Posit Connect User Guide

Version 2023.07.0


Posit Connect connects you and the work you do with others as never before. Only Posit Connect provides:

  • “One button” deployment into a single environment for Shiny applications, R Markdown documents, Plumber APIs, Python Jupyter notebooks, Quarto documents and projects, or any static R plot or graph.

  • Extended deployment capabilities supporting Python APIs and applications using Shiny, Flask, Dash, FastAPI, Bokeh, and Streamlit, as well as automated deployments for any content type via Git or command-line scripts.

  • The ability to manage and limit access to the work you’ve shared with others - and easily see the work they’ve shared with you.

  • “Hands free” scheduling of updates to your documents and automatic email distribution.

For more information on running Posit Connect in your organization please visit https://posit.co/products/enterprise/connect/.