BS2003: Biochemistry II
Chapter 1 About
This is a bookdown site made for the NTU SBS course Biochemistry II.
1.1 About BS2003
BS2003: Biochemistry II is a core module in the SBS curriculum typically taken by year 2 undergraduates during the first semester.
The course is jointly taught by two SBS faculty members: [Gerhard Grueber] and [Ardina Grueber].
1.2 Contacts
While the author has made a considerable effort to ensure that the contents of this bookdown site are as faithful to the course’s content, errors may still arise in the site’s nonetheless. Hence, should you find any piece(s) of erroneous content within the site or have any general queries or concerns regarding the site, you may contact the author via his NTU student e-mail at
Furthermore, you may contact the faculty via their NTU faculty email:
- Gerhard Grueber:
- Ardina Grueber:
1.3 Technologies Used to Make this Site
This site was generated using the following languages:
- R
- R Markdown
Hence, no presumed HTML, CSS, or JavaScript knowledge was used to construct this site.
If you wish to learn how to author your own gitbook-style website(s) using the bookdown
package, first ensure that you have the R console and the RStudio IDE installed on your machine before checking out the guide above.
1.4 FAQs
I will attempt to answer some of the questions I frequently get asked about this website:
Are you sure that this website isn’t violating NTU’s copyright policy?
Quite frankly, I don’t see how it would. Seniors share their notes with their juniors all the time. If they can get away with doing that without invoking NTU’s wrath, why can’t I with this website?
The contents of this website are my notes too, albeit I chose to share them with a much larger audience.
How long did it take you to make the entire website?
One school semester (i.e., about 13 weeks).
If you can build a website like this, then what are you doing in the SBS? Shouldn’t you be pursuing Computer Science instead?
A Computer Science degree to learn how to build something like this? Seems a bit excessive, don’t you think? I’m not that rich nor am I that willing to spend four years to do something that took me way less than four years to learn how to do.
If you want to learn how to build websites, then go and teach yourself how to build one.