

My name is Nneoma Ugwu and I am a Civil Engineering PhD student. I come from Nigeria and my favorite hobby is dancing gardening. Here is a link to a book, movie, or podcast I think the class should try.

This new paragraph lists my courses this semester.

Code chunk

Your goal should be to make your codes not only work but be reproducible and easy to follow. You will learn these in later sections. For now, reproduce these code chunks with your own data.

# load a random csv file from excel (feel free to create a new simple excel )
pricelist <- read.csv("~/Desktop/UMD classes/ENCE 688J-R/TA 2022/Week 1/Week 1/Data/pricelist.csv")
# display the first few rows
##                      Item Cost     Store Link
## 1                    Sofa  250 Facebook  <NA>
## 2            Coffee table  150 Facebook  <NA>
## 3                TV stand  100 Facebook  <NA>
## 4                Bar cart  140 Facebook  <NA>
## 5        Oval gold mirror   20 Facebook  <NA>
## 6 Dining table and chairs  100 Facebook  <NA>
# Assign variables for fruits and compare 
a <- "apples"
b <- "bananas"
## [1] FALSE
# Assign random numbers and compare 
a <- 2
b <- 4/2
## [1] TRUE


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