Torus translation test

Mauro Lepore 2018-04-17

This article shows how to use the function torusonesp.all(), by Sabrina Russo, Daniel Zuleta, Matteo Detto. For more information see ?torusonesp.all(). Although the core of this function will remain largely the same, the interface to this function is in development and you can expect it to change rapidly.


# Install the development branch 23_ttt of the package fgeo.habitat
# install.packages("remotes")

For details on how to install packages from GitHub, see this article.


Example dataset from Pasoh (you should use your own data).

census <- pasoh::pasoh_3spp
#> 'data.frame':    26286 obs. of  21 variables:
#>  $ treeID   : int  10 11 65 154 158 214 228 231 238 261 ...
#>  $ stemID   : int  10 11 65 154 158 214 228 231 238 261 ...
#>  $ tag      : chr  "11" "12" "67" "157" ...
#>  $ StemTag  : chr  "" "" "" "" ...
#>  $ sp       : chr  "XERONO" "ANAXJA" "GIROPA" "GIROPA" ...
#>  $ quadrat  : chr  "0000" "0000" "0000" "0000" ...
#>  $ gx       : num  0.9 1.3 3.2 14.7 14.6 ...
#>  $ gy       : num  3.5 3.6 16.3 2.6 0.5 ...
#>  $ DBHID    : int  46 51 321 766 786 1066 1136 1151 1186 1301 ...
#>  $ CensusID : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ dbh      : num  10 10 25 10 10 10 79 15 35 20 ...
#>  $ pom      : chr  "1.3" "1.3" "1.3" "1.3" ...
#>  $ hom      : num  1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 ...
#>  $ ExactDate: chr  "1986-02-04" "1986-02-04" "1986-02-04" "1986-02-04" ...
#>  $ DFstatus : chr  "alive" "alive" "alive" "alive" ...
#>  $ codes    : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
#>  $ nostems  : num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ date     : num  9531 9531 9531 9531 9531 ...
#>  $ status   : chr  "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
#>  $ agb      : num  0.000172 0.000118 0.000858 0.000103 0.000118 ...
#>  $ index5   : num  1 1 4 201 201 304 303 303 303 301 ...

habitat <- pasoh::pasoh_hab_index20
#>    x   y habitats index5 index20
#> 1  0   0        2      1       1
#> 5  0  20        2      5       2
#> 9  0  40        2      9       3
#> 13 0  60        2     13       4
#> 17 0  80        2     17       5
#> 21 0 100        2     21       6

To use YOUR OWN DATA, you may run something like this:

census_data <- <CENSUS_DATA>

habitat_data <- <HABITAT_DATA>

Abundance per quadrat.

abundance_per_quadrat <- abundanceperquad(
  plotdim = c(1000, 500),
  gridsize = 20,
  type = 'abund'

#>        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
#> XERONO 5 11  8 10  6  8  6 21 15 22
#> ANAXJA 2 14 25 34 25 16 15 30 13  1
#> GIROPA 3  5  2  1  1  3  4  7  6  9
#> [1]    3 1250

Torus translation for one species.

result_one <- torusonesp.all(
  species = "GIROPA",
  hab.index20 = habitat,
  allabund20 = abundance_per_quadrat,
  plotdim = c(1000, 500),
  gridsize = 20
#>        N.Hab.1 Gr.Hab.1 Ls.Hab.1 Eq.Hab.1 Rep.Agg.Neut.1 Obs.Quantile.1
#> GIROPA      78        0     4999        1             -1              0
#>        N.Hab.2 Gr.Hab.2 Ls.Hab.2 Eq.Hab.2 Rep.Agg.Neut.2 Obs.Quantile.2
#> GIROPA    1572       15     4984        1             -1          0.003
#>        N.Hab.3 Gr.Hab.3 Ls.Hab.3 Eq.Hab.3 Rep.Agg.Neut.3 Obs.Quantile.3
#> GIROPA    1085     4984       15        1              1         0.9968
#>        N.Hab.4 Gr.Hab.4 Ls.Hab.4 Eq.Hab.4 Rep.Agg.Neut.4 Obs.Quantile.4
#> GIROPA    1224     4999        0        1              1         0.9998

Iterate over all (or a subset of) species.

all_species <- unique(census$sp)

result_all <- lapply(
  hab.index20 = habitat,
  allabund20 = abundance_per_quadrat,
  plotdim = c(1000, 500),
  gridsize = 20

# Make the output easier to view
t(Reduce(rbind, result_all))
#>                   XERONO    ANAXJA    GIROPA
#> N.Hab.1        1197.0000  783.0000   78.0000
#> Gr.Hab.1       4994.0000 2964.0000    0.0000
#> Ls.Hab.1          5.0000 2035.0000 4999.0000
#> Eq.Hab.1          1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
#> Rep.Agg.Neut.1    1.0000    0.0000   -1.0000
#> Obs.Quantile.1    0.9988    0.5928    0.0000
#> N.Hab.2        5405.0000 5711.0000 1572.0000
#> Gr.Hab.2        383.0000 4995.0000   15.0000
#> Ls.Hab.2       4616.0000    4.0000 4984.0000
#> Eq.Hab.2          1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
#> Rep.Agg.Neut.2    0.0000    1.0000   -1.0000
#> Obs.Quantile.2    0.0766    0.9990    0.0030
#> N.Hab.3        1335.0000  366.0000 1085.0000
#> Gr.Hab.3       4064.0000   57.0000 4984.0000
#> Ls.Hab.3        935.0000 4942.0000   15.0000
#> Eq.Hab.3          1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
#> Rep.Agg.Neut.3    0.0000    0.0000    1.0000
#> Obs.Quantile.3    0.8128    0.0114    0.9968
#> N.Hab.4        1025.0000  217.0000 1224.0000
#> Gr.Hab.4       1027.0000  109.0000 4999.0000
#> Ls.Hab.4       3972.0000 4890.0000    0.0000
#> Eq.Hab.4          1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
#> Rep.Agg.Neut.4    0.0000    0.0000    1.0000
#> Obs.Quantile.4    0.2054    0.0218    0.9998