1  LSOA Maps

The below maps display the prevalence of various conditions across the geographical area of the Woodspring locality.

Dark blue shaded areas indicate a higher prevalence of the respective condition, compared to light blue which show lower prevalence. Clicking on an LSOA will bring up a tooltip with additional information, including the IMD of the LSOA and the condition count. LSOAs with low counts of each condition have been excluded to provide more a more visually accurate representation.

1.1 Drug Dependency

The below LSOA map highlights the areas in Woodspring where the prevalence of drug dependency is highest.

Drug dependency defined as patients coded as having a dependency to either opioids,cocaine,cannabis or benzos.

LSOAs with <5 patients with drug dependency excluded.

1.2 Alcohol Dependency

The below LSOA map highlights the areas in Woodspring where the prevalence of alcohol dependency is highest.

Alcohol dependency defined as patients coded as having a dependency to alcohol.

LSOAs with <10 patients with alcohol dependency excluded.

1.3 Mental Health (General)

The below LSOA map highlights the areas in Woodspring where the prevalence of alcohol dependency is highest.

Mental Health (General) defined as patients coded as having either sad, depression, qof depression or qof mental.

LSOAs with <50 patients with mental health (general) excluded.

1.4 Personality Disorders

The below LSOA map highlights the areas in Woodspring where the prevalence of personality disorders is highest.

Personality Disorders defined as patients coded as having a personality disorder.

LSOAs with <2 patients with personality disorders excluded.

1.5 Self Harm

The below LSOA map highlights the areas in Woodspring where the prevalence of self harm is highest.

Self harm defined as patients coded as ever having self harm problems.

LSOAs with <7 patients with self harm excluded.