
A Research about the Employee’s Motivation for Knowledge Sharing and Employee Creativity: A Case Study from the Industrial Park of Jiujiang National Economic and Technology Development Zone
Master of Business Administration Program in Business Administration
Innovation College North-Chiang Mai University
August 2022
First, I would like to express my special thanks to Mr. Guo Hui and Mr. Wang Minjie. This study is completed under their careful guidance. From selecting my topic to completing the first draft, Mr. Guo Hui has given me a lot of help, and during this study writing, Mr. Wang Minjie guided me patiently and carefully. With their help and support, I can overcome one difficulty and doubt after another until the study is completed.
In addition, I would like to thank my family, friends, and classmates, who gave me the motivation to keep going when I encountered difficulties and setbacks in my study and my daily life.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the experts and professors who took time out of their busy schedules to review this study.
readxl::read_excel("./files/Table_Chinese.xlsx") %>%
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"论文题目" ~ px(220)
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论文题目 | 员工知识共享动机对员工创造力的影响研究——一个来自江西省九江市经济开发区工业园的案例 |
作者 | 潘薇 |
学位 | 工商管理硕士 |
(工商管理) | |
北清迈大学 | |
论文导师 | 郭辉博士 |
本文对以下问题进行了探讨和研究: 1. 在工业界,员工知识共享动机和员工创造力的现状如何。 2. 不同性别、年龄、教育背景、工作经验和岗位级别的员工对知识共享动机是否存在差异。 3. 不同性别、年龄、教育背景、工作经验和岗位级别的员工在创造力方面是否存在差异。
研究结果显示: 1. 员工对知识共享和创造力的总体感知水平较高。 2. 年龄、教育背景和工作经验在员工知识共享动机中没有明显差异,但不同性别和岗位级别存在差异。 3. 年龄、教育背景和工作经验对员工创造力的影响不存在明显差异,但不同性别和岗位级别存在差异。 4. 员工知识共享动机与员工的创造力之间存在着显著正相关和线性关系。
关键词: 员工知识共享动机;员工创造力
readxl::read_excel("./files/Table_English.xlsx") %>%
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"Independent Study Title" ~ px(220)
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Independent Study Title | A Research about the Employee's Motivation for Knowledge Sharing and Employee Creativity: A Case Study from the Industrial Park of Jiujiang National Economic and Technology Development Zone |
Author | WEI PAN |
Degree | Master of Business Administration |
(Business Administration) | |
North-Chiang Mai University | |
Independent Study Advisor | Dr. Guo Hui |
Knowledge management is given higher priority in the knowledge economy driven by modern information technology. Knowledge is increasingly replacing traditional production factors such as land, labor, and capital as the most active resource in enterprise development. Knowledge has reusability and cumulative value creation characteristics compared to conventional economic resources.
The knowledge that organizations and individuals possess is always limited. Knowledge transfer to expand and renewability becomes one of the essential tasks to improve the competitiveness of companies.
Due to the overlap of the COVID-19 epidemic with the knowledge economy era, most enterprises face a high degree of uncertainty and potential crises in the external environment. Due to the diversification and specialization of tasks, more and more functions in enterprises need to combine through employee knowledge sharing to handle large-scale and complex tasks. Companies believe that employee knowledge sharing can enhance employee creativity. Companies that share knowledge better achieve better performance, and a higher level of knowledge sharing is also more sustainable.
Academic research on knowledge sharing currently focuses on relevant factors of individual organizations, such as the impact of organizational support and climate on knowledge sharing behavior and organizational performance. Or on some unique aspects, such as how personal characteristics influence knowledge-sharing behavior. However, the relationship between the employee’s motivation to share knowledge and employee creativity still needs more explanations, which requires further investigation and analysis in theoretical research.
This study aims to determine the relationship between the employee’s motivation for knowledge sharing and employee creativity, determine the impact of knowledge workers’ endogenous stimulation on employee’s creativity to support and advance existing research, and clarify the intrinsic relationship and principle to solve practical problems. We choose the Industrial Park of Jiujiang National Economic and Technology Development Zone for cluster sampling. The population is about 102,000, and the sample size is 385.
After the study, the below questions have been explored and studied: 1. What is the current status of the employee’s motivation for knowledge sharing and employee creativity in the industrial circle. 2. Are there any differences in the employee’s motivation for knowledge sharing among workers by gender, age, educational background, work experience and position level. 3. Are there any differences in employee creativity among workers by gender, age, educational background, work experience and position level.
The results show that: 1#The overall perceived level of the employee’s motivation for knowledge sharing is high, and the same with employee creativity. 2#There are no significant differences in age, education background and working experience in the employee’s motivation for knowledge sharing; however, there are differences in gender and position level in the industrial circle. 3#There are no significant differences in age, education background and working experience in employee creativity; however, there are differences in gender and position level of the industrial circle. 4#There is a significant positive correlation and linear relationship between the employee’s motivation for knowledge sharing and employee creativity.
Keywords: the employee’s motivation for knowledge sharing; employee creativity