Catálogo de datos
DCR Infosel
Fuente 1 APIS
1.1 Proveedores generales
Proveedor | Liga.Principal | Liga.API |
Proveedor | Liga.Principal | Liga.API |
OECD | | |
EconDB | | N/A |
Eurostat | | |
Banco de México | | |
INEGI | | |
FRED | | |
DBnomics | | |
Bank of Canada | | |
China | ||
Brasil | ||
World Bank | ||
LatAm... | ||
IHS Markit... |
1.2 Banxico
API.ID | Llave.Única | Description | Descripción | | Series.Type | Frequency | Frecuencia | Group | Grupo | Units | Unidades | First.Date | Last.Date |
API.ID | Llave.Única | Description | Descripción | | Series.Type | Frequency | Frecuencia | Group | Grupo | Units | Unidades | First.Date | Last.Date |
SF43695 | BASEMONMX | Monetary base, currency in circulation and current account bank deposits (daily) Monetary base | Base monetaria, circulante y depósitos_Base monetaria | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Monetary Policy | Política Monetaria | MXN, millions | MXN, millones | 1996-01-01 | 2021-04-21 |
SF43702 | BASEMONCIRMX | Monetary base, currency in circulation and current account bank deposits (daily) Currency in circulation | Base monetaria, circulante y depósitos Billetes y monedas en circulación | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Monetary Policy | Política Monetaria | MXN, millions | MXN, millones | 1989-01-01 | 2021-04-21 |
SF29656 | RESINTSEMMX | International Reserves | Reserva Internacional | Original | Original | Weekly | Semanal | Monetary Policy | Política Monetaria | USD, millions | USD, millones | 1995-01-01 | 2021-03-01 |
SF43707 | RESINTDIAMX | International Reserves | Reserva Internacional | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Monetary Policy | Política Monetaria | USD, millions | USD, millones | 1995-12-29 | 2021-04-16 |
SF61745 | TASAOBJMX | Target rate | Tasa objetivo | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Monetary Policy | Política Monetaria | without units | sin unidades | 2008-01-21 | 2021-04-23 |
SL11298 | SALMINGRLMX | Minimum Wages National Pesos per day | Salarios Mínimos General_Pesos por día | Original | Original | Monthly | Mensual | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | MXN | MXN | 1964-01-01 | 2021-03-01 |
SL11295 | SALMINFROMX | Minimum Wages Northern Border Free Zone Pesos per day | Salarios Mínimos Zona Libre de la Frontera Norte_Pesos por día | Original | Original | Monthly | Mensual | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | MXN | MXN | 2015-10-01 | 2021-03-01 |
SF282 | CETES28MX | 28 day Cetes Monthly average rate in annual percent | Cetes 28 días Tasa de rendimiento promedio mensual, en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Monthly | Mensual | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 1968-01-01 | 2021-03-01 |
SF3338 | CETES91MX | 91 day Cetes Monthly average rate in annual percent | Cetes 91 días Tasa de rendimiento promedio mensual, en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Monthly | Mensual | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 1968-01-01 | 2021-03-01 |
SF3366 | CCPUSDMX | Commercial Bank's Average Cost of Funds in Dollars (CCP-Dollars) Rate in annual percent | Costo de captación a plazo de pasivos en dólares (CCP-USD)_Tasa en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Monthly | Mensual | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 1996-01-01 | 2021-03-01 |
SF286 | CCPMXNMX | Commercial Bank's Average Cost of Funds (CCP) Rate in annual percent | Costo de captación a plazo de pasivos en moneda nacional (CCP)_Tasa en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Monthly | Mensual | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 1996-01-01 | 2021-03-01 |
SF3368 | CCPUDIMX | Commercial Bank's Average Cost of Funds in investment units (CCP-UDIS) Rate in annual percent | Costo de captación a plazo de pasivos en Udis (CCP-UDIs) _ Tasa en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Monthly | Mensual | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 1995-01-01 | 2021-03-01 |
SF285 | CCPDEPMX | Commercial Bank's Average Cost of Term Deposits (CPP) Rate in annual percent | Costo porcentual promedio (CPP)_Tasa en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Weekly | Semanal | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 1968-01-01 | 2021-03-01 |
SF43773 | FONDBANCMX | Bank funding rate Weighted average Interest rate in annual percent | Tasa de fondeo bancario Mediana ponderada por volumen_Tasa de interés en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 1998-11-03 | 2021-04-22 |
SF43774 | FONDGUBMX | Government funding rate Weighted average Interest rate in annual percent | Tasa de fondeo gubernamental Mediana ponderada por volumen_Tasa de interés en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 1998-11-03 | 2021-04-22 |
SF331407 | FONDGUB25MX | Government funding rate, 25th Percentile, Interest rate in percent per annum | Tasa de fondeo gubernamental, Percentil 25_Tasa de interés en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 2019-11-01 | 2021-04-22 |
SF331408 | FONDGUB75MX | Government funding rate, 75th Percentile, Interest rate in percent per annum | Tasa de fondeo gubernamental, Percentil 75_Tasa de interés en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 2019-11-01 | 2021-04-22 |
SF45390 | BPABREMMX | Weigthed average with plus BPAS and BREMS. | Tasa de fondeo ponderada con BPAS y BREMS. | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 2004-02-11 | 2021-04-22 |
SF43783 | TIIE28MX | 28 day TIIE Interest rate in annual percent | TIIE a 28 días Tasa de interés en por ciento anual | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 1995-03-23 | 2021-04-23 |
SF43878 | TIIE91MX | Interbank Interest Rates Annual percent 91 day TIIE | TIIE a 91 Tasas de interés interbancarias Por ciento anual | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 1997-01-23 | 2021-04-23 |
SF111916 | TIIE182MX | TIIE 26 weeks | TIIE a 182 días | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 2011-04-06 | 2021-04-22 |
SF331451 | TIIEDHMX | Overnight TIIE Funding Rate, Volume-weighted median. | TIIE de Fondeo a un día hábil bancario, mediana ponderada por volumen | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Interest rates | Tasas de interés | percentage | porcentaje | 2006-01-02 | 2021-04-22 |
SP68257 | UDIMX | UDIs Investment Unit | Valor de UDIS | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Inflation | Inflación | without units | sin unidades | 1995-04-04 | 2021-05-10 |
SF43705 | ACTINTUSDMX | Net International Assets | Activos Internacionales Netos (USD) | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD, millions | USD, millones | 1995-12-29 | 2021-04-16 |
SF43704 | ACTINTMXNMX | Net International Assets | Activos Internacionales Netos (MXN) | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | External Sector | Sector Externo | MXN, millions | MXN, millones | 1995-12-29 | 2021-04-16 |
SE44352 | BALPAGCCORMX | Balance of Payments - BPM6 basis - new format (start date:2006) Current account | Balanza de pagos - con base en MBP6 - nueva presentación (a partir de 2006) Cuenta corriente | Original | Original | Quarterly | Trimestral | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD, millions | USD, millones | 2006-01-01 | 2020-10-01 |
SE44393 | BALPAGCCAPMX | Balance of Payments - BPM6 basis - new format (start date:2006) Capital account | Balanza de pagos - con base en MBP6 - nueva presentación (a partir de 2006) Cuenta de capital | Original | Original | Quarterly | Trimestral | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD, millions | USD, millones | 2006-01-01 | 2020-10-01 |
SE44408 | BALPAGCFINMX | Balance of Payments - BPM6 basis - new format (start date:2006) Financial account [Net lending (+) / Net borrowing (-)] Portfolio investment | Balanza de pagos - con base en MBP6 - nueva presentación (a partir de 2006) Cuenta financiera | Original | Original | Quarterly | Trimestral | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD, millions | USD, millones | 2006-01-01 | 2020-10-01 |
SE30330 | BALPAGIEDMX | Indicators of foreign investment in Mexico I.Direct investment | Balanza de pagos de México Cuenta de Capital Pasivos Inversión extranjera Directa | Original | Original | Quarterly | Trimestral | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD, thousands | USD, miles | 1960-01-01 | 2020-10-01 |
SI744 | MEXCLAMEXMX | Oil Prices: Mexican Blend (USD/barrel) | Precio del Petróleo: Mezcla Mexicana (USD/barril) | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD | USD | 1996-01-01 | 2021-04-16 |
SE27803 | REMESASMX | Workers Remittances Total | Remesas Familiares Total | Original | Original | Monthly | Mensual | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD, millions | USD, millones | 1995-01-01 | 2021-02-01 |
SG201 | DEUDAEXTMX | External broad economic debt of the public sector consolidated with Banco de México, End of period balances | Deuda externa neta del sector público consolidado con el Banco de México_Saldos al final del periodo | Original | Original | Monthly | Mensual | External Sector | Sector Externo | MXN, billions | MXN, miles de millones | 1980-01-01 | 2021-01-01 |
SF43718 | TCFIXMX | Exchange rate for settling liabilities denominated in foreign currency: FIX | Tipo de cambio para solventar obligaciones denominadas en moneda extranjera: FIX | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Dissemination | Difusión | MXN per USD | MXN por USD | 1991-11-12 | 2021-04-22 |
SF43706 | CREDNETMX | Net Domestic Credit | Crédito Interno Neto | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Credit | Crédito | MXN, millions | MXN, millones | 1995-12-29 | 2021-04-16 |
SF45422 | CETES28PZMX | Cetes 28-day - Maturity | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 28 días - Plazo | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | Days | Días | ||
SF45438 | CETES28PLMX | Cetes 28-day - Clean Price | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 28 días - Precio Limpio | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | MXN | MXN | ||
SF45439 | CETES28PSMX | Cetes 28-day - Dirty Price | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 28 días - Precio Sucio | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | MXN | MXN | ||
SF45470 | CETES28TRMX | Cetes 28-day - Yield to Maturity | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 28 días - Tasa Rendimiento | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | percentage | porcentaje | ||
SF45423 | CETES91PZMX | Cetes 91-day - Maturity | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 91 días - Plazo | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | Days | Días | ||
SF45440 | CETES91PLMX | Cetes 91-day - Clean Price | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 91 días - Precio Limpio | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | MXN | MXN | ||
SF45441 | CETES91PSMX | Cetes 91-day - Dirty Price | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 91 días - Precio Sucio | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | MXN | MXN | ||
SF45471 | CETES91TRMX | Cetes 91-day - Yield to Maturity | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 91 días - Tasa Rendimiento | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | percentage | porcentaje | ||
SF45424 | CETES182PZMX | Cetes 182-day - Maturity | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 182 días - Plazo | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | Days | Días | ||
SF45442 | CETES182PLMX | Cetes 182-day - Clean Price | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 182 días - Precio Limpio | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | MXN | MXN | ||
SF45443 | CETES182PSMX | Cetes 182-day - Dirty Price | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 182 días - Precio Sucio | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | MXN | MXN | ||
SF45472 | CETES182TRMX | Cetes 182-day - Yield to Maturity | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 182 días - Tasa Rendimiento | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | percentage | porcentaje | ||
SF45425 | CETES364PZMX | Cetes 364-day - Maturity | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 364 días - Plazo | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | Days | Días | ||
SF45444 | CETES364PLMX | Cetes 364-day - Clean Price | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 364 días - Precio Limpio | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | MXN | MXN | ||
SF45445 | CETES364PSMX | Cetes 364-day - Dirty Price | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 364 días - Precio Sucio | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | MXN | MXN | ||
SF45473 | CETES364TRMX | Cetes 364-day - Yield to Maturity | Vector de precios de títulos gubernamentales Cetes 364 días - Tasa Rendimiento | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | percentage | porcentaje | ||
SF43936 | CETE28SUBMX | Bonds Issued by the Government Weekly auctions results 28 day Cetes Annual Interest rate | Cetes a 28 días Valores gubernamentales Resultados de la subasta semanal Tasa de rendimiento | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | percentage | porcentaje | 1982-09-02 | 2021-04-22 |
SF43939 | CETE91SUBMX | Bonds Issued by the Government Weekly auctions results 91 day Cetes Annual Interest rate | Cetes a 91 días Valores gubernamentales Resultados de la subasta semanal Tasa de rendimiento | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | percentage | porcentaje | 1978-01-19 | 2021-04-22 |
SF43942 | CETE182SUBMX | Bonds Issued by the Government Weekly auctions results 182 day Cetes Annual Interest rate | Cetes a 182 días Valores gubernamentales Resultados de la subasta semanal Tasa de rendimiento | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | percentage | porcentaje | 1984-09-13 | 2021-04-22 |
SF43945 | CETE364SUBMX | Bonds Issued by the Government Weekly auctions results 364 day Cetes Annual Interest rate | Cetes a 364 días Valores gubernamentales Resultados de la subasta semanal Tasa de rendimiento | Original | Original | Daily | Diaria | Government Bonds | Valores Gubernamentales | percentage | porcentaje | 1990-11-15 | 2021-04-22 |
API.ID | Llave.Única | Description | Descripción | | Series.Type | Frequency | Frecuencia | Group | Grupo | Units | Unidades | first_date | last_date | last_update |
API.ID | Llave.Única | Description | Descripción | | Series.Type | Frequency | Frecuencia | Group | Grupo | Units | Unidades | first_date | last_date | last_update |
454186 | ICCAMX | Consumer confidence indicator | Indicador de confianza del consumidor | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Dissemination | Difusión | Points | Puntos | 2001-04-01 | 2021-03-01 | 6/4/2021 16:11:00 |
454168 | ICCOMX | Consumer confidence indicator | Indicador de confianza del consumidor | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Dissemination | Difusión | Points | Puntos | 2001-04-01 | 2021-03-01 | 6/4/2021 16:11:00 |
631595 | CEMX | Business Confidence | Confianza Empresarial | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Dissemination | Difusión | Points | Puntos | 2004-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 5/4/2021 13:20:00 |
289188 | OESCMX | Business sentiment in the manufacturing sector: Aggregate Trend Indicator | Opinión empresarial del sector manufacturero: Indicador agregado de tendencia | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Dissemination | Difusión | Points | Puntos | 2004-01-01 | 2019-03-01 | 1/4/2019 15:03:00 |
217712 | HHTMMX | Man-hours worked in the manufacturing sector | Horas-hombre trabajadas en el sector manufacturero | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2008 = 100 | Índice base 2008 = 100 | 2007-01-01 | 2019-02-01 | 22/04/2019 13:08 |
496150 | IGAEOMX | IGAE (Global Economic Activity), Total | Indicador Global de la Actividad Económica (Total) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
496223 | IGAEAPMX | IGAE: Primary Activities | IGAE: Actividades primarias | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
204028 | IMMEXPOMX | IMMEX Employed personnel | IMMEX Personal Ocupado | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Number of people | Número de personas | 2007-07-01 | 2021-01-01 | 30/03/2021 16:05 |
496216 | IGAEAMX | IGAE (Global Economic Activity), Total | Indicador Global de la Actividad Económica (Total) | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
496219 | IGAECCMX | IGAE_Cyclical_Component_2013 | IGAE_Componente_Cíclico_Base2013 | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
496224 | IGAECPAMX | IGAE_Primary_SA_2013 | IGAE_Componente_Primario_Base2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Percentage change | Variación porcentual | 1993-02-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
496230 | IGAEASMX | IGAE: Secondary Activities | IGAE: Actividades secundarias | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
496265 | IGAEATMX | IGAE: Tertiary Activities | IGAE: Actividades terciarias | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
496237 | IGAEMIMX | IGAE_Mining_SA_2013 | IGAE_Minería_Base2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
496244 | IGAEEAMX | IGAE_Energy_SA_2013 | IGAE_Energía_Base2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
496251 | IGAECAMX | IGAE_Construction_SA_2013 | IGAE_Construcción_Base2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
496258 | IGAEMAMX | IGAE_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | IGAE_Manufactura_Base2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Economic Activity | Actividad Económica | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 25/03/2021 17:46 |
87537 | SBCAMX | Trade Balance | Saldo de la balanza comercial (Total) | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD, million | Millones de USD | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 12/4/2021 15:12:00 |
897 | SBCOMX | Trade Balance | Saldo de la balanza comercial (Total) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD, million | Millones de USD | 1991-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 12/4/2021 15:12:00 |
65649 | EXPMX | Exports | Exportaciones | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD, million | Millones de USD | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 12/4/2021 15:12:00 |
65651 | IMPMX | Imports | Importaciones | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | External Sector | Sector Externo | USD, million | Millones de USD | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 12/4/2021 15:12:00 |
496895 | ODGBSAMX | Global supply, annual percentage variation | Oferta y demanda global de bienes y servicios_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
496821 | ODGBSOMX | Global supply, annual percentage variation | Oferta y demanda global de bienes y servicios_Base 2003 | Original | Original | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
493717 | PIBOTMX | Gross domestic product at current prices | Producto interno bruto, a precios de mercado | Original | Original | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at current prices | Millones de pesos a precios corrientes | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
503734 | PIBOAMX | Gross domestic product at market prices | Producto interno bruto, a precios de mercado. A precios de 2013 | Original | Original | Anual | Annual | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1905-06-25 | 1905-07-11 | 1/10/2020 14:20:00 |
493621 | PIBTOMX | Gross domestic product at market prices | Producto interno bruto trimestral, a precios de mercado. A precios de 2013 | Original | Original | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1980-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493913 | PIBTAMX | Timely estimation of gross domestic product at market prices, YoY | Estimación oportuna del producto interno bruto, a precios de mercado. A precios de 2013. Variación a/a%. | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1981-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494072 | PIBACMX | GDP_VAMethod_constantPX | Producto interno bruto, a precios corrientes_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at current prices | Millones de pesos a precios corrientes | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493911 | PIBAMX | Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices | Producto interno bruto, a precios de mercado. A precios de 2013 (Trimestral) | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1980-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493925 | PIBAAPMX | Primary_Activities_SA_2013 | PIB_Base2013_Actividades primarias | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1980-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493932 | PIBAASMX | Secondary_Activities_SA_2013 | PIB_Base2013_Actividades secundarias | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1980-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493939 | MINAMX | Mining_SA_2013 | Minería_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493946 | ENGAMX | Energy_SA_2013 | Energía_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493953 | CSTAMX | Construction_SA_2013 | Construcción_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493960 | MANAMX | Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493967 | PIBAATMX | Terciary_Activities_SA_2013 | PIB_Base 2013_Actividades tercearias | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1980-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493974 | CMAMX | Wholesale_Retail_SA_2013 | Comercio Mayorista_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
515744 | CMIAMX | Commercial_Retail_SA_2013 | Comercio Minorista_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493981 | TRNAMX | Transportation_SA_2013 | Transporte_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493988 | MMAMX | Mass_Media_SA_2013 | Medios Masivos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
493955 | SFAMX | Financial_Services_SA_2013 | Servicios Financieros_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1994-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494002 | BRAMX | Real_Estate_SA_2013 | Bienes Raíces_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494009 | SPAMX | Profesional_Services_SA_2013 | Servicios Profesionales_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494016 | CORPAMX | Coorporations_SA_2013 | Corporativos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494023 | STAMX | Third_Party_Services_SA_2013 | Servicios de Terceros_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494030 | SEDUAMX | Education_Services_SA_2013 | Servicios Educativos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494037 | SSAMX | Healthcare_SA_2013 | Sector Salud_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494044 | SRAMX | Leisure_SA_2013 | Servicios Recreativos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494052 | ALOAMX | Lodging_SA_2013 | Alojamiento Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1993-04-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494058 | OTRMX | Other_SA_2013 | Otros_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
494065 | GOBA1MX | Goverment_SA_2013 | Gobierno_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 25/02/2021 16:35 |
496902 | GPIBMX | GDP_Expenditure_SA_2013 | Gasto_PIB_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1980-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
496909 | IMPAMX | Imports_SA_2013 | Importaciones_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
496923 | CONSMX | Consumption_SA_2013 | Consumo_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
496930 | GOBA2MX | Goverment_SA_2013 | Gobierno_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
496937 | INVTMX | Total_Investment_SA_2013 | Inversión_Total_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
496944 | INVPUMX | Public_Investment_SA_2013 | Inversión Pública_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
496951 | INVPRMX | Private_Investment_SA_2013 | Inversión Privada_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
496958 | EXISTAMX | Inventories_SA_2013 | Existencias_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
496965 | EXPAMX | Exports_SA_2013 | Exportaciones_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
496326 | INVFAOMX | Industrial production index | Índice de volumen físico_Actividad Industrial (Total) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
661524 | PRODMAMX | Mining and metallurgy production | Producción minerometalúrgica | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2000-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 31/03/2021 15:58 |
656 | PRODMOMX | Mining and metallurgy production | Producción minerometalúrgica | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2000-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 31/03/2021 15:58 |
666 | PRODMCUMX | Copper Mining and metallurgy production | Producción minerometalúrgica Cobre | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Tons | Toneladas | 1980-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 31/03/2021 15:58 |
659 | PRODMAUMX | Gold Mining and metallurgy production | Producción minerometalúrgica Oro | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Kilograms | Kilogramos | 1980-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 31/03/2021 15:58 |
660 | PRODMAGMX | Silver Mining and metallurgy production | Producción minerometalúrgica Plata | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Kilograms | Kilogramos | 1980-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 31/03/2021 15:58 |
631637 | ICPEMMX | Manufacturing Orders Indicator | Indicador de pedidos manufactureros | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Points | Puntos | 2004-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 5/4/2021 13:20:00 |
496464 | INVFAAMX | Industrial production index | índice de volumen físico de la actividad Industrial (Total) | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496467 | PRODINCMX | Industrial_Production_Cyclical_Component | Producción Industrial (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496471 | MINAAMX | Total_Mining_SA_2013 | Total Minería_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496474 | MINAOCMX | Total_Mining_Cyclical_Component | Total Minería (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496478 | EXTPEMX | Oil_Extraction_Mining_SA_2013 | Extracción de Petróleo_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496481 | EXTPECMX | Oil_Extraction_Cyclical_Component | Extracción de Petróleo (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496485 | EXTMIMX | Mineral_Extraction_Mining_SA_2013 | Extracción de Minerales_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496488 | EXTMICMX | Mineral_Extraction_Cyclical_Component | Extracción de Minerales (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496492 | SERVMIMX | Mining_Services_Mining_SA_2013 | Servicios de Minería_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496495 | SERVMICMX | Mining_Services_Cyclical_Component | Servicios de Minería (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496499 | PRODEMX | Energy_Production_SA_2013 | Producción de Energía_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496502 | PRODECMX | Energy_Production_Cyclical_Component | Producción de Energía (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496520 | CSTOMX | Construction | Construcción | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496523 | CSTACMX | Total_Construction_Production_Cyclical_Component | Construcción (componente cíclico) (Total) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496527 | EDIFMX | Building_Construction_Production_SA_2013 | Edificación_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496530 | EDIFCMX | Building_Construction_Production_Cyclical_Component | Edificación (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496534 | PRODICMX | Civil_Engineering_Production_SA_2013 | Producción de Ingeniería Civil_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496537 | PRODICCMX | Civil_Engineering_Production_Cyclical_Component | Producción de Ingeniería Civil (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496541 | PRODOMX | Other_Construction_Production_SA_2013 | Producción_Otros Sectores de la Construcción_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496544 | PRODOCMX | Other_Construction_Production_Cyclical_Component | Producción_Otros Sectores de la Construcción (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496548 | MANAAMX | Total_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura_Base 2013 (Total) | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496551 | MANAOCMX | Total_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura (componente cíclico) (Total) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496555 | PRODALMX | Food_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Producción de Alimentos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496558 | PRODALCMX | Food_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Producción de Alimentos (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496562 | MANATBMX | Beverages_Tobacco_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de Tabaco y Bebidas_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496565 | MANATBCMX | Beverages_Tobacco_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de Tabaco y Bebidas (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496569 | MANAITMX | Textiles_Supplies_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de Insumos Textiles_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496572 | MANAITCMX | Textiles_Supplies_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de Insumos Textiles (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496576 | MANAPTMX | Textiles_Products_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura Productos_Textiles_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496579 | MANAPTCMX | Textiles_Products_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura Productos_Textiles (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496583 | CONFECMX | Clothing_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Confección_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496586 | MANACCMX | Clothing_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de prendas de vestir (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496590 | MANACAMX | Hide_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de curtido y acabado_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496593 | HMCYCMX | Hide_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de curtido y acabado (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496597 | LUMASAMX | Lumber_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de madera_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496600 | LUMACCMX | Lumber_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de madera (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496604 | PPMASAMX | Pulp_and_Paper_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de pasta y papel_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496607 | PPMACCMX | Pulp_and_Paper_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de pasta y papel (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496611 | PRMASAMX | Printing_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de impresión_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496614 | PRMACCMX | Printing_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura Industria gráfica_ CC | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496618 | OIDEMAMX | Oil_Derivatives_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de derivados del Petróleo_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496621 | OIDEMACMX | Oil_Derivatives_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de derivados del petróleo (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496625 | CHEMSAMX | Chemical_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de productos químicos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496628 | CHEMCCMX | Chemical_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de productos químicos (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496632 | PLMASAMX | Plastic_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de plásticos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496635 | PLMACCMX | Plastic_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de plásticos (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496639 | MINMASMX | Mineral_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de minerales_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496642 | MINMACCMX | Mineral_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de minerales (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496646 | BAMTMSMX | Basic_Metals_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de metales básicos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496649 | BAMTMCCMX | Basic_Metals_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de metales básicos (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496653 | MEPRMSMX | Metal_Products_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de productos metálicos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496656 | MEPRMCCMX | Metal_Products_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de productosmetálicos (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496660 | MAEQMSMX | Machinery_Equipment_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura maquinaria y equipo__Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496663 | MAEQMCCMX | Machinery_Equipment_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura maquinaria y equipo (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496667 | COHWMSMX | Computer_Hardware_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de equipos informáticos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496670 | COHWMCCMX | Computer_Hardware_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de equipos informáticos (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496674 | ELCOMSMX | Electrical_Components_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de componentes eléctricos_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496677 | ELCOMCCMX | Electrical_Components_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de componentes eléctricos (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496681 | TREQMSMX | Transportation_Equipment_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de equipos de transporte_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496684 | TREQMCCMX | Transportation_Equipment_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de equipos de transporte (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496688 | HOFURMSMX | Home_Furnishing_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Manufactura de muebles del hogar_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496691 | HOFURMCMX | Home_Furnishing_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura de muebles para el hogar (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496695 | OTRMASMX | Other_Manufacturing_SA_2013 | Otras indrustias manufactureras_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
496698 | OTRMACCMX | Other_Manufacturing_Cyclical_Component | Otras indrustias manufactureras (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Industrial Production | Producción Industrial | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 9/4/2021 17:27:00 |
583753 | CPIANINFMX | Consumer price index. Annual inflation | Indice Nacional de Precios al Consumidor. Inflación anual | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Inflation | Inflación | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1970-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 8/4/2021 13:14:00 |
583752 | CPIACINFMX | Consumer price index. Annual accumulated inflation | Indice Nacional de Precios al Consumidor. Inflación acumulada en el año | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Inflation | Inflación | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1970-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 8/4/2021 13:14:00 |
583755 | CPISACINFMX | Consumer price index. Subjacent accumulated inflation. | índice de precios al consumidor (INPC). Inflación acumulada subyacente. | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Inflation | Inflación | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1983-02-01 | 2021-03-01 | 8/4/2021 13:14:00 |
583756 | CPIANSINFMX | Consumer price index. Annual subjacent inflation. | Índice de precios al consumidor (INPC). Inflación Anual subyacente. | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Inflation | Inflación | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1983-02-01 | 2021-03-01 | 8/4/2021 13:14:00 |
583751 | CPIMOINFMX | Consumer price index. Monthly inflation | Índice de precios al consumidor (INPC). Inflación mensual | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Inflation | Inflación | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1969-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 8/4/2021 13:14:00 |
583754 | CPIMSINFMX | Consumer price index. Monthly subjacent inflation. | Índice de precios al consumidor (INPC). Inflación mensual subyacente. | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Inflation | Inflación | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1982-02-01 | 2021-03-01 | 8/4/2021 13:14:00 |
539384 | CPIBIWINFMX | Consumer price index. Biweekly inflation. | Índice de precios al consumidor (INPC). Inflación quincenal. | Original | Original | Quincenal | Biweekly | Inflation | Inflación | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1988-01-01 | 2021-04-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
539366 | CPIBWINFIMX | Consumer price index. Biweekly inflation, interannual. | Índice de precios al consumidor (INPC). Inflación quincenal, interanual | Original | Original | Quincenal | Biweekly | Inflation | Inflación | Year-on-year percentage change | Variación porcentual interanual | 1988-01-01 | 2021-04-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
539385 | CPIBWSINFMX | Consumer price index. Biweekly subjacent inflation. | Índice de precios al consumidor (INPC). Inflación quincenal subyacente. | Original | Original | Quincenal | Biweekly | Inflation | Inflación | Percentage | Porcentaje | 1995-02-01 | 2021-04-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
539369 | CPIBWSIFIMX | Consumer price index. Biweekly subjacent inflation, interannual. | Índice de precios al consumidor (INPC). Inflación quincenal subyacente interanual. | Original | Original | Quincenal | Biweekly | Inflation | Inflación | Year-on-year percentage change | Variación porcentual interanual | 1988-01-01 | 2021-04-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
444883 | UNEMRATEMX | Unemployment rate | Tasa de desocupación, serie unificada_Total (mensual) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Millions of MXN at current prices | Millones de pesos a precios corrientes | 2005-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
127549 | EMWHTRDMX | Employed in wholesale trade | Personal ocupado en el comercio al por mayor | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Base index 2003 = 100 | Índice base 2003 = 100 | 2001-01-01 | 2014-07-01 | 23/09/2014 14:17 |
127557 | EMRTTRDMX | Employed in retail trade | Personal ocupado en el comercio al por menor | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Base index 2003 = 100 | Índice base 2003 = 100 | 2001-01-01 | 2014-07-01 | 23/09/2014 14:17 |
65631 | EMCONSCOMMX | Employed in construction companies | Personal ocupado en empresas constructoras | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Number of people | Número de personas | 2006-01-01 | 2019-02-01 | 24/04/2019 14:43 |
217640 | EMMANSECMX | Employed in the manufacturing sector | Personal ocupado en el sector manufacturero | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Base index 2008 = 100 | Índice base 2008 = 100 | 2007-01-01 | 2019-02-01 | 22/04/2019 13:08 |
444899 | UNDREMRTMX | Underemployment rate | Tasa de subocupación | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Percentage of occupation | Porcentaje de la población ocupada | 2005-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
444884 | UNEMRTDSMX | Unemployment rate | Tasa de desocupación, serie unificada_Total (mensual) | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Millions of MXN at current prices | Millones de pesos a precios corrientes | 2005-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
444885 | NTUNRTCCMX | National_Unemployment_Rate_Cyclical_Component | Tasa desempleo nacional (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Millions of MXN at current prices | Millones de pesos a precios corrientes | 2005-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
444900 | NTSUOCRTSAMX | National_Subocupation_Rate_SA | Tasa subocupación nacional | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Percentage of occupation | Porcentaje de la población ocupada | 2005-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
444911 | TDUAMX | Urban_Unemployment_Rate_SA | Tasa de desempleo urbana | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Millions of MXN at current prices | Millones de pesos a precios corrientes | 2005-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
444912 | TDUCCMX | Urban_Unemployment_Rate_Cyclical_Component | Tasa de desempleo urbana (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Millions of MXN at current prices | Millones de pesos a precios corrientes | 2005-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
668897 | TSUBUAMX | Urban_Subocupation_Rate_SA | Tasa de subocupación urbana | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Percentage of occupation | Porcentaje de la población ocupada | 2005-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
668900 | TSUBCCMX | Urban_Subocupation_Rate_Cyclical_Component | Tasa de subocupación urbana (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Labor market | Mercado Laboral | Percentage of occupation | Porcentaje de la población ocupada | 2005-01-01 | 2021-03-01 | 22/04/2021 15:41 |
652372 | MANEMPSMX | Manufacturing_Employment_SA_2013 | Manufactura Empleo_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Manufacturing | Manufactura | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2007-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 19/04/2021 16:16 |
652375 | MANEMCCMX | Manufacturing_Employment_Cyclical_Component | Manufactura Empleo (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Manufacturing | Manufactura | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2007-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 19/04/2021 16:16 |
652540 | MAHOWKSMX | Manufacturing_Hours_Worked_SA_2013 | Horas trabajadas en la Industria Manufacturera_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Manufacturing | Manufactura | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2007-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 19/04/2021 16:16 |
652543 | MAHOWCCMX | Manufacturing_Hours_Worked_Cyclical_Component | Horas trabajadas en la Industria Manufacturera (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Manufacturing | Manufactura | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2007-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 19/04/2021 16:16 |
652708 | MARWGSAMX | Manufacturing_Real_Wages_SA_2013 | Salarios reales de la Industria Manufacturera_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Manufacturing | Manufactura | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2007-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 19/04/2021 16:16 |
652711 | MAEWGCCMX | Manufacturing_Real_Wages_Cyclical_Component | Salarios reales de la Industria Manufacturera (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Manufacturing | Manufactura | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2007-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 19/04/2021 16:16 |
642268 | MANUTRATMX | Manufacturing_Utilization_Rate | Tasa de utilización de la Manufactura | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Manufacturing | Manufactura | Percentage | Porcentaje | 2013-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 19/04/2021 16:16 |
654025 | RETSAINDMX | Retail sales index | Índice de ventas netas en términos reales. Al por menor | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
127553 | NEWHSAMX | Net wholesale sales | Ventas netas al por mayor | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2003 = 100 | Índice base 2003 = 100 | 2001-01-01 | 2014-07-01 | 23/09/2014 14:17 |
127561 | NERETSALMX | Net retail sales | Ventas netas al por menor | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2003 = 100 | Índice base 2003 = 100 | 2001-01-01 | 2014-07-01 | 23/09/2014 14:17 |
654033 | RETWHEMSAMX | Retail_Wholesale_Employment_SA_2013 | Empleo en el comercio al por mayor_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654036 | RETWHECCMX | Retail_Wholesale_Employment_Cyclical_Component | Empleo en el comercio al por mayor (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654040 | RTWHWGSMX | Retail_Wholesale_Wages_SA_2013 | Salarios del comercio mayorista_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654043 | RTWHTSAMX | Retail_Wholesale_Wages_Cyclical_Component | Salarios del comercio mayorista (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654047 | RTWHTRVSMX | Retail_Wholesale_Total_Revenues_SA_2013 | Ingresos totales del comercio al por mayor_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654050 | RTWHTRCCMX | Retail_Wholesale_Total_Revenues_Cyclical_Component | Ingresos totales del comercio al por mayor (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654432 | RTWCOSSMX | Retail_Wholesale_Cost_of_Sales_SA_2013 | Costo de ventas al por mayor_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654435 | RTWJCOSCCMX | Retail_Wholesale_Cost_of_Sales_Cyclical_Component | Costo de ventas al por mayor_Base 2013 (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654439 | RTEMPSAMX | Retail_Employment_SA_2013 | Empleo al por menor_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654442 | RTEMPCCMX | Retail_Employment_Cyclical_Component | Empleo al por menor_Base 2013 (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654446 | RTWAGSAMX | Retail_Wages_SA_2013 | Salarios al por menor_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654449 | RTWAGCCMX | Retail_Wages_Cyclical_Component | Salarios al por menor_Base 2013 (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654453 | RTSALINMX | Retail sales index | Índice de ventas netas en términos reales. Al por menor | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654456 | RTTRCCMX | Retail_Total_Revenues_Cyclical_Component | Índice de ventas netas en términos reales. Al por menor (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654880 | RTCOSSAMX | Retail_Cost_of_Sales_SA_2013 | Costo de ventas comercio minorista_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
654883 | RTCOSACCMX | Retail_Cost_of_Sales_Cyclical_Component | Costo de ventas comercio minorista (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Retail | Comercio Minorista | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
504897 | GCOACTSECMX | Government consumption by activity sector | Gastos de consumo de gobierno general, por sector de actividad económica. A precios 2013 (Total) | Original | Original | Anual | Annual | Savings-Investment | Ahorro e Inversión | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | 1905-06-25 | 1905-07-11 | 1/10/2020 14:20:00 |
496746 | GRSFXINVDMX | Gross fixed investment | Formación bruta de capital fijo total (Inversión fija bruta) | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Savings-Investment | Ahorro e Inversión | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 7/4/2021 15:20:00 |
496700 | GRSFXINVMX | Gross fixed investment | Formación bruta de capital fijo total (Inversión fija bruta) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Savings-Investment | Ahorro e Inversión | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 1993-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 7/4/2021 15:20:00 |
628330 | FZCFSAPMX | Fixed_Capital_Formation_SA_2013_Percent_GDP | Formación de Capital Fijo_Base 2013_PIB_Porcentaje | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | Savings-Investment | Ahorro e Inversión | Percentage of GDP | Porcentaje del PIB | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
628333 | FZCFSAPCCMX | Fixed_Capital_Formation_SA_2013_Percent_Cyclical_Component | Formación de Capital Fijo_Base 2013 (componente cíclico) | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | Savings-Investment | Ahorro e Inversión | Percentage of GDP | Porcentaje del PIB | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
628337 | DFXCFSPMX | Domestic_Fixed_Capital_Formation_SA_2013_Percent_GDP | Formación del Capital Doméstico_Base 2013_PIB_Porcentaje | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | Savings-Investment | Ahorro e Inversión | Percentage of GDP | Porcentaje del PIB | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
628340 | DFXCFSPCCMX | Domestic_Fixed_Capital_Formation_SA_2013_Percent_Cyclical_Component | Formación del Capital Doméstico_Base 2013 (componente cíclico) | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | Savings-Investment | Ahorro e Inversión | Percentage of GDP | Porcentaje del PIB | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
628344 | FGFCFSPMX | Foreign_Fixed_Capital_Formation_SA_2013_Percent_GDP | Formación_del_Capital_Fijo_Extranjero_Base 2013_Porcentual | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | Savings-Investment | Ahorro e Inversión | Percentage of GDP | Porcentaje del PIB | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
628347 | FGFCFSPCCMX | Foreign_Fixed_Capital_Formation_SA_2013_Percent_Cyclical_Component | Formación_del_Capital_Fijo_Extranjero_Base 2013 (componente cíclico) | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Trimestral | Quarterly | Savings-Investment | Ahorro e Inversión | Percentage of GDP | Porcentaje del PIB | 1993-01-01 | 2020-10-01 | 19/03/2021 16:37 |
653033 | SINEMSAMX | Service_Industry_Employment_SA_2013 | Empleo en la Industria de los servicios_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Services | Servicios | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
653036 | SINEMCCMX | Service_Industry_Employment_Cyclical_Component | Empleo en la Industria de los servicios (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Services | Servicios | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
653110 | SINWASAMX | Service_Industry_Wages_SA_2013 | Salarios de la Industria de servicios_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Services | Servicios | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
653113 | SIWACCMX | Service_Industry_Wages_Cyclical_Component | Salarios de la Industria de servicios (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Services | Servicios | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
652963 | SINTRSAMX | Service_Industry_Total_Revenues_SA_2013 | Servicios industria ingresos totales_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Services | Servicios | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
652966 | SINTRCCMX | Service_Industry_Total_Revenues_Cyclical_Component | Servicios industria ingresos totales (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Services | Servicios | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
653103 | SINCOSSMX | Service_Industry_Cost_of_Sales_SA_2013 | Costo de ventas de la Industria de servicios_Base 2013 | Desestacionalizada | Seasonally Adjusted | Mensual | Monthly | Services | Servicios | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
653106 | SINCSCCMX | Service_Industry_Cost_of_Sales_Cyclical_Component | Costo de ventas de la Industria de servicios (componente cíclico) | Original | Original | Mensual | Monthly | Services | Servicios | Base index 2013=100 | Índice base 2013=100 | 2008-01-01 | 2021-02-01 | 23/04/2021 17:47 |
493645 | GRDPMPYVMX | Gross Domestic Product at market prices, YoY variation | Producto Interno Bruto a precios de mercado, variación anual (a/a%) | Original | Original | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Year-on-year percentage change | Variación porcentual interanual | 1981-01-01 | 2021-01-01 | 2021-04-30 |
496903 | GRDPCPQVMX | Gross Domestic Product at constant prices, QoQ variation | Producto Interno Bruto a precios constantes, base 2013, variación trimestral (t/t%) | Original | Original | Trimestral | Quarterly | GDP | PIB | Quarter-over-quarter percentage change | Variación porcentual trimestral | 1980-04-01 | 2021-04-01 | 2021-03-19 |
496980 | GRDPCUPQVMX | Gross Domestic Product at current prices, QoQ variation | Producto Interno Bruto a precios corrientes, base 2013, variación trimestral (t/t%) | Original | Original | GDP | PIB | Quarter-over-quarter percentage change | Variación porcentual trimestral | |||||
494071 | GRDPCUPYVMX | Gross Domestic Product at current prices, YoY variation | Producto Interno Bruto a precios corrientes, base 2013, variación anual (a/a%) | Original | Original | GDP | PIB | Year-on-year percentage change | Variación porcentual interanual |
1.3.1 Aux INEGI
units_code | unidades | units |
units_code | unidades | units |
4 | Kilogramos | Kilograms |
22 | Millones de USD | USD, million |
35 | Toneladas | Tons |
60 | Variación porcentual | Percentage change |
136 | Porcentaje | Percentage |
169 | Número de personas | Number of people |
174 | Millones de pesos a precios corrientes | Millions of MXN at current prices |
187 | Índice base 2003 = 100 | Base index 2003 = 100 |
191 | Porcentaje de la población ocupada | Percentage of occupation |
204 | Puntos | Points |
210 | Millones de pesos a precios de 2003 | Millions of MXN at 2003 prices |
212 | Millones de pesos a precios corrientes | Millions of MXN at current prices |
233 | Índice base 2008 = 100 | Base index 2008 = 100 |
259 | Miles de pesos a precios de junio de 2012 | Thousands of MXN at June 2012 prices |
298 | Miles de pesos constantes | Thousands of constant MXN |
315 | Índice base 2013=100 | Base index 2013=100 |
317 | Millones de pesos a precios de 2013 | Millions of MXN at 2013 prices |
321 | Variación porcentual interanual | Year-on-year percentage change |
9999 | Porcentaje del PIB | Percentage of GDP |
1.4 DBnomics
Provider | URL | Region.Country |
Provider | URL | Region.Country |
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis | | US |
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics | | US |
Congressional Budget Office macro economic database | | US |
U.S. Energy Information Agency | | US |
Federal Reserve Board of Governors | | US |
Federal Housing Finance Agency | | US |
Institute for Supply Management | | US |
U.S. National Association of Realtors | | US |
Surveys of Consumers, University Michigan | | US |
1.5 Zona Euro
Theme | URL | Region.Country |
Theme | URL | Region.Country |
General & Regional Statistics | | EZ |
Economy & Finance | | EZ |
Population & Social Conditions | | EZ |
Industry, trade, and services | | EZ |
Agriculture and fisheries | | EZ |
International trade | | EZ |
Transport | | EZ |
Environment and energy | | EZ |
Science, technology, digital society | | EZ |
Euro Indicators | | EZ |
1.8 Xignite
1.8.1 GlobalRealTime
This API offers real-time quotes for equities trading on U.S. and international exchanges. In addition to last price and stock quote (bid/ask) data, the API also provides intraday tick data, volume and time weighted average prices and other market statistics including open, high, low, close, opening/closing auction prices and other data for active equities, depository receipts and ETFs.
- Key Features
- Ability to request real-time quotes data for one or multiple securities at a time
- Security identification by symbol, CUSIP, ISIN, or Valoren (where supported)
- Timestamps provided in local market time with a UTC offset
- Indicator for most liquid exchange
- Intraday Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) tick data
- Summarized bar data by second, minute or hourly customized periodicity bars or chart bars
- Automatic adjustment of previous day data based on corporate actions (splits, etc.)
- Extended hours support for U.S. exchanges and others (where supported)
- Support for top market movers, losers and gainers by exchange
- Auction prices from opening/closing sessions
- Key Benefits
- High responsive API you can use for all your visual real-time applications
- Use a single easy-to-use, scalable API to obtain real-time stock quotes for global exchanges
- Easily embed real-time quotes in your applications–including spreadsheets, websites, mobile apps and other corporate applications
- Dramatically reduce time to market for apps that need real-time stock prices
- Eliminate the pains and complexity of integrating legacy feeds by using cloud APIs
- Power your historical and intraday charts using highly scalable chart bars
- Engage customers with real-time market alerts (premium)
- Data Coverage At-A-Glance
- Asset Class: Equities, ETFs, Warrants and other instruments (as traded by supported exchanges)
- Exchanges Covered (use this API for a full list):
- North America: NYSE, NYSE MKT (Formerly AMEX), NYSE Arca, NASDAQ, OTCBB, TSX, TSX Venture, TSX Last Sale, Canadian Securities Exchange.
- Global: CBOE Europe (Formerly BATS Chi-X Europe), LSE London Stock Exchange (UK and International), NSE India, BMF Bovespa, Börse Stuttgart
- Please contact sales for a complete exchange list or if you need additional exchanges
- Market Features:
- Exchange list, symbol list, symbol changes
- Pre-market and post-market trades (after hours)
- Trading halt processing
- Down to one-second bars for U.S. securities
- Chart bars (premium feature) available for up to 5 years of history
- Supports Market Data Alerts
- Limit up/Limit down support
- Opening/Closing auction prices
- UTC offset
- Streaming option available
- Key Data Points
- Security: Name, CIK, Symbol, ISIN, valoren, market, most liquid exchange indicator, Industry
- Stock Quote: Bid, bid size, ask, ask size, last, previous close, previous close date, change, percent change, open, high, low, close, volume, currency, market date and time, UTC offset, 52 week high/low, trading halted indicator, auction prices.
- Bars: Open, high, low, close, volume, number of trades, TWAP , VWAP
- Markets: Percent gainers, percent losers, and most active
1.8.2 NASDAQLastSale
This API offers real time stock quotes for securities trading on NASDAQ and listed on NASDAQ, NYSE, NYSE MKT (formerly AMEX) and other US Exchanges. Powered by the NASDAQ Last Sale and NASDAQ Basic services. This API provides reliable, accurate and affordable price and quote data for all U.S. equity markets with liquidity within the NASDAQ market center and FINRA/NASDAQ TRF. In order to display this real time data publicly via internet, mobile devices and other electronic media, exchange approval is required along with datafeed and user exchange fees. Please contact us for details.
- Key Features
- Real-time last sale price with NASDAQ best bid and offer data for NASDAQ-traded security (requires exchange approval for NASDAQ Basic)
- Consolidated Volume with real-time NASDAQ Last Sale trades or NASDAQ Basic trades and quotes is also available through Xignite (requires an additional subscription to XigniteSuperQuotes)
- Coverage for NYSE, NASDAQ, and NYSE MKT listed-securities trading on NASDAQ
- Request real time data for one or multiple securities at a time
- Key Benefits
- Access to real-time data with flexible user exchange pricing
- Highly accurate coverage of securities traded in US markets
- Data can be displayed on web sites and mobile apps
- No licensing difference between pro and non-pro users for only Last Sale data
- Easily embed real-time equity prices in your applications–including spreadsheets, websites, mobile apps and other corporate applications
- Dramatically reduce time to market for apps that need US real-time equity prices
- Eliminate the pains and complexity of legacy feeds by using cloud APIs
- Data Coverage At-A-Glance
- Asset Classes: Equities, ETFs and other instruments traded on US equity markets
- Exchanges Covered: NASDAQ traded instruments listed on NASDAQ, NYSE, and NYSE MKT (AMEX), BATS, or DirectEdge
- Key Data Points
- Security: Company Name, Symbol
- Real time Quote: Last, Change, Percent Change, Open, High, Low, Close, Previous Close Date, Volume, Bid, Bid Size, Ask, Ask Size, Trading Halt, Status, Datetime (local market)
1.8.3 SuperQuotes
This smart API provides integrated access to intraday real-time and delayed quotes for multiple asset classes including equities, funds and indices. The API automatically routes and sources the right information based on your entitlement preferences and allows you to continue using the same API as you add new asset classes or exchange entitlements to your subscriptions.
XigniteSuperQuotes currently integrates data from the following APIs: XigniteGlobalQuotes (delayed equities), XigniteGlobalRealTime (real-time equities), XigniteBATSRealTime (real-time equities), XigniteNASDAQLastSale (real-time equities), XigniteNAVs (mutual funds), XigniteGlobalIndices (delayed indices) and XigniteGlobalIndicesRealtime (real-time indices).
- Key Features
- Support for Consolidated Volume with NASDAQ Last Sale trades or NASDAQ Basic trades and quotes. +Support for multiple asset classes (equities, funds, indices). Additional asset classes (forex, metals, futures, options) coming soon. +Smart automatic routing based on your exchange entitlements.
- Key Benefits
- Simplified development with a single API for a wide data set.
- Single API for delayed or real-time support. No need to call a different API based on your exchange entitlements.
- Single endpoint for multiple asset class support. No need to call a different API based on the asset class you are requesting.
- Data Coverage At-A-Glance
- Asset Classes: Equities, Funds, Indices Exchanges Covered:
- North America: NASDAQ Mutual Funds, NYSE, NYSE MKT, NASDAQ, OTCBB, TSX, TSX Venture
- South America: BOVESPA, Lima, Santiago
- Europe: Athens, BATS Chi-X Europe, BME (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia), Budapest, Deutsche Borse (XETRA and Regionals), Stuttgart, Irish, LSE, Muscat, NASDAQ OMX Nordic , NASDAQ OMX Baltic, NYSE Euronext, Oslo, Prague, SIX Swiss, Tel Aviv, Vienna, Warsaw
- Asia-Pacific: ASX, Bombay, HKEx, KRX, NZX, Shanghai, Shenzhen, SGX, Tokyo
- Africa: Johannesburg
- Timeliness: Real-Time and Delayed.