Chronicles of Grandma’s Closet
0.2 Andrew’s Notes
To render the book used the following code, you must do this before knitting the GitBook (webpage)
::render_book("index.Rmd", "bookdown::gitbook")
bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd", "bookdown::pdf_book", encoding="UTF-8")
bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd", "bookdown::epub_book")
# after previewing the book
# Which is done by running these lines
# To stop the process run (or you can restart your session)
::daemon_stop("981593464") servr
The _output.yml
contains the header arguments. I would but them here so its cleaner and easier to read the code.
0.3 Andrew’s Resources
These resources are not relevant for students but they are to me.
- Book on editing your gitbook
- Decent breakdown on creating your own book
- https://slides.yihui.org/2017-rmarkdown-UNL-Yihui-Xie.html#1
- This post incorporates several types (YouTube, GitBook, GIF, learnr) into one gitbook export. I’m not sure how he did it so the code might be revealing.
- Breakdown of RMarkdown