14.4 Proportional Hazards Model

The examples in these notes use the following data sets.

14.4.1 Xelox

Data from a Phase II clinical trial of Xeloda and exaliplatin given before surgery to advanced gastric cancer patients with para-aortic lymph node metastasis. timeWeeks is survival time; delta is the censoring indicator (1 = death, 0 = censored).

data(gastricXelox, package = "asaur")

##   timeWeeks delta
## 1         4     1
## 2         8     1
## 3         8     1
## 4         8     1
## 5         9     1
## 6        11     1

14.4.2 pancreatic

Data from a Phase II clinical trial of patients with locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer. Column stage is a covariate indicating the diagnosis (LA = locally advance, M = metastatic); the event of interest is either progression or death. There was no censoring in this data because none of the subjects lived very long.

data(pancreatic, package = "asaur")

##   stage    onstudy progression      death
## 1     M 12/16/2005    2/2/2006 10/19/2006
## 2     M   1/6/2006   2/26/2006  4/19/2006
## 3    LA   2/3/2006    8/2/2006  1/19/2007
## 4     M  3/30/2006           .  5/11/2006
## 5    LA  4/27/2006   3/11/2007  5/29/2007
## 6     M   5/7/2006   6/25/2006 10/11/2006

14.4.3 prostateSurvival

There are two outcomes of interest indicated by status, death from prostate cancer, and death from other causes, a competing risks survival analysis problem.

data("prostateSurvival", package = "asaur")

##   grade stage ageGroup survTime status
## 1  mode   T1c      80+       18      0
## 2  mode  T1ab    75-79       23      0
## 3  poor   T1c    75-79       37      0
## 4  mode    T2    70-74       27      0
## 5  mode   T1c    70-74       42      0
## 6  poor    T2    75-79       38      2

14.4.4 pharmacoSmoking

The primary outcome variable ttr is the time from randomization until relapse (return to smoking). Individuals who remained non-smokers for six months were censored.

data("pharmacoSmoking", package = "asaur")

##    id ttr relapse         grp age gender     race employment yearsSmoking
## 1  21 182       0   patchOnly  36   Male    white         ft           26
## 2 113  14       1   patchOnly  41   Male    white      other           27
## 3  39   5       1 combination  25 Female    white      other           12
## 4  80  16       1 combination  54   Male    white         ft           39
## 5  87   0       1 combination  45   Male    white      other           30
## 6  29 182       0 combination  43   Male hispanic         ft           30
##   levelSmoking ageGroup2 ageGroup4 priorAttempts longestNoSmoke
## 1        heavy     21-49     35-49             0              0
## 2        heavy     21-49     35-49             3             90
## 3        heavy     21-49     21-34             3             21
## 4        heavy       50+     50-64             0              0
## 5        heavy     21-49     35-49             0              0
## 6        heavy     21-49     35-49             2           1825

14.4.5 hepatoCellular

Overall and recurrence-free survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The survival outcomes are OS (overall survival) and RFS (recurrence-free survival), and the corresponding censoring indicators are Death and Recurrance.

data("hepatoCellular", package = "asaur")

##   Number Age Gender HBsAg Cirrhosis ALT AST AFP Tumorsize Tumordifferentiation
## 1      1  57      0     1         1   1   2   2         2                    1
## 2      2  58      1     0         0   1   1   2         1                    1
## 3      3  65      1     0         0   1   1   2         2                    2
## 4      4  54      1     1         0   2   1   2         2                    2
## 5      5  71      1     1         0   2   2   2         2                    2
## 6      6  32      1     0         0   2   2   2         2                    2
##   Vascularinvasion Tumormultiplicity Capsulation TNM BCLC OS Death RFS
## 1                0                 1           0   2    1 83     0  13
## 2                0                 1           1   1    1 81     0  81
## 3                1                 1           1   2    2 79     0  79
## 4                0                 1           1   1    1 76     0  76
## 5                1                 2           0   2    2  7     1   3
## 6                0                 1           0   1    1 13     1   3
##   Recurrence    CXCL17T    CXCL17P    CXCL17N CD4T CD4N  CD8T  CD8N CD20T CD20N
## 1          1 113.947238 299.325404 138.247177  2.6    0 190.6 126.8 20.95 13.05
## 2          0  54.071542  63.468462   6.214912   NA   NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 3          0  22.188831  34.470336  22.131934   NA   NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 4          0   8.442809  16.002843  11.146906   NA   NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 5          1   8.271131  22.034540  32.271196   NA   NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
## 6          1  13.708073   6.423604   0.000000   NA   NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
##   CD57T CD57N CD15T CD15N    CD68T    CD68N CD4NR     CD8NR     CD20NR CD57NR
## 1 15.86     0  72.8 23.85 47.48125 50.29444     0 0.5925387 0.06098289      0
## 2    NA    NA    NA    NA       NA       NA    NA        NA         NA     NA
## 3    NA    NA    NA    NA       NA       NA    NA        NA         NA     NA
## 4    NA    NA    NA    NA       NA       NA    NA        NA         NA     NA
## 5    NA    NA    NA    NA       NA       NA    NA        NA         NA     NA
## 6    NA    NA    NA    NA       NA       NA    NA        NA         NA     NA
##      CD15NR    CD68NR       CD4TR     CD8TR     CD20TR     CD57TR    CD15TR
## 1 0.1114515 0.2350269 0.007422395 0.5441186 0.05980738 0.04527661 0.2078271
## 2        NA        NA          NA        NA         NA         NA        NA
## 3        NA        NA          NA        NA         NA         NA        NA
## 4        NA        NA          NA        NA         NA         NA        NA
## 5        NA        NA          NA        NA         NA         NA        NA
## 6        NA        NA          NA        NA         NA         NA        NA
##      CD68TR   Ki67    CD34
## 1 0.1355479 6.0435 57079.5
## 2        NA     NA      NA
## 3        NA     NA      NA
## 4        NA     NA      NA
## 5        NA     NA      NA
## 6        NA     NA      NA

14.4.6 GBSG2

14.4.7 Unemp

UnempDur contains time to re-employment of 3,343 unemployed persons.

data(UnempDur, package = "Ecdat")

Column censor1 indicates the re-employment event in a full-time job. Column spell indicates the length of time unemployed in number of two-week intervals.

UnempDur %>% count(censor1)
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   censor1     n
##     <dbl> <int>
## 1       0  2270
## 2       1  1073
sobj <- Surv(time = UnempDur$spell, event = UnempDur$censor1)
## [1]  5  13  21   3   9+ 11+
##       time            status     
##  Min.   : 1.000   Min.   :0.000  
##  1st Qu.: 2.000   1st Qu.:0.000  
##  Median : 5.000   Median :0.000  
##  Mean   : 6.248   Mean   :0.321  
##  3rd Qu.: 9.000   3rd Qu.:1.000  
##  Max.   :28.000   Max.   :1.000