Descriptive data analysis(기술통계분석) |
seek to summarize(요약) the measurement in a single data set without further interpretation(e.g., US Census) |
Exploratory data analysis(탐색적자료분석) |
search for discoveries(발견), trends, correlations, or relationships between the measurements to generate ideas or hypotheses(e.g., The four-star planetary system Tatooine) |
Inferential data analysis(추론분석) |
quantify whether an observed pattern will likely hold beyond the data set in hand or in population(모집단)(e.g., a study of whether air pollution correlates with life expectancy in US) |
Predictive data analysis(예측분석) |
predict(예측) another measurement (the outcome) on a single person or unit(e.g., prediction of how people will vote in an election) |
Causal data analysis(인과관계분석) |
seek to find out what happens to one measurement on average if you make another measurement change(인과, e.g., causal relationship between smoking and cancer) |
Mechanistic data analysis(결정론적관계분석) |
seek to show that changing one measurement always and exclusively leads to a specific, deterministic behavior in another(인과, e.g., wing design) |