We use variables for cognitive (made from “Important to you” and “Important to your future goals” variables), behavioral (“How well were you concentrating” and “How hard were you working”) and affective (“Did you enjoy” and “Was the main activity interesting”) variables.
In this section, we identity the numbers based on the r-squared values and the cross-validation Fleiss’ Kappa. The R-squared values are calculated from the k-means step of the two-step cluster analysis. The cross-validation is carried out 100 times each for two through nine profile solutions
r_squared_vals <- plot_r_squared(df,
to_center = TRUE,
to_scale = TRUE,
r_squared_table = F)
x <- cross_validate(df,
n_profiles = "iterate",
k = 30,
to_center = TRUE,
to_scale = TRUE)
The R-squared lot shows a flattening of the change in the R-squared value from four to five profiles, and from six to seven profiles, suggesting either a four or six profile solution.
The cross-validation results show that Fleiss’ Kappa is highest for the three profile solution, followed by the four, and then six profile solution. This same pattern is observed for the percentage agreement.
These results suggest investigating both a four and six cluster solution.
p4 <- create_profiles(df,
n_profiles = 4,
to_center = TRUE,
to_scale = TRUE)
four_p <- p4$.data
p6 <- create_profiles(df,
n_profiles = 6,
to_center = TRUE,
to_scale = TRUE)
six_p <- p6$.data
## Linear mixed model
## Family: gaussian (identity)
## Formula: overall_post_interest ~ overall_pre_interest + race + gender + prof_1 + prof_2 + prof_3 + (1 | program_ID)
## ICC (program_ID): 0.000000
overall_post_interest | ||||
B | std. Error | p | ||
Fixed Parts | ||||
(Intercept) | 0.65 | 0.34 | .056 | |
overall_pre_interest | 0.56 | 0.07 | <.001 | |
race (Black) | -0.06 | 0.22 | .798 | |
race (Hispanic) | 0.03 | 0.21 | .900 | |
race (Multiracial) | -1.52 | 0.71 | .031 | |
race (White) | 0.45 | 0.30 | .134 | |
gender (M) | 0.14 | 0.12 | .256 | |
prof_1 | 0.99 | 0.24 | <.001 | |
prof_2 | 1.74 | 0.43 | <.001 | |
prof_3 | 0.32 | 0.26 | .217 | |
Random Parts | ||||
Nprogram_ID | 9 | |||
ICCprogram_ID | 0.000 | |||
Observations | 140 | |||
R2 / Ω02 | .501 / .501 |
ggplot(to_m, aes(x = overall_pre_interest))
## Linear mixed model
## Family: gaussian (identity)
## Formula: overall_post_interest ~ overall_pre_interest + race + gender + prof_1 + prof_2 + prof_4 + prof_5 + prof_6 + (1 | program_ID)
## ICC (program_ID): 0.018982
overall_post_interest | ||||
B | std. Error | p | ||
Fixed Parts | ||||
(Intercept) | 0.87 | 0.41 | .031 | |
overall_pre_interest | 0.54 | 0.07 | <.001 | |
race (Black) | -0.08 | 0.22 | .727 | |
race (Hispanic) | -0.01 | 0.21 | .972 | |
race (Multiracial) | -1.73 | 0.71 | .015 | |
race (White) | 0.37 | 0.30 | .218 | |
gender (M) | 0.12 | 0.12 | .310 | |
prof_1 | 0.43 | 0.54 | .426 | |
prof_2 | 1.78 | 0.44 | <.001 | |
prof_4 | -0.18 | 0.38 | .641 | |
prof_5 | 0.76 | 0.33 | .021 | |
prof_6 | 0.51 | 0.34 | .142 | |
Random Parts | ||||
Nprogram_ID | 9 | |||
ICCprogram_ID | 0.019 | |||
Observations | 140 | |||
R2 / Ω02 | .531 / .531 |
Models with the four and six profiles seem to tell a similar story in terms of their effect on interest - both the “Full” profile and that with higher affective and behavioral engagement seem to be associated with change in interest,
On the other hand, the profile with slightly higher cognitive engagement in both has a positive coefficient, but does not significaly differ from 0 in its relationship with change in interest.
In both, multiracial students are associated with negative changes in interest, whereas none of the other demographic characteristics are.