Research Methods
Chapter 1 About
Analytic epidemiology research methods applied to astrological research for example, a math equation a2+b2=c2.
1.2 Brief description 1
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Golden Rectangle
Golden rectangle derived from unit cube (b1 struts). Relative lengths of unit square diagonal (g1), unit cube diagonal (2 y1) and golden rectangle diagonal (2 r0) shown.
b0 = 1/Phi b1 = 1 b2 = Phi
g0 = g1/Phi g1 = sqrt(2) g2 = g1Phi
y0 = y1/Phi y1 = (sqrt(3))/2 y2 = y1Phi
r0 = (sqrt(1 + 1/Phi^2))/2 r1 = r0Phi r2 = r1Phi