Watchlist info


You have 26 companyies in your watchlist.

Period Return Sparkline
Return over the past week: 0.86%.
Return over the past month: 3.17%.
Score Value Sparkline
Average consensus score: 3.14
Average momentum score: -0.07
Average activity score: 0.7
Average trading velocity: 0.72


Name Price Change % Consensus score Momentum score Activity score Trading velocity
OptiBiotix Health 53.5 9.18 4.86 0.003 0.13 0.3
Marshalls 789.5 6.46 3.17 -0.001 0.05 1.73
Galliford Try 741 6 3.66 0 0.14 0.41
Wood Group (John) 370.3 5.38 3.33 0.003 0.53 0.65
Man Group 149 5.32 3.7 0 0.07 0.44
HSS Hire Group 37 5.19 3.33 -0.056 0.7 0.44
PayPoint 977 5.13 3.85 0.009 0.15 0.51
Lloyds Banking Group 61.61 4.38 3.25 0.004 1.21 0.58
Land Securities Group 947.8 4.17 3.18 -0.036 2.77 0.75
Big Yellow Group 1125 1.45 3.17 -0.148 0.64 0.58
TalkTalk Telecom Group 105.1 0.48 2.86 -0.07 2.57 0.28
Open Orphan 6.3 0.32 2 0 0 0.39
Shield Therapeutics 185 0 4 0 0.39 0.13
Redt Energy NA 0 2.32 -0.091 0 NA Group 343.5 -0.29 3.42 0 0.01 0.91
PV Crystalox Solar 65.5 -0.76 NA NA NA 0.02
Ceres Power Holdings 211 -0.93 4 0 1.5 0.66
Tritax Big Box Reit 149.5 -0.99 3.61 -0.048 0.45 1.38
Jlen Environmental Assets Group Limited NPV 119.5 -1.24 2 -0.008 0 0.76
BP 490.3 -1.56 3.77 0.001 0.73 0.58
Watchstone Group 145 -2.68 2.92 -0.003 0 1.54
Renewi 28.8 -3.54 2.83 -1.174 0.63 0.35
Integumen 1.78 -5.32 2 0 0 0.27
Powerhouse Energy Group 0.35 -10.26 2.23 -0.071 0 1.07
AFC Energy 16.95 -15.48 2 0 4.05 2.57


Distribution of sectors