Notes for Nonparametric Statistics
MSc in Statistics for Data Science at Carlos III University of Madrid
Last updated: 2025-03-03, v6.10.2
Welcome to the notes for Nonparametric Statistics. The course is part of the MSc in Statistics for Data Science from Carlos III University of Madrid.
The course is designed to have, roughly, one session per each main topic in the syllabus. The schedule is tight due to time constraints, which will inevitably make the treatment of certain methods somehow superficial. Nevertheless, the course will hopefully give you a respectable panoramic view of different available topics on nonparametric statistics. A broad view of the syllabus and its planning is:
- Introduction (first session)
- Kernel density estimation I (first/second session)
- Kernel density estimation II (second/third session)
- Kernel regression estimation I (fourth/fifth session)
- Kernel regression estimation II (fifth/sixth session)
- Nonparametric tests (seventh session)
Main references and credits
Several great reference books have been used for preparing these notes. The following list presents the books that have been consulted:
- D’Agostino and Stephens (1986) (Section 6.1).
- Chacón and Duong (2018) (Sections 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5).
- DasGupta (2008) (Sections 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, and 6.1).
- Fan and Gijbels (1996) (Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3).
- Li and Racine (2007) (Section 5.1).
- Loader (1999) (Section 5.4).
- Nelsen (2006) (Section 6.3.1).
- Scott (2015) (Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.4)).
- Sheskin (2011) (Section 6.2.2).
- Silverman (1986) (Sections 2.2 and 2.4).
- van der Vaart (1998) (Sections 1.3 and 1.4).
- Wand and Jones (1995) (Sections 2.2, 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, and 5.4).
- Wasserman (2004) (Sections 1.3, 5.4, and B).
- Wasserman (2006) (Sections 1.1, 4.3, and A).
These notes are possible due to the existence of the incredible pieces of software by Xie (2016), Xie (2020), Allaire et al. (2020), Xie and Allaire (2020), and R Core Team (2020). Also, certain hacks to improve the design layout have been possible due to the outstanding work by Úcar (2018). The icons used in the notes were designed by madebyoliver, freepik, and roundicons from Flaticon.
Last but not least, the notes have benefited from contributions from the following people:
- Roberto Jesús Alcaraz Molina (fixed a typo)
- Dimitar Aleksandrov Terziev (fixed nine typos)
- Irina Antich Moreno (identified a typo)
- Rafaela Becerra Robalino (performed a thorough revision of the course materials fixing more than twenty typos)
- Germán Blanco Blanco (fixed two typos)
- Xavier Bryant (indicated a bug and fixed one typo)
- Cynthia Bueno Macedo Medeiros (fixed seven typos)
- Ilán Francisco Carretero Juchnowicz (fixed two typos)
- César Conejo Villalobos (fixed two typos)
- Marta Cortés Ocaña (fixed two typos)
- David Crespo Acero (fixed four typos)
- Álvaro Díaz Pérez (fixed five typos)
- Alba Diego Velarde (fixed one typo)
- Mauricio Marcos Fajgenbaun (fixed two typos)
- Alberto Fernández de Marcos Giménez-Galanes (fixed three typos)
- David de la Fuente López (fixed three typos and three bugs)
- Javier Gámez Sanz (fixed two typos)
- Manuel García Corbí (indicated two typos)
- María Del Pilar González Barquero (indicated a typo)
- Luis González-Conde Sánchez-Crespo (fixed two bugs)
- Fabian Guignard (fixed three typos)
- Hongfei Guo (fixed a bug)
- Marta Ilundain Martínez (fixed a typo)
- Amalia Jiménez Toledano (indicated a typo)
- Mike Knecht (fixed one typo)
- Julen Leo Gilete (fixed a bug)
- Javier López Fernández (fixed a bug)
- David Enrique Merchán Cano (fixed a typo)
- Rafael Monsalve Roquero (indicated a typo)
- Juan Montero (fixed a typo)
- Pablo Morala Miguélez (fixed two typos)
- Manuel Navarro García (performed a thorough revision of the course materials fixing fifteen typos)
- Miguel Novillo Arana (indicated a typo)
- Berta de Pablo Brito (fixed two typos)
- Sergio Palacio Vega (fixed a typo)
- Guendalina Palmirotta (fixed a typo)
- Georgia Papadogeorgou (indicated a typo)
- Raquel Parra Suazo (indicated two typos)
- David Parrón Duce (fixed one bug)
- María del Carmen Paternina Die (indicated two typos)
- Eloy Pérez Gómez (fixed one typo)
- Pilar Pérez Piedra (fixed one typo)
- David Pérez Ros (fixed one typo)
- Jingye Qian (indicated two bugs)
- Paloma Romero Palop (fixed a typo)
- Jorge Sánchez Polo (fixed three typos)
- Camila San José (fixed three typos)
- Diego Serrano Ortega (fixed three typos and one bug)
- Kendal Raymond William Smith (performed a thorough revision of the course materials fixing more than twenty typos)
- Anna Subirós de Arriaga (fixed three typos)
- He Sun (indicated two typos)
- Adrián Torres Núñez (fixed eleven typos)
- Jaime Ugarte Abollado (indicated a typo)
- Adrian Bijan White (fixed a typo)
- Du Zhang (indicated a bug and a typo)
- Shenbin Zheng (indicated a typo)
Contributions, reporting of typos, and feedback on the notes are very welcome. Just send an email to and give me a good reason for writing your name in the list of contributors!
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You may use the following \(\mathrm{B{\scriptstyle{IB}} \! T\!_{\displaystyle E} \! X}\) entry when citing these notes:
title = {Notes for Nonparametric Statistics},
author = {Garc\'ia-Portugu\'es, E.},
year = {2025},
note = {Version 6.10.2. ISBN 978-84-09-29537-1},
url = {}
You may also want to use the following template:
García-Portugués, E. (2025). Notes for Nonparametric Statistics. Version 6.10.2. ISBN 978-84-09-29537-1. Available at