A Bayesian Introduction to Fish Population Analysis
This book is based in large part on material I developed while teaching (1991-2014) at NC State University. My hope is that the book will be a bridge between traditional fisheries analytical methods and Bayesian approaches that offer many advantages in ecological modeling. The book might be useful as an upper-level undergraduate or early graduate text, or for a working fisheries biologist interested in a hands-on introduction to Bayesian methods. The format for the book follows that used in two key references: Kéry (2010) and Kéry and Schaub (2011). I have benefited greatly from working through their material, but any errors are mine. I welcome constructive feedback so please contact me (email: jhightower@ncsu.edu) if you encounter errors or just see something that could be written more clearly.
The suggested format for citing this book is: Hightower, Joseph E. 2024. A Bayesian Introduction to Fish Population Analysis. https://bookdown.org/Joseph_Hightower/bayesianfish/
This book has been prepared using the bookdown package (Xie 2023). Package names (e.g., bookdown) will be indicated by bold text; typewriter font will indicate inline code (e.g., x^y
) or a function name (followed by parentheses, e.g., mean()
). Historical images included in the text are in the public domain and available from the digital collection at the University of Washington libraries.

Goode 1887