Chapter 1 Prerequisites

This is a sample book written in Markdown. You can use anything that Pandoc’s Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\).

The bookdown package can be installed from CRAN or Github:

# or the development version
# devtools::install_github("rstudio/bookdown")

Remember each Rmd file contains one and only one chapter, and a chapter is defined by the first-level heading #.

To compile this example to PDF, you need XeLaTeX. You are recommended to install TinyTeX (which includes XeLaTeX):

Funky tikz

Figure 1.1: Funky tikz

Financial transactions

  • buy and sell
  • pay and receive
  • long and short

가장 이해하기 쉬운 형태는 ’사다’와 ’팔다’일 것이다. 하지만 사다팔다를 다른 관점에 생각해 보면, 주다받다로 해석할 수 있다.

  • 1000원을 주고 apple을 사다.

  • 1000원을 받고 apple을 팔다.

  • 1000을 pay하고 apple을 receive하다

  • 1000을 receive하고 apply을 pay하다

  • \(t = 0\)에 1000을 pay하고, \(t = T\)에 apple을 receive하다.

  • Pay \(X\) at \(t=0\) and receive \(Y\) at \(t=T\).