values -> problem for hypothesis testing
  # Diagnose: plot e_i vs fitted values
  # "Solution": calculate robust  standard errors (library(sandwich))
# Normality of errors
  # Cause: wrong distribution assumption / wrong model
  # Problem: wrong t-values, bad predictions
  # Diagnose: Plot residuals (are they normally distributed)
    # qq plot for studentized resid vs. theoretic quantiles
    qqPlot(fit, main="QQ Plot")

# Outliers
  # Cause: special cases, data errors
  # Problem: Outliers may biase coefficients
  # Diagnose: e.g. Cook's D plot - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cook's_distance
  # measures effect of deleting observation
  # identify D values > 4/(n-k-1)
  cutoff <- 4/((nrow(swiss)-length(fit$coefficients)-2))
  plot(fit, which=4, cook.levels=cutoff)
  # Added variable plots

19.4 Generalized linear models (skip)

  • GLMs.. see Wikipedia and examples here
  • Very easy to fit in R
  • e.g. Logistic regression
    • Predicting a binary outcome (Voter participation: Yes vs. No)
  • e.g. Poisson regression
    • Predicting outcome variable that represents counts (Number of wars started in a given year)
  • Functions
    • glm(): R function to estimate a generalized linear model
    • glm(formula, family = familytype(link = linkfunction), data = )
      • family =: Specify a choice of variance and link functions
        • Every family comes with a default link function (see here) but you can change that
    • glm(outcome ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = somedata, family = binomial()): Logistic model
    • glm(outcome ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = somedata, family=poisson()): Poisson model
swiss2 <- swiss

swiss2$d.Catholic <- cut(swiss2$Catholic,
                     breaks=c(-Inf, 50, Inf),
class(swiss2$d.Catholic) # Factor!

# Logistic Regression
# where F is a binary factor and 
# x1-x3 are continuous predictors 
fit <- glm(d.Catholic ~ Agriculture + Education,data = swiss2, family = binomial())

# Display results

# Coefficients give the change in the log odds of the outcome for a one unit increase in the predictor variable
# e.g. For every one unit change in Agriculture, the log odds of Catholic (vs. non-Catholic) increases by 0.6173.

confint(fit) # CIs using profiled log-likelihood
 # confidence intervals are based on the profiled log-likelihood function

confint.default(fit) # CIs using standard error 
exp(coef(fit)) # exponentiated coefficients
exp(confint(fit)) # 95% CI for exponentiated coefficients
predict(fit, type="response") # predicted values
residuals(fit, type="deviance") # residuals

# Poisson Regression
# where count is a count and 
# x1-x3 are continuous predictors 
fit <- glm(count ~ x1+x2+x3, data=df, family=poisson())
summary(fit) #display results

19.5 Multilevel models (skip)

  • Gelman/Hill 2007, Chapter 11-13: Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models

  • Package lme4 and arm

  • The lmer function

    • fit <- lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | county)): Varying-intercept model with no predictors
      • county: Grouping variable`
    • fit <- lmer(y ~ ilevel.var + (1 | county)): Varying-intercept model with an individual-level predictor
    • display(fit): Summarize estimation results
    • coef(fit): Display coefficients
    • fixef(fit): Average
    • ranef(fit): Group-level errors
    • se.fixef(fit) and se.ranef(fit): Pull out standard errors
    • lmer(y ~ ilevel.var + glevel.var + (1 | county)): Adding a group level predictor
    • lmer(y ~ ilevel.var + (1 + ilevel.var | county)): Varying intercept, varying slope
    • lmer(formula = y ~ ilevel.var + glevel.var + ilevel.var:glevel.var + (1 + ilevel.var | county)): Varying intercept, varying slope + group level predictor included

20 Workflow in R

20.1 Writing papers

  • Formerly, LateX was the go-to language for many scientists (or word)

  • Currently, either do everything in R & [R Markdown]

  • Or write collaboratively in Google Docs or Microsoft Online and include graphs manually (annoying but great for writing)

  • In my view: No future for LaTeX

    • Everything can be done in Html
  • To import into Google Docs/Word choose route over html

21 Further ressources

22 Session info

Below the R version and package version that were used when the script was generated.

## R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22 ucrt)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 17763)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
## [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
## [4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
## [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] rstudioapi_0.14  knitr_1.40       magrittr_2.0.3   tidyselect_1.1.2
##  [5] R6_2.5.1         rlang_1.0.2      fastmap_1.1.0    fansi_1.0.3     
##  [9] stringr_1.4.1    dplyr_1.0.10     tools_4.2.0      xfun_0.30       
## [13] utf8_1.2.2       DBI_1.1.3        cli_3.3.0        jquerylib_0.1.4 
## [17] ellipsis_0.3.2   htmltools_0.5.2  assertthat_0.2.1 yaml_2.3.5      
## [21] digest_0.6.29    tibble_3.1.6     lifecycle_1.0.1  purrr_0.3.4     
## [25] sass_0.4.2       vctrs_0.4.1      glue_1.6.2       cachem_1.0.6    
## [29] evaluate_0.16    rmarkdown_2.16   stringi_1.7.6    compiler_4.2.0  
## [33] bslib_0.4.0      pillar_1.8.1     generics_0.1.3   jsonlite_1.8.0  
## [37] pkgconfig_2.0.3

A script by Paul C. Bauer
