R Crash Course (for EF students) - 2022/23
Chapter 1 Welcome! :)
You are reading the lecture notes of the R
Crash Course. This introducton to R
software is for the students from the Master in Economics and Finance (EF) at University of Bergamo (academic year 2022/23).
Enjoy the journey!
1.1 Bibliography for the course
- R for Data Science: https://r4ds.had.co.nz/
- Practical R for Mass Communication and Journalism: https://www.machlis.com/R4Journalists/
In the following lecture notes, this font
(with grey background) represents R
code. The following is an example of R
code with the corresponding output.
print("Hello EF World!")
## [1] "Hello EF World!"
These notes are written in RStudio
by using bookdown
(https://bookdown.org/). For errors, typos, suggestions, … write to michela.cameletti@unibg.it.